As we have switched to a quarterly publication, I'll be increasing the amounts of ruthless, torture filled interrogations we provide!

For the October Clan Interrogation Edition, I'll be Interrogating the Premier Division and Second Division Winners LHDD & TOP!

For the October Player Interrogation Edition, and the first outside of our six part CD Interrogation Series, I'll be Interrogating two active contributors to the Clan Area - prolific Clan Tournament Organizer uckuki and drunken member / leader of FOED & shoop76, one of the leader of Atlantis and recent War & League Prediction Challenger organizer!
LHDD Highlight Premier Division Winners
TOP Highlight Second Division Winners
Uckuki Highlight
shoop76 Highlight
If you have any questions for any of these Clans or Players, please post them below! There will be a random drawing for participants to receive credits!
The number of credits available for the random drawing hinges upon how much participation we receive, but the more participants and questionaires we have, the more credits we will give away!