Each Report contains a variety of insightful and informative pieces designed to keep you well informed of the goings on within the Clan World. We strive to provide easy access to up to date information, stats, rankings, interviews and much more!
Did You Know?
Nearly every article of the Platoon Report contains a way to win credits? (Sometimes even more then one!) Some are more obvious then others...some are less noticable, and you really have to pay attention to find them. Design Contests, Events, Games, and hidden gem's are placed throughout the Reports. Some of them (usually the small hidden ones) expire at the end of the month, so be sure to read the current Platoon Reports for your chance at easy prizes!
In This Edition
This month we want you to check out the Mess Hall to help us fill Claniversity, and earn some credits along the way! We also Interrogate TNC in the most recent Clan Highlight, as well as sit down with MudPuppy in our fifth Clan Director Interview. As the series winds to a close, if you have someone you'd like to see Interrogated in the near future, please let us know!
We discuss all the ongoing Clan Events, discuss getting your help in designing some new Claniversity Scenario Lesson Plans and dish out great prizes for the best ones! As always we provide you with the latest F400 Clan Rankings, Vital Clan Stats, and more!
Quick Link for June Articles
War Games CC6, CL7, RL6, Mini Cup, Poly Updates!
Mess Hall Vital Clan Stats, F400 Rankings, and Highlighting Claniversity!
Interrogation Room MudPuppy Interview
Friendly Fire Clan Contests - Claniversity Lesson Plan Scenario Creation, Clan War Predictions, Previous Platoon Report Links
This area will be where we highlight any changes within the Clan World, announce new features, or make other assorted announcements and opportunities.
This month we are really pushing Claniversity, after our initial class was set up and students have begun learning, we are making some minor changes for the next Class, which have sign ups underway! As we get more students and more activity, there is a need and desire to provide better learning environments for our future Clan members of tomorrow!
We NEED your help, if you see players who request to be in your clan and do not qualify, perhaps instead of ignoring their post or message, or if you already PM them and tell them "no thanks", would you please consider pointing some of those players who need more team experience in our direction? Only when we all work together, will the Clan area be the best it could possibly be!
With your help, we would love to have some new lesson plans created either through Screenshots, or ideally - some new "Claniversity Lesson Plans"!
If you are interested in creating some of these, we have credits to send your way as a thank you!
These new scenario lesson plans would be able to be practised and played by all students for many classes to come. It allows us to create custom scenarios that mimic real clan life decisions that help form players who excel at team games and give experience to newer players who are interested in clan life.