Please reserve a reserve spot.
Grab your favorite stealthy weapons.
Put on your best poker face.
And come to China for a little assassination. (Not assignation.)
Looking for 20, 25, or 30 players.
Games will be issued once per week or as soon as approximately 75% of a given round have finished. But no less than one per week. I expect the game load will probably not exceed 3, so freemiums are welcome, (as long as they are open to communicating with me about their game status, and keep two slots for this tournament.)
This is a Tournament Players Association Year 6 [TPA6] event, and is governed by its rules, guidelines, and judgments which are detailed here: viewtopic.php?f=89&t=215395
All are welcome to join and participate in the association. You do not need to do anything more than join one or more of the TPA6 events that will be announced on Mondays. Check back on the scoreboard to see how you're doing:
Settings: Auto, Seq, Sunny, No trench, 20 rounds and the settings next to each map
Everyone plays all maps.
Five people per game. (Can drop to four if someone falls out of the tournament)
3 games per person per map. 15 games total per person
Winner has most points.
No eliminations. (Except for failure to pick up a game within 24 hours, without letting the TO (Me) know there is a problem.)
Games are to be picked up within twenty-four hours. (If you have a sitter please tell them that they are allowed to accept tournament games.) Failure to pick up game will result in your elimination.