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-- Platoon Report June 2016 Claniversity Houses --

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-- Platoon Report June 2016 Claniversity Houses --

Postby IcePack on Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:02 pm

Each Report contains a variety of insightful and informative pieces designed to keep you well informed of the goings on within the Clan World. We strive to provide easy access to up to date information, stats, rankings, interviews and much more!


Did You Know?
Nearly every article of the Platoon Report contains a way to win credits? (Sometimes even more then one!) Some are more obvious then others...some are less noticable, and you really have to pay attention to find them. Design Contests, Events, Games, and hidden gem's are placed throughout the Reports. Some of them (usually the small hidden ones) expire at the end of the month, so be sure to read the current Platoon Reports for your chance at easy prizes!

In This Edition
This month we want you to check out the Mess Hall to help us fill Claniversity, and earn some credits along the way! We also Interrogate TNC in the most recent Clan Highlight, as well as sit down with MudPuppy in our fifth Clan Director Interview. As the series winds to a close, if you have someone you'd like to see Interrogated in the near future, please let us know!
We discuss all the ongoing Clan Events, discuss getting your help in designing some new Claniversity Scenario Lesson Plans and dish out great prizes for the best ones! As always we provide you with the latest F400 Clan Rankings, Vital Clan Stats, and more!

Quick Link for June Articles
War Games CC6, CL7, RL6, Mini Cup, Poly Updates!
Mess Hall Vital Clan Stats, F400 Rankings, and Highlighting Claniversity!
Interrogation Room MudPuppy Interview
Friendly Fire Clan Contests - Claniversity Lesson Plan Scenario Creation, Clan War Predictions, Previous Platoon Report Links

This area will be where we highlight any changes within the Clan World, announce new features, or make other assorted announcements and opportunities.

This month we are really pushing Claniversity, after our initial class was set up and students have begun learning, we are making some minor changes for the next Class, which have sign ups underway! As we get more students and more activity, there is a need and desire to provide better learning environments for our future Clan members of tomorrow!
We NEED your help, if you see players who request to be in your clan and do not qualify, perhaps instead of ignoring their post or message, or if you already PM them and tell them "no thanks", would you please consider pointing some of those players who need more team experience in our direction? Only when we all work together, will the Clan area be the best it could possibly be!
With your help, we would love to have some new lesson plans created either through Screenshots, or ideally - some new "Claniversity Lesson Plans"!
If you are interested in creating some of these, we have credits to send your way as a thank you!
These new scenario lesson plans would be able to be practised and played by all students for many classes to come. It allows us to create custom scenarios that mimic real clan life decisions that help form players who excel at team games and give experience to newer players who are interested in clan life.

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Re: -- Platoon Report: June 2016 Claniversity Houses --

Postby IcePack on Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:03 pm

Welcome to the Clan Tournaments Area, where you will find updates on all the Sanctioned Tournaments within Conquer Club's Clan and Tribe Areas! Lindax is our Clan Tournament Director who brings you this update from June 1st.

CC6: Quick Link

This year’s Conqueror’s Cup includes some changes to the format, mainly to try and keep the duration of the event within one year. All round 2 wars are decided and 4 wars have finished. Two round 3 wars have started, the other two are about to start.

Round 3: Best of 49
FALL 5 VS LOW 5 War started
TOFU 0 VS RET 0 War started
S&M VS ACE Starting June 12th
LHDD VS FOED War Started

Round 2: Best of 43
FALL 24 VS ATL 19 FALL wins! War completed
OLE 12 VS LOW 31 LOW wins! War completed
ACE 24 VS RA 19 ACE wins! War completed
S&M 29 VS TNC 12 S&M wins!
LHDD 23 VS OSA 20 LHDD wins! War completed
FOED 24 VS PACK 19 FOED wins! War completed
ATN 17 VS RET 24 RET wins!
TOFU 30 VS AFOS 13 TOFU wins! War completed

show: CC6 bracket

CCup6 Prediction Contest 2,400 Credit Prize!
At the start of CC6 we had 35 participants try to predict what would happen during the course of the event.
After 12 wars completed, we have six participants who still have the potential for a perfect bracket!
dakky21, JPlo64, uckuki, chard, grt, and one unknown LHDD fan have a perfect 12/12 record so far.
Congrats to everyone so far, of those top six - 5 different winners were selected! Things should start getting interesting shortly!

CL7: Quick Link

This edition of the Clan League also has some changes to the format. The most important one is the implementation of promotion/relegation between the two divisions. We have a Premier Division with 12 clans and a Second Division with 14 clans.

The Premier Division is down to 3 active games in the last round. The battle for first place is narrowed down to FALL and LHDD. It seems that everything hinges on the New Zealand game in the match TOFU 4 vs LHDD 2. The only other ongoing match is MMM 4 vs ACE 3, however, the outcome will not change anything in the standings. The 4 lowest ranked clans will go to the Second Division for CL8.

The Second Division is also in the final round, with TOP being the apparent winner. The standings are decided, there 6 games still ongoing, but they will not affect the standings anymore. The 4 highest ranked clans will go to the Premier Division for CL8.

Below you’ll see the latest results and standings. Keep in mind that for the Premier Division there are still 2 matches undecided.

show: CL7 Results and Standings

RL VI: Quick Link

Random League started in September 2015 and is organized by uckuki. The Tournament includes 17 Clans competing in 12 game mini-matches of random maps. Clans select home teams and settings.

The tournament is in the last round, with some round 16 games still ongoing. Looks like it's between FOED and S&M and it all depends on the outcome of the match S&M vs LHDD!


show: rl6 bracket

1st Poly Clan Challenge
POLY: Quick Link

The Poly Clan Challenge started in April 2016 and is run by uckuki. It's an elimination bracket tournament, with 12 clans participating. Every round consists of 41 sets of 3 Poly games.

Because of 4 byes there are only 4 wars ongoing in round 1 (results so far taken from war threads):

TOFU 11 vs FISO 9
HH 9 vs FALL 15
S&M 11 vs OSA 4
FOED 0 vs ACE 0

show: poly bracket

Mini Cup I
MC1: Quick Link

The Mini Cup I is the first tournament of a continuous series of elimination bracket tournaments, organized by benga. The 8 participating clans play full 41 game clan wars each round. The sign-up thread for MC II you'll find here: Mini Cup II [1/8] Sign-up thread

MC I started in April 2016. Here are the ongoing wars (with results so far taken from the war threads):

FOED 4 vs TOP 7
RET 9 vs SC3
HH 10 vs AFOS 12
OSA 6 vs FAD 1

show: bracket


Tribes: Stand Together. Fight Alone.
Information Provided by Lindax

Auto tournaments for Primitive Tribes now appear under the tournament tab. There is one open for sign-up right now: "Primitive Tribes go Random Poly"

Auto tournaments for Advanced Tribes and Clans were won by TNC, FALL, TOFU and LHDD.

The latest tournament Home Map Poly has been cancelled/put on hold for now. Only 4 of the 8 places were filled.

[TGR] Quick Link

This tournament consists of a combination of 1v1 and Poly auto tournaments and team games. The group phase is completed. Round 2, the first round of the elimination phase is ongoing. Of the 4 battles 3 have been decided, LHDD, FOED and TOFU are through to round 3.

show: bracket for elimination phase

show: TGR Participants

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Re: -- Platoon Report: June 2016 Claniversity Houses --

Postby IcePack on Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:04 pm

Welcome to the Mess Hall! Here you will find a wide variety of articles that don't fit within the other areas of the Platoon Report, including the regular F400 Updates! Look here for user submitted articles as well!

show: Updated 2016 Clan Schedule

Schedule Quick Link

Since Claniversity was launched March 1st, we have had more then 60 students sign up for the program!
We have a number of very active, enthusesastic students who have a desire to learn and get plugged into Clan Life!
We would love to get more students involved, and have plenty of extra room as we begin to...
Recruit for our second class!

Mission Statement
Claniversity is a program designed to teach interested players about the clan and advanced tribe lifestyle; introduce them to other CC players with similar interests; and provide training in core skills needed to become valuable members of these competitive groups.

How do you sign up?
All interested students in good standing on CC and not already in a clan will be accepted with no restriction on premium status, tribe/past clan affiliation, etc. Students can apply through an option on the Clan Tab. This will add them to the Claniversity user group and send a PM with instructions on how to apply for a housing assignment.

You can find more information about our program by reading through the CLANIVERSITY THREAD.


Do you have a grasp on team game strategy?
Interested in supporting new players to the clan scene?
Ever wanted to create your own scenario?
Want to earn some credits?
Check out the Claniversity Lesson Plans Contest!

Deadline is the 13th of June. Follow the link provide below for more details. This deadline has been extended due to lack of participation



Vital Clan Stats - this provides some basic stats for the clan area
Ranked Clans: 33
Active Clans: 34
Players in Active Clans: 871
Active Tribes: 5
Players in Active Tribes: 259
Active Wars: 90
Games in Active Wars: 1296
Active Games in Active Wars: 151
Players in Active Wars: 918
Players in Active Wars that have Finished Games: 624
Players in Active Wars in Active Games: 320
Events Currently Ongoing: CC6, CL7, RL6, MC1, POLY1

[Warning this is a large spoiler]
show: Clan Area Rankings

Clan Tournament Historical Records

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Re: -- Platoon Report: June 2016 Claniversity Houses --

Postby IcePack on Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:04 pm

Each issue the Clan Department plans to highlight a clan (based on current events, clan wars, or public demand) and a player by interviewing clan leaders and players! We will announce who is to be interviewed here, and you can post all your questions in this thread to be answered in the next issue! We will provide some information on the highlighted clans such as recent or historical achievements, as well as linking readers to their Clan Page so past history, recruitment, and member details will be easily accessible. You'll get the opportunity to ask the Clan's members or leadership any questions, and get to know the group as a whole on a deeper level while the Clans that are highlighted will enjoy some additional exposure and get a chance to introduce themselves to the Clan World in a new, unique way that is difficult to replicate in a recruitment thread.

Clan Highlight
show: TNC Interrogation

Player(s) Highlight
This month the Clan Department is pleased to bring you a special interview taken with one of our very own Clan Directors, MudPuppy! This is our the fifth of a six part interview series where we introduce ourselves to the Clan World. MudPuppy is one of the two Clan Directors who helps run the Claniversity for us, alongside CatchersMitt14!
If there's someone else you think would be a fun and interesting interviewee for the Clan World, please post below and let us know! We'd love to hear from you! (Please note, not all questions will get answered depending on personal comfort with sharing personal information, etc) Thanks and have fun!

[Warning this is a large spoiler]
show: Mudpuppys Interview

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Re: -- Platoon Report: June 2016 Claniversity Houses --

Postby IcePack on Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:04 pm


Clan Contests
Do you have any fun or exciting ideas for potential future clan contests that we can run in the Dispatch?
I would love to hear from you! Whether its something concept only, or you've written all the rules - send me a PM!
We will provide prizes for your games and send you a gift as a token of our appreciation for helping the Clan area!

If you don't have any ideas for a contest, but have liked something we've done in the past, or have a specific catagory
of game you'd like to see (trivia, puzzles, code breaking, involving CC Games, etc) then please let us know what you'd like to see more of!

Current and Future Contests
Right now, we have the following contests ongoing!
1 - the Clan War Prediction Contest: Run by shoop76, this exciting prediction event is the largest we've ever run! Prizes given for each quarter, as well as several generous bonus' given by shoop himself! Earn the title of "Prediction Guru" as well as many credits, conquer stars, and medals!
2 - The CC6 Prediction Bracket: run on, this event has players predicting the outcomes of the CC6 event and awarding points for each correct guess. In the end, one lucky participant will win the Grand Prize!
3 - The Mystery Contest - We've mentioned & promoted this event a few times! Curious? Its a mystery! It was planned to be launched this month, but due to RL circumstances beyond our control we will delay it to one of the two next Platoon Reports. Keep an eye out though, its going to be....MYSTERIOUS! If you enjoy puzzles, this will be the game for you!
show: Previous Platoon Report Edition Links

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Re: -- Platoon Report June 2016 Claniversity Houses --

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:14 am

Really BG? :D
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