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Closed 16499298 - Murphalot

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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16499298 - Murphalot

Postby TaylorKing on Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:04 am

I want to complain about YELLOW in this Game 16499298 begging for some one to pay for his gaming on here saying he is living in poverty and so on, I find this disgraceful considering the amount of homeless people and starving people around the world that he would use poverty to get free month of games... HE DESERVES TO BE BANNED

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Re: 16499298 - Murphalot

Postby Symmetry on Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:26 am

TaylorKing wrote:I want to complain about YELLOW in this Game 16499298 begging for some one to pay for his gaming on here saying he is living in poverty and so on, I find this disgraceful considering the amount of homeless people and starving people around the world that he would use poverty to get free month of games... HE DESERVES TO BE BANNED

Game 16499298 (Game number)
Murphalot (his name)

Links added. This should be fun.
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Re: 16499298 - Murphalot

Postby MagnusGreeol on Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:42 am

- I'm not sure begging/asking people to gift a month premium is considered cheating or abuse, def. not a bannable offense? And someone already gifted him his premium it seems?

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Re: 16499298 - Murphalot

Postby WingCmdr Ginkapo on Wed Apr 13, 2016 6:04 am

No real case here, but you can add this to the pile
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Re: 16499298 - Murphalot

Postby MagnusGreeol on Wed Apr 13, 2016 7:06 am

- Come on Murph!?

- Wing pointed out 1 war you çouldnt keep your humble cool? So how many more are buried? And may I add that their are women/girls that play here, For God sake man refrain from using "C" word!? This goes out to all men of freedom who have Mothers/Sisters/Wife/Girlfriends,,,,Maybe the ONLY exception is prison mates,,,I mean,,they are rapists/murders/drugs/thief's,,ya know, the hearty bunch of society,, Really,,anything goes in prison so you can imagine?

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Re: 16499298 - Murphalot

Postby xroads on Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:46 am

Is cheating that non existent anymore that we have to stoop to reporting something like this?
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Re: 16499298 - Murphalot

Postby PurpleViper on Wed Apr 13, 2016 9:34 am

lol seriously... what a nonsense claim...
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Re: Waaaa!! Waaaaa!!! WAAAAAA!!!

Postby owenshooter on Wed Apr 13, 2016 9:39 am

TaylorKing wrote:

ok, they are all over this!!! GOOD CATCH!!! sorry about your little butt...-Jésus noir
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Re: 16499298 - Murphalot

Postby MagnusGreeol on Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:25 am

- Is it just me who believes the "C" word is disrespectful to women? Or do people actually use this word around Mothers,Sisters, wife's, girlfriends? Cuz people, we can see who does and doesn't, so ya can't lie.

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Re: 16499298 - Murphalot

Postby riskllama on Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:44 am

ime, they do not like it, no. a sure fire way to start a row with your ladyfriend, tho.
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Re: 16499298 - Murphalot

Postby riskllama on Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:47 am

hey, TK...u wanna go roll a few homeless people w/me???
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Re: 16499298 - Murphalot

Postby RiskTycoon on Wed Apr 13, 2016 1:57 pm

MagnusGreeol wrote:- Is it just me who believes the "C" word is disrespectful to women? Or do people actually use this word around Mothers,Sisters, wife's, girlfriends? Cuz people, we can see who does and doesn't, so ya can't lie.


I've seen this on CC before. I too agree it's use is sort of uncalled for in most situations!
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Re: 16499298 - Murphalot

Postby Murphalot on Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:18 pm

my gosh, where do I even begin... I thought Taylor's statement of reporting me was a late April Fools joke. Still I will respect his choice.

I only asked in 1 single game and a quick Forum post if anyone who had tokens to spare could help me out because I thought that once the Premium ended, you get auto-kicked from anything over 4 games, and didn't want to ruin the flow for the other players. Yes I'm poor and yes I spend every other day canvassing resumes/applications on foot and online. Again, thank you to the kind-hearted person whom did help me. Didn't think this would cause such a fuss, I apologize.

Regarding my use of smack talk; aside from not being related to this topic - this is my absolute favourite aspect to implement during gameplay, and I will never stop. Nobody does it enough. Unfortunately since its so under-used, many folks get the impression if whining or complaining, hence the VAST majority of my negative ratings are indicative of butt-hurt wimps and weaklings too spineless to handle some profanity -thus they label me as Rude/Complainer. Guys you need to realize the importance of getting under your opponents skin with a couple well timed words to set them off their game. It's literally a part OF the game.

I fully understand your concerns over my specific choice of words. There are several dozen games where you can find juicy examples; I'm not running or hiding from them... yes I have gone over the line a few times and for that I am regretful. The "C" word I've only ever used twice I believe. The 'retard' word I've discontinued for obvious reasons. And parental controls within browsers help filter anything kids might not be mature enough for. That most important fact here is that nothing in the universe can ever possibly offend someone unless you ALLOW it to. Circumstances do NOT matter. Only your state-of-being matters, so what state-of-being to you prefer? Stick and stones guys.... sticks and stones.

To contrast myself (4.5) from this goofball Taylor (4.3), my negative ratings are ONLY ever the result of people too sensitive and PC for my verbal expressions - NOT my game play. In fact most of the smack talk is aimed at the Dice rather than people lol. As for TaylorKing, checking his history of ratings: an immense amount of "Suicider", "Deadbeat", "Bully", "Poor Strategy", "Reckless", and "Quitter". I am none of those. Only butt-hurt softies rating me "Rude", "Complainer" and "Vindictive". I am certainly not a Coward, Irrational, or a Bully for heavens sake. Go cry a river you little babies.

In conclusion, I was uncertain whether I'd be kicked by everything I was in and screw the game flow for those I was playing with, its only why I asked. And I am indeed toning down my language, but I stand firm on continuing to use it within game strategy here and there.

I hope this provides more clarity to everyone. Never intended to cause a stir, but I get the impression TaylorKing has an aire of 'exclusivity' and 'entitlement'. Please post any other questions and I will be sure to respond, Thanks for your time.

Murph :)
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Re: 16499298 - Murphalot

Postby WingCmdr Ginkapo on Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:25 pm

Murphalot wrote:Guys you need to realize the importance of getting under your opponents skin with a couple well timed words to set them off their game. It's literally a part OF the game.

If this was your sole purpose for using such distasteful language, why did you create a C&A report at the same time?

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Re: 16499298 - Murphalot

Postby Murphalot on Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:39 pm

That was an honest over-reaction. Within the first 4 rounds of that tourny, especially 2 rounds in a row, that user had thrown everything they had at me in those games; I panicked after reading their past ratings which overwhelmingly suggested a marked history of suiciding. So I created a report as a precaution as the suicide pattern emerged. I admitted I'm at fault for that already. I've only ever used the C&A forum twice ever, so I don't whine about small stuff.
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Re: 16499298 - Murphalot

Postby Evil Semp on Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:19 pm

No rule broken when asking for premium. This is CLOSED.

And locked for obvious reasons.
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