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A mod for LGBT issues?

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A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Symmetry on Sat Jul 23, 2016 10:14 pm

Is it worth having a mod dedicated to opening up the forums to LGBT issues? What about opening the forums to other minority groups?

I'd be interested in seeing people's takes on this with a view to making a suggestion thread based on feedback.
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Butters1919 on Sat Jul 23, 2016 10:33 pm

Symmetry wrote:What about opening the forums to other minority groups?

I'm quite certain that the forums are not currently closed to anyone. I don't recall being asked my sexual orientation, race or gender when signing up. Although I don't miss him, I'm quite certain this is where the BJ would have inserted a picture of someone flogging a dead horse, and I would not have disagreed with him.

Besides, there are only a couple of dozen active posters. Should we all just get our own sub-forum and talk to ourselves?
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby riskllama on Sat Jul 23, 2016 10:39 pm

Symmetry wrote:Is it worth having a mod dedicated to opening up the forums to LGBT issues? What about opening the forums to other minority groups?

I'd be interested in seeing people's takes on this with a view to making a suggestion thread based on feedback.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Symmetry on Sat Jul 23, 2016 10:45 pm

Butters1919 wrote:
Symmetry wrote:What about opening the forums to other minority groups?

I'm quite certain that the forums are not currently closed to anyone. I don't recall being asked my sexual orientation, race or gender when signing up. Although I don't miss him, I'm quite certain this is where the BJ would have inserted a picture of someone flogging a dead horse, and I would not have disagreed with him.

Besides, there are only a couple of dozen active posters. Should we all just get our own sub-forum and talk to ourselves?

No, mate, just that perhaps we should be allowed to talk for ourselves, and for others like us, without the kind of trolling you mention.

Could I be cheeky and ask if you think diversity is a good idea at all?
Last edited by Symmetry on Sat Jul 23, 2016 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Butters1919 on Sat Jul 23, 2016 10:50 pm

Symmetry wrote:No, mate, just that perhaps we should be allowed to talk for ourselves, and for others like us, without the kind of trolling you mention.

Go for it. I don't see any recent evidence to suggest that there are any barriers. Then again, I stay away from Off Topics (or whatever it's currently called). If that's where the issues lie, I'd take the discussion there.

If I'm missing something, point me to it so I can see for myself.
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby riskllama on Sat Jul 23, 2016 10:53 pm

sym, perhaps you should've adhered to CC's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. if you would've kept yer fool cake hole shut, you wouldn't have to constantly whine about this shit... :idea:
now, please go away - again.
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Butters1919 on Sat Jul 23, 2016 11:03 pm

Symmetry wrote:Could I be cheeky and ask if you think diversity is a good idea at all?

I think diversity is a great idea. I just don't see any evidence to suggest this website discourages it. As I say though, maybe I'm missing something. Point me to it, should it exist, so I can judge for myself. And I don't mean something from years and years ago. Something recent.
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Symmetry on Sat Jul 23, 2016 11:09 pm

riskllama wrote:sym, perhaps you should've adhered to CC's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. if you would've kept yer fool cake hole shut, you wouldn't have to constantly whine about this shit... :idea:
now, please go away - again.

Dude, I've asked you nicely for the death wish posts to stop. I'm gonna leave it here. The nightmarish death threads should be a thing of the past.

You've been consistently one of the posters who threaten and insinuate death every time I suggest that people should be able to post without threats.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Symmetry on Sat Jul 23, 2016 11:15 pm

Butters1919 wrote:
Symmetry wrote:Could I be cheeky and ask if you think diversity is a good idea at all?

I think diversity is a great idea. I just don't see any evidence to suggest this website discourages it. As I say though, maybe I'm missing something. Point me to it, should it exist, so I can judge for myself. And I don't mean something from years and years ago. Something recent.

Hopefully you've seen riskllama's posts, in thread. I hope you don't mind me saying, as I truly don't know if it applies for you, but people tend to dismiss things if they don't directly affect themselves.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby BrutalBob on Sun Jul 24, 2016 1:19 am

I think the problem with this suggestion is that we run the risk of any minority group demanding their own mod.

As you well know Sym, there are a couple of Nazi sympathisers on the site.

What will you do when they ask for a mod to look out for their specific issues? You know they could easily claim there is a bias against them and to be honest, I would have to agree with them. You in particular have been not very inclusive of certain minorities (eg aforementioned Nazis and their sypathisers).

You could start something that comes back to bite you. Just think it through is all I am saying.
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby TeeGee on Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:54 am

About 10% of my friends are gay or lesbian, roughly a third are christians and another third muslims, only about a quarter would be married middle aged caucasian males like myself. And less than half of total friends are "white".
I believe in cultural diversity, I do not accept any form of racism, bigotry etc from my offspring.

But we are not going to have a mod for everything/everyone. You have a foe function and it is up to you to use it to protect yourself.. Mods are no longer forum police.. We do have the ability to ban, lock etc but that ability is not used lightly. Current mods sit quietly in the background, unlike the power wielding mods of the past. Half the forum users here do not even know who I am or what I can do as shown by my newsletter interview.
This forum is meant for fun.. Lets keep it that way

If you want a place here for LGBT issues open a private usergroup
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Shannon Apple on Sun Jul 24, 2016 7:37 am

There doesn't need to be a mod for everything, especially not a mod for specific issues. That would be more troublesome than you can imagine. Quite simply, the existing mods should be covering everything. I don't agree with the foe thing if someone is breaking rules of common decency. Bigotry isn't acceptable on most online communities. I'm not a community mod anymore, but when I was, I felt like I shouldn't mod anything because nothing seemed to actually be against the rules unless it was blatent porn or something. People are allowed to be total flippin dicks to each other. I still think bigotry IS against the rules though, so if it's happening, report it.

You guys (community staff) might think that you're right in being this relaxed, but you're not. The forums is suffering a sort of troll syndrome. That is where a handful of people dominate threads and everyone else decides to just not post anymore because the forums are no longer a good place to post. It's fun for the trolls, not the rest of the community. With proper rules in place, the few trolls would have huffed for sure, but the forum would have recovered because everyone else would have come back to posting. The way it is now, it's just getting fewer and fewer.

I don't always agree with Symmetry, but the fact that he even brought this up shows that there probably is an issue. I just don't read the Off topics troll haven much. Not my kind of hangout. lol.
00:33:53 ā€¹riskllamaā€ŗ will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ I doubt it
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby waauw on Sun Jul 24, 2016 8:05 am

Symmetry wrote:Is it worth having a mod dedicated to opening up the forums to LGBT issues? What about opening the forums to other minority groups?

I'd be interested in seeing people's takes on this with a view to making a suggestion thread based on feedback.

Nobody's stopping you to volunteer for mod.
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby BoganGod on Sun Jul 24, 2016 8:58 am

Whales are sensitive, gentle people too. Land rights for gay whales!!!!! Sorry where was I? Ahhh thats right, discussing special issue exceptionalness and the myth that it matters. I'm with my fellow mighty Eagles fan, social group for LBGT. I'm a chef by trade, so have spent a lot of time in and with that community. One of my parents decided 5years ago after a 19yr, and 14yr hetronormative relationship experience that they were gay. Shock for most of the family, me I thought it was funny as f*ck. My parents have my support whoever they are knocking off, provided I don't have to listen to, or imagine any of the grimy, wrinkly, grey haired, sweatyness.
I'm with the wiser heads in here that recognise this is a slippery slope. Mod for the LBGT community, then a Mod for the furries(probably a significant cross over percentage), then a Mod for the fat acceptance wobble sloths, then a Mod for the Sag Hell aging skinhead neo nazis(goldwater republicans), soon we will be demanding Mods for the the left handed.
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby xroads on Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:35 am

And here I thought this was a gaming site.......
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby WingCmdr Ginkapo on Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:39 am

Yeah, but I am left handed
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Serbia on Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:39 am

Shannon Apple wrote:I don't always agree with Symmetry, but the fact that he even brought this up shows that there probably is an issue. I just don't read the Off topics troll haven much. Not my kind of hangout. lol.

Shannon, I definitely see your main point. There are several posters in off-topics who dominate discussions, and are abrasive to the point of probably chasing off, but I don't know that many are actually doing anything against any rules. Moderating people to "be nice" can also be heavy handed to the point of driving people away as well, as we've seen here in the past. It's a difficult line to walk, and I'm glad that I'm not involved in moderation, honestly, because from my point of view it's really a thankless job.

My disagreement with you comes from your last comment. You act as though you don't know sym well. This IS his issue. It doesn't have to be an actual issue for him to bring it up. He's essentially a lobbyist, and he's going to hammer this point regardless of what's happening. The whole idea of suggesting someone be a particular mod for a particular cause on a gaming site is completely laughable. This isn't a government, where we need to have a level of bureaucracy for ever literal thing you can think of. So no, I dismiss entirely the idea that if a thing is brought up, it must be an issue - sometimes you have to look at who's doing the complaining.
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby mookiemcgee on Sun Jul 24, 2016 1:39 pm

Can we just say the poll speaks for itself and lock this silly thread down yet?

Also can we have a special mod for symmetry? I think the fact that this thread is the most commented on in the entire forum over the last couple days says a ton about the state of the forums user base and activity, and very little about the need for additional mods for any reason...

Or we could ban all the other mods, and just make sym the one and only mod. That way we wouldn't have to talk about this silly game anymore we could talk ONLY about Holocaust, and maybe occasionally about Trumps LBGTQ friends and how his KKK friends will defend his LBGTQRSTUVWXYZ friends them from the Islamic terrorists... and then maybe a little more about the Holocaust again afterwards.
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby clangfield on Sun Jul 24, 2016 3:08 pm

Mods are there to deal with any form of bigotry, which includes gender orientation. Other than uses of certain epithets, I don't see any discrimination here apart from against certain religions who are not allowed to play on their holy days (and thereby might forfeit moves). I'm not sure what a specific moderator would be required to do that they aren't currently; at most some may need educating as to what constitutes bigotry, but a special mod sounds to me like a solution for which no problem exists.
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Beast Of Burson on Sun Jul 24, 2016 3:20 pm

Symmetry wrote:
riskllama wrote:sym, perhaps you should've adhered to CC's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. if you would've kept yer fool cake hole shut, you wouldn't have to constantly whine about this shit... :idea:
now, please go away - again.

Dude, I've asked you nicely for the death wish posts to stop. I'm gonna leave it here. The nightmarish death threads should be a thing of the past.

You've been consistently one of the posters who threaten and insinuate death every time I suggest that people should be able to post without threats.

I'm blind I guess.... How exactly is RL making a "death post" toward you with his post? I see nothing even remotely close to that here. :-s

ALL of your posts seem to be about trying to "stir up the pot" just to argue with people.

Isn't trolling against the rules?
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby riskllama on Sun Jul 24, 2016 3:28 pm

Beast Of Burson wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
riskllama wrote:sym, perhaps you should've adhered to CC's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. if you would've kept yer fool cake hole shut, you wouldn't have to constantly whine about this shit... :idea:
now, please go away - again.

Dude, I've asked you nicely for the death wish posts to stop. I'm gonna leave it here. The nightmarish death threads should be a thing of the past.

You've been consistently one of the posters who threaten and insinuate death every time I suggest that people should be able to post without threats.

I'm blind I guess.... How exactly is RL making a "death post" toward you with his post? I see nothing even remotely close to that here. :-s

ALL of your posts seem to be about trying to "stir up the pot" just to argue with people.

Isn't trolling against the rules?

there is a hialrious thread about a cancerous symmetry vs. a lifetime supply of cake, BoB. i forget what it was called(else, i'd link it) but now symmetry views any cake reference a "veiled threat calling for his death". *sighs*
you should do some digging and read it, was pretty funny... ;)
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Symmetry on Sun Jul 24, 2016 5:11 pm

riskllama wrote:
Beast Of Burson wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
riskllama wrote:sym, perhaps you should've adhered to CC's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. if you would've kept yer fool cake hole shut, you wouldn't have to constantly whine about this shit... :idea:
now, please go away - again.

Dude, I've asked you nicely for the death wish posts to stop. I'm gonna leave it here. The nightmarish death threads should be a thing of the past.

You've been consistently one of the posters who threaten and insinuate death every time I suggest that people should be able to post without threats.

I'm blind I guess.... How exactly is RL making a "death post" toward you with his post? I see nothing even remotely close to that here. :-s

ALL of your posts seem to be about trying to "stir up the pot" just to argue with people.

Isn't trolling against the rules?

there is a hialrious thread about a cancerous symmetry vs. a lifetime supply of cake, BoB. i forget what it was called(else, i'd link it) but now symmetry views any cake reference a "veiled threat calling for his death". *sighs*
you should do some digging and read it, was pretty funny... ;)

It was a troll thread by BBS with his typical nastiness, and it got locked after the vitriol calling for my slow lingering death kind of reached a point where the mods thought that it was pretty much unacceptable. I didn't even complain about it, oddly enough. It was actually giving other posters nightmares. Weird, but true.

So, yeah, that's very much what you're going for.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Symmetry on Sun Jul 24, 2016 5:21 pm

Beast Of Burson wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
riskllama wrote:sym, perhaps you should've adhered to CC's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. if you would've kept yer fool cake hole shut, you wouldn't have to constantly whine about this shit... :idea:
now, please go away - again.

Dude, I've asked you nicely for the death wish posts to stop. I'm gonna leave it here. The nightmarish death threads should be a thing of the past.

You've been consistently one of the posters who threaten and insinuate death every time I suggest that people should be able to post without threats.

I'm blind I guess.... How exactly is RL making a "death post" toward you with his post? I see nothing even remotely close to that here. :-s

ALL of your posts seem to be about trying to "stir up the pot" just to argue with people.

Isn't trolling against the rules?

He's referring to a locked troll thread polling people on whether they'd like to see me suffer a long lingering death. You're very right if you consider that to be trolling.

If you feel that asking whether there should be an LGBT mod, to gauge opinions before even making a suggestion, is trolling, then I think you should re-assess your priorities.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby Beast Of Burson on Sun Jul 24, 2016 6:09 pm

Symmetry wrote:
Beast Of Burson wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
riskllama wrote:sym, perhaps you should've adhered to CC's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. if you would've kept yer fool cake hole shut, you wouldn't have to constantly whine about this shit... :idea:
now, please go away - again.

Dude, I've asked you nicely for the death wish posts to stop. I'm gonna leave it here. The nightmarish death threads should be a thing of the past.

You've been consistently one of the posters who threaten and insinuate death every time I suggest that people should be able to post without threats.

I'm blind I guess.... How exactly is RL making a "death post" toward you with his post? I see nothing even remotely close to that here. :-s

ALL of your posts seem to be about trying to "stir up the pot" just to argue with people.

Isn't trolling against the rules?

He's referring to a locked troll thread polling people on whether they'd like to see me suffer a long lingering death. You're very right if you consider that to be trolling.

If you feel that asking whether there should be an LGBT mod, to gauge opinions before even making a suggestion, is trolling, then I think you should re-assess your priorities.

And why does it matter, being nobody, and I mean NOBODY, is asked any personal info except their email. So explain to me why this needed. If you volunteer that kind of info in chat or the forums, then so be it. Don't demand that ALL people approve of your lifestyle.

And don't demand special Mods for your cause. Maybe all hetro's should ask for a liaison for us also. Let's segregate all who are not the same. Let's make CC all it can be.

How about talking about the real problems in the world? Why bring up an issue that, as far as I am concerned, is less important in the grand scheme of things?

What's really puzzling me about you (Symm), is why the hell haven't you foe'd RL already since he made these diabolical threats to you? Sounds to me that you just like to fight and argue with people, bringing in issues, or in this case, non-issues, to post. And if you HAVE foe'd him, why are you showing his posts and reading them? Then you REPLY to his posts with quotes and all. Tells me you just like to hear yourself talk. I think one of your cakes was made with ex-lax and you have the "hershey squirts" coming out of your mouth and can't get it to stop.

BTW... your poll is a losing proposition at this point. So why not drop it, go think up another ridiculous issue to post, and start a new battle?

Why don't you go to a white supremacist site and talk shit in their forums? They are against not only non white people, but gays and lesbians too.

How about a Christian site? They are against gays and lesbians also.

That's where your tantrums should be fought, on the front lines! Unless you're................... scared? :shock:
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Re: A mod for LGBT issues?

Postby riskllama on Sun Jul 24, 2016 6:20 pm

c'mon, sym - be a good sport and post the link to the BBS thread in question. it was funny as all hell, admit it...
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