The Clan Department is excited to bring you our latest development for the Clan World! Each Report contains a variety of insightful and informative pieces designed to keep you well informed of the goings on within the Clan World. We strive to provide easy access to up to date information, stats, rankings, interviews and much more!
In This Edition
This month we provide clans with an archive, and explain some of the tools that they can utilize towards organizing their forum area. We also hear from Lindax one of our newest Clan Directors in the third of six interrogations to get to know your Clan Directors, we announce the winner of the Claniversity House Logo & Signature Design Contest, discuss upcoming contests, and as always provide you with the newest F400 Clan Rankings! INCLUDING a major F400 contest for prizes!
Quick Link for March Articles
War Games CC6, CL7, RL6 Updates!
Mess Hall F400 250 Point Bonus Contest! Vital Clan Stats, F400 Rankings
Interrogation Room Lindax Interview
Friendly Fire Clan Contests - Clan War Predictions, Clan Mafia, Mystery Event, Previous Platoon Report Links
This area will be where we highlight any changes within the Clan World, announce new features, or make other assorted announcements and opportunities.
Clan Archive Sub-forum
Early in March, a popular request from clans that was promised some time ago was fulfilled this month! Every active clan should have a new archive sub-forum that their clans moderator (or clan leader, in a few cases) can utilize to help organize clans forum areas. If your clan needs a moderator for their forum who can edit posts, thread titles, or now move the threads to the archive please contact IcePack who will make the appropriate arrangements with the Admins.
A quick lesson / guide on the tools for the moderators / clan leaders on the moderating tools:
Schedule Quick Link