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WTF Janet

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WTF Janet

Postby BoganGod on Fri Jul 15, 2016 5:50 pm

So I escaped into the real world for awhile, acted like a grown up, drove my muscle car when I wanted to clear my head, took one of the parents to doctors appointments a lot. Missed the sillyness of CC, the obsessive twitchyness of the special snowflakes on here that feel that this little rapidly dwindling site is all the world. You can't put CC general on your resume, being ranked brig on any particular map won't grow your business or get you any nooky with a real world woman that doesn't have terminal halitosis and an overbite of chin obscuring severity. This is a good way to kill some time, I have friends here and pleasant memories.
WTF happened during my real world slumber. Where are all the characters? People with a wit, words, and passion. Where has the perferated handed dusky jesus gone? Perma banned like blitz and other contributors? Locked in Brucewhore's basement? Listening to the confused mutterings of the bruce "Really Texas is the perfect place for a white man that wants to pretend he is a black man, moooooooooooooooooooooo"

I fart in your general direction, you colourless, debbie do nothing drones.

Maybe it is that over half this site have not ever had a happy ending, maybe that explains the stale air, and sense of neglectful decline.
tace ineptus!
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby IcePack on Fri Jul 15, 2016 6:30 pm

Owen walked out, no perma ban

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Re: WTF Janet

Postby waauw on Sat Jul 16, 2016 4:51 am

Trying to understand the title here. Does the name/word Janet hold a specific meaning in english that I don't know about? In flemish 'janet' means 'sissy'. Is it the same in english?
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Jul 16, 2016 5:13 am

waauw wrote:Trying to understand the title here. Does the name/word Janet hold a specific meaning in english that I don't know about? In flemish 'janet' means 'sissy'. Is it the same in english?

I assumed it's meant to evoke "Dammit Janet" from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Which was chosen because of its superb gunshot-like rhyme and metre, not for any meaning.
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby BoganGod on Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:43 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
waauw wrote:Trying to understand the title here. Does the name/word Janet hold a specific meaning in english that I don't know about? In flemish 'janet' means 'sissy'. Is it the same in english?

I assumed it's meant to evoke "Dammit Janet" from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Which was chosen because of its superb gunshot-like rhyme and metre, not for any meaning.

Dukysnore, you dun well boyyo. Yes evoking RHPS-Real Horrible Picture Symbolism. A midnight screening of RHPS is amazing with the cries of "Janet, SLUT" ringing out across the cinema.
I was thinking of mentioning the glorious 9th or drooges. Thought might be a bit too obscure.
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:45 pm

BoganGod wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
waauw wrote:Trying to understand the title here. Does the name/word Janet hold a specific meaning in english that I don't know about? In flemish 'janet' means 'sissy'. Is it the same in english?

I assumed it's meant to evoke "Dammit Janet" from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Which was chosen because of its superb gunshot-like rhyme and metre, not for any meaning.

Dukysnore, you dun well boyyo. Yes evoking RHPS-Real Horrible Picture Symbolism. A midnight screening of RHPS is amazing with the cries of "Janet, SLUT" ringing out across the cinema.
I was thinking of mentioning the glorious 9th or drooges. Thought might be a bit too obscure.

Oh, my boy! If only you had the yarbles!
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby BoganGod on Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:49 pm

I've suffered the tortures of the damned sir, tortures of the damned.
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby King_Herpes on Sat Jul 16, 2016 9:47 pm

Uh oh, troops. Looks as if Bogan got into the wormwood again. A charitable tribute that but perhaps a tad on the hyperbolic side considering anyone with 23 chromosomes, an associates degree in business psychology and whom has ever wrote anything scholarly on the subject of In Vitro Fertilization can see that this CC shit makes a gang O' snaps!

Just because you fancy setting fresh cut flowers in your dreadlocks, squeezing into skinny jeans and sporting Dayglow pink snap backs doesn't give you the right to antagonize our meek.

You are a single white male, Hulk Bogan. In that you don't get to play the victim.

Also, your daughter has a nice set of milk pillows.
Sorry about your little butt ✪ Dumb fucking e-lambs the lot of you
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby BoganGod on Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:23 am

She only gets to pretend to be my daughter if she has been very good, and wants to be treated like she was very naughty.
Wormwood is good, wormwood is kind. I don't mind if I lose my mind........ Soma for the soul that stuff.
So King Herpes, what have you done with BruceWhore? Locked licking salt in your basement? Where is everyone?
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby King_Herpes on Mon Jul 18, 2016 11:46 am

Hallucinations and Father Princess role play.

That's all we're going to get out of you isn't it? Bogus what are we going to do with you, I hope there is a return to owner I.D. tag on you somewhere. Mangy Dingo...

KORT is sooo last week! Get with the times double bogey.

Brucewhore is most likely at a cows live's matter event if not where he's always been. Shackled next to Scotland's hot water heater wearing a vagina mask and trust me when I say salt ain't the only thing he's licking!! More importantly nobody gives a flying bovine, don't be a stage 5.
Sorry about your little butt ✪ Dumb fucking e-lambs the lot of you
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby mookiemcgee on Tue Jul 19, 2016 2:18 am

This is the best thread of 2016
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby BoganGod on Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:18 pm

mookiemcgee wrote:This is the best thread of 2016

That isn't hard. Though I would hazard a guess that nothing is hard in this limp pc, land rights for no cis gendered, non binary whales type site.
Every few months more clans merge, not enough players. Where has all the fun and funny gone?
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby BoganGod on Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:31 pm

King_Herpes wrote:Hallucinations and Father Princess role play.

That's all we're going to get out of you isn't it? Bogus what are we going to do with you, I hope there is a return to owner I.D. tag on you somewhere. Mangy Dingo...

KORT is sooo last week! Get with the times double bogey.

Brucewhore is most likely at a cows live's matter event if not where he's always been. Shackled next to Scotland's hot water heater wearing a vagina mask and trust me when I say salt ain't the only thing he's licking!! More importantly nobody gives a flying bovine, don't be a stage 5.

Herps, Herps, Herps, you may try doing many things with me. However teaching an old dog new tricks, may not fly. I was never good at turning tricks, back flips or playing dead. So a dinosaur like me probably doesn't fit in this modern, bleak, bland zone of more map options than players. Brucewhore, vagina mask, new meaning to eye slit. Come to think of it, cow lick rhymes with. To think they had the hide to say they were an honourable clan, when half of them hoofed it rather than staying around to go down with this sinking ship. No staying around for a manatee performance.
Is demonfork still stirring up trouble and keeping the bastards honest?
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby betiko on Tue Jul 19, 2016 3:45 pm

Wow, a thread necrobumping old cc players, but in 2016. You guys should play bongo on each other s buttcheaks and sing some harry belafonte. It s summer time!
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby BoganGod on Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:25 pm

betiko wrote:Wow, a thread necrobumping old cc players, but in 2016. You guys should play bongo on each other s buttcheaks and sing some harry belafonte. It s summer time!

Typical bloody frenchman. It is all about you eh? It is not summer, bleak, rainy, winters day here in Sydney. Good to see you're still alive little buddy. I thought you had moved to Tierra del fuego to be closer to the crispy jesus
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby elbitjusticiero on Tue Jul 19, 2016 10:51 pm

Having realized his purpose of turning the CC forum into a cesspool of stupidity, owenshooter left, apparently for good.
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby BoganGod on Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:30 pm

elbitjusticiero wrote:Having realized his purpose of turning the CC forum into a cesspool of stupidity, owenshooter left, apparently for good.

That sir is a slur that is unwarranted. Owen found a cesspool and improved it, not only more shit, but better shit. Allowing people like yourself to flourish. I fear that Owen is locked up in a privledge castle somewhere. Having triggered feminazis and SJWs by being a black guy, pretending to be a white guy, pretending to be a black guy. He/she/it is sorely missed
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby elbitjusticiero on Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:09 pm

BoganGod wrote:Allowing people like yourself to flourish.

To assume makes an ass out of u & me.....
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby BoganGod on Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:30 pm

elbitjusticiero wrote:
BoganGod wrote:Allowing people like yourself to flourish.

To assume makes an ass out of u & me.....

You sir are an ass, for assuming that I was assuming. I was speaking the haq(truth/right path/due). Please provide verification of your melanin status before further aping of the late great one.
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Re: WTF Janet

Postby elbitjusticiero on Fri Jul 22, 2016 12:06 pm

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Re: WTF Janet

Postby BoganGod on Fri Jul 22, 2016 12:15 pm

I guess grey is a colour. A picture says a 1000words, in your case all of them grim and mournful.
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