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A mod for LGBT issues?

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A mod for the minorities?

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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby riskllama on Fri Aug 12, 2016 8:37 pm

Symmetry wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
riskllama wrote:sym, how many LGBT folks do you think are here?

More than you might think, mate.

As a counterpoint, how many LGBT people do you think are here?

And how many do you think are openly so?

wtf is this supposed to mean? give me a number or f*ck off...
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Symmetry on Fri Aug 12, 2016 8:56 pm

riskllama wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
riskllama wrote:sym, how many LGBT folks do you think are here?

More than you might think, mate.

As a counterpoint, how many LGBT people do you think are here?

And how many do you think are openly so?

wtf is this supposed to mean? give me a number or f*ck off...

How would you do with, say, 3?
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby riskllama on Fri Aug 12, 2016 8:58 pm

3 what? total or openly LGBT? i assume you mean open, right? off the top of my head, i can think of two, including you. and i know for a fact that he doesn't give a f*ck about LGBT issues here @ CC because most people come here to play the game, not troll the forums exclusively.
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby DoomYoshi on Fri Aug 12, 2016 8:59 pm

Nice! A third person has joined camp YES. We will soon have a mod to battle the tyranny of the LGBT community.
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby ConfederateSS on Fri Aug 12, 2016 9:52 pm

BrutalBob wrote:
ConfederateSS wrote:--------I ACCEPT... O:) ... :D :D :D :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)...I will not let people forget....REMEMBER ORLANDO :!: :!: :!: ......The new......THE BATTLE CRY.......of THE CSA... :D :D :D .ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D :D :D ....Hey, worked for The ALAMO.... 8-)

I was against this but given this nomination it now has my full support.

(I think Sym has foed you, so this could be funny too)

------I never vote in polls....BUT I JUST MADE IT 4....
------The thread says...LGBT issues...
------The poll says.....Minorities...According to Serbia...I represent the most minority in THE WORLD...The Muslims out number MY PEOPLE.....ATTACK THE WEST.....Not to mention they make it a point to KILL LGBT's in their countries...WE MUST STOP THEM...The CSA now helps the cause to fight against the crescent moon... :D ....I second my nomination... =D> FREEDOM =D> ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:) THE CSA ....NOW PROTECTING THE RIGHTS OF MINORITIES WORLDWIDE....FROM RADICAL ISLAM OPPRESSION... :D :D :D :D
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby DoomYoshi on Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:11 pm

Me, Confed, Symm and the mystery voter are like the BroForce 4. Together, we can tackle oppression!
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sat Aug 13, 2016 5:29 am

- My opinion is who cares about who is gay, who is str8, who is bent and who is spent, We are all Ants crawling around on the same planet. There are really nice respectful gay people, and there's also nasty, but that goes for every color and creed. Today's "gay" is not the same as 30-40 year ago "gay" in the sense it's more accepted and no one has to keep it locked in a closet. My daughter (15) is close friends with a 15 yr old openly gay boy, He's very respectful/kind and doesn't get into trouble. I'm sorry Symm, but there's really no problem anymore, the fight has been over for quite some time, This to me is like Black people still reeling about slavery, It's all been over for quite some time, And everyone should accept the fact that a hater is a hater, and that will never be over with.

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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby BrutalBob on Sat Aug 13, 2016 5:44 am

DoomYoshi wrote:Me, Confed, Symm and the mystery voter are like the BroForce 4. Together, we can tackle oppression!


Now that sounds like a team that could tackle anything!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby ConfederateSS on Sat Aug 13, 2016 9:37 am

BrutalBob wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:Me, Confed, Symm and the mystery voter are like the BroForce 4. Together, we can tackle oppression!


Now that sounds like a team that could tackle anything!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

-----------We are going to need a catchy theme song.... :D
------BroForce 4 They're our HEROS...Bring the oppression level down to zero.
------It worked for "Captain Planet". ;) ...Man I hope the mystery voter is Jesus Noir... It will be like having our own Jessie Jackson... 8-) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D We could also form a C***(I'm not allowed to use this word.Wouldn't want to be labeled a bad person.). Fight on Conquer C*** Wars...Oh! Wait! Sym doesn't play games...Well there goes that idea. :( :D :D
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Aug 13, 2016 2:44 pm

This suggestion is very gay.
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Symmetry on Sat Aug 13, 2016 3:02 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:This suggestion is very gay.

LGBT, as a term, covers a lot of groups other than the G for Gay.

It's kinda something that people tend to ignore or dismiss, but there's a whole spectrum of people out there who aren't cisgender.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Symmetry on Sat Aug 13, 2016 4:44 pm

MagnusGreeol wrote:- My opinion is who cares about who is gay, who is str8, who is bent and who is spent, We are all Ants crawling around on the same planet. There are really nice respectful gay people, and there's also nasty, but that goes for every color and creed. Today's "gay" is not the same as 30-40 year ago "gay" in the sense it's more accepted and no one has to keep it locked in a closet. My daughter (15) is close friends with a 15 yr old openly gay boy, He's very respectful/kind and doesn't get into trouble. I'm sorry Symm, but there's really no problem anymore, the fight has been over for quite some time, This to me is like Black people still reeling about slavery, It's all been over for quite some time, And everyone should accept the fact that a hater is a hater, and that will never be over with.


No need to be sorry, it sounds like you've raised a great kid.

I disagree with your argument that sexuality and race aren't issues anymore. They really are current problems. Racism didn't go away with abolition, and homophobia didn't evaporate with your daughter.

I understand your take, but it isn't that easy.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby riskllama on Sat Aug 13, 2016 5:57 pm

the only problems i can fathom for LGBT's here are the constant arguing over who gets to be pink and/or purple, sym - let it go...
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Symmetry on Sat Aug 13, 2016 6:12 pm

riskllama wrote:the only problems i can fathom for LGBT's here are the constant arguing over who gets to be pink and/or purple, sym - let it go...

Damn, I'll ask the secret LGBT committee to look at other colours. I can't make any promises, but hopefully they'll consider some kind of spectrum of visual light- a rainbow, if you like.

the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby riskllama on Sat Aug 13, 2016 6:15 pm

nah, don't bother, sym - it's not that big a deal.
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby riskllama on Sat Aug 13, 2016 6:21 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:Nice! A third person has joined camp YES. We will soon have a mod to battle the tranny of the LGBT community.

wtf, DY???
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Symmetry on Sat Aug 13, 2016 6:28 pm

riskllama wrote:nah, don't bother, sym - it's not that big a deal.

What a relief.

the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby mookiemcgee on Sat Aug 13, 2016 6:52 pm

Symmetry wrote:
WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:
waauw wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
riskllama wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:Can we also have an LGBT forum where Symmetry can f*ck off too and stop posting here?

he would probly be about as popular there, too.

Not everything is a popularity contest. Sometimes, speaking for a minority, or at least asking for a minority to have a voice that doesn't immediately get slapped down is unpopular.

A tyranny of the majority is always going to be a systematic problem in a governing system.

Dude seriously. If you want to help the website and become a mod, then go ahead and volunteer. Last time I heard they had a shortage of active volunteers anyway. Nobody is holding you back.

Fyi, I don't know why you expect people to completely respect your opinions. This is the internet, infamous for its flamers, bigots and trolls.
People use the internet to vent their real life frustrations and desires, from what I can read you seem to do the same.

Except there are two possibilities here:

1) Sym is the only LGBT on the site. Thus a mod clearly isnt needed as he looks aftrr himself.

2) There are other LGBT players on the site, but they also dislike Symm and would like it be known that he doesnt represent him. Thus Symm would be the worst choice of mod anyway....

And anyway, there clearly is no need of a mod when ordinary members are able to correct others in a civil manner. As per Mookie and Doom.

I have no interest in being a mod, dude, although it was kinda funny how far "the black Jesus" freaked out, when he learned they'd asked me.

I do think that an LGBT mod though. For many years the rules for mods were written by a Southern Baptist. Needless to say, "gay" was a taboo word.

I'm not proposing an LGBT mod re-write the rules, bit perhaps it would be a good idea for a member of the mod team to consider LGBT issues.

I don't want that responsibility, but you indicate that you know people who might better suit the role.

You still think there is a need for a LBGT mod in spite of the results of your survey?

Was the survey just a red herring? If everyone thinks there is a need for a LBGT mod then there is a need... but if everyone votes there is no you'll just say it proves everyone is wrong on homophobia is clearly rampant on CC, on account of the denial here that there is even a need? Not trying to get you going again, but I think you should respect the results of your own survey and drop the idea. More people voted 'kittens are cute' than voted for Measure-S on this ballot.

I think it would be healthy to have a mod who identifies as LBGT personally(and I highly doubt there is anything currently standing in the way of this), but I think I and almost everyone else DO NOT think we need a mod for LBGT issues.
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Symmetry on Sat Aug 13, 2016 7:13 pm

mookiemcgee wrote:

You still think there is a need for a LBGT mod in spite of the results of your survey?

Was the survey just a red herring? If everyone thinks there is a need for a LBGT mod then there is a need... but if everyone votes there is no you'll just say it proves everyone is wrong on homophobia is clearly rampant on CC, on account of the denial here that there is even a need? Not trying to get you going again, but I think you should respect the results of your own survey and drop the idea. More people voted 'kittens are cute' than voted for Measure-S on this ballot.

I think it would be healthy to have a mod who identifies as LBGT personally(and I highly doubt there is anything currently standing in the way of this), but I think I and almost everyone else DO NOT think we need a mod for LBGT issues.

The poll was for people who weren't interested in discussing the issue. The folks who voted against the idea of an LGBT moderator quickly outnumbered the people who could articulate their ideas.

I haven't even voted in it yet.

I'm more interested in talking to people than polling. Does that answer your question?
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby riskllama on Sat Aug 13, 2016 7:38 pm

Symmetry wrote:
I'm more interested in trolling. Does that answer your question?

sym, may i direct you to Global Chat? it would be a whole new theatre of operations for you. you could go toe to toe with catstevens until one of you literally falls asleep at the keyboard.
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Symmetry on Sat Aug 13, 2016 7:51 pm

riskllama wrote:
riskllama wrote:
I'm more interested in trolling. Does that answer your question?

sym, may i direct you to Global Chat? it would be a whole new theatre of operations for you. you could go toe to toe with catstevens until one of you literally falls asleep at the keyboard.
*DISCLAIMER : put on your helmet and kneepads, tho : your sexual orientation WILL be attacked*
fair ye be warned, says i.

Lame, llama.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby riskllama on Sat Aug 13, 2016 8:23 pm

*llame, sym - it's "llame"*
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby DoomYoshi on Sat Aug 13, 2016 9:41 pm

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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Symmetry on Sat Aug 13, 2016 10:07 pm

Huh? What are you trying to say, DY?
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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