Arama86n wrote:Lanlar wrote:last comment Robes and I were friends. He must have noted a change because he stopped gaming with me. The change was a 12 year old playing my account who somehow managed to lose his first 22 games he played. I think it is still funny and he got better at playing but used bots or fake accounts to get my points back when it became certain I was not going to die.
You guys are kind of rude; I remembered this game as friends playing Risk what happened?
So out of curiosity, when Lanlar applied to TOFU, was that you, or your 12 year old nephew? Because, that was three years ago, before your coma, right?
This is where it gets quite tricky...time lines are funny things. May 12th 2016 you are discharged from the hospital. Which was 45 days after you came out of a 3 year coma. Let us call that March 1st of 2013 you enter your coma. October 4th 2013, 7 months after you enter a coma, you apply for membership in TOFU. Impressive
. Or, was it your nephew who would have been all of 10 at that point? Lastly...what color is the sky in your world? In the world I live in you could not be in a coma for 3 years in a hospital and only run up a tab for $247,000. Of all the stupid things you have said, and there are a lot of them, that takes the cake.
Life lesson for you: it is better to go through life having people think you are an idiot then to open your mouth and remove all doubt