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Why this game is a joke

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Re: Why this game is a joke

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:17 am

IcePack wrote:
You misunderstand me. Neither are apart of THE GAME. This game. CC. The one we are all here to play. CC is not risk.

Okay, fair enough.
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Re: Why this game is a joke

Postby Condestável on Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:31 am

Donelladan wrote:Condestavel, you are not the only one asking for a change in the deployement rule to avoid bonus at first turn.
But you made it saying " the game is a joke" and start a complain in the wrong part of the forum.

If you want the game to be changed you need to go to the suggestions forum, and ask for a change.

Now when you play classic 1vs1, it is quite rare a bonus is obtained in the 1st turn, it happens of course, but it is rare.
If you start playing a huge map, for example Eurasia, then you have to expect people to have bonus. That's how the game currently is.
It is due to the map you are playing. There is other maps in which it is impossible to start with a bonus turn 1. For example Europe 1914, because each bonus area has at least one neutral regions, you can't play Europe 1914 and have a bonus first turn.
But anyway just like Eurasia, it is still unbalanced to play those game in 1vs1 because the first player will drop more troops based on number of regions only, take you some regions and the 2nd player will drop less. Which is why some maps here on CC are extremely unbalanced for playing 1vs1.
There is more than 200 maps on CC, some of them are kind of good for 1vs1 game, and some of them are very bad for 1vs1 game.

After that, it's up to you to decide which map you want to play.
Some people here love to play the luxembourg or the doodle map. Did you try them ? This is just pure luck map. It is very quick and some people like that.
Other people that prefer maps involving more strategy may decide to play maps like king's court II, in which both player will have the exact same drop on the first turn. But it's a totally non-classic map ( weird gameplay).

The thing is, maybe you are right and the developer could have designed the game in a way that nobody drop a bonus first turn.
They didn't and they won't, that's a very old debate, if you look for this suggestion in the forum using research function you'll see it has been proposed a long time ago and never accepted.
But on the other hand, the variety of maps and settings should allow you to find games that suit you more.
Arm race that you like for example, it's also impossible to start with a bonus on turn 1 because all of them start neutral. It also involve a lot of luck though.
But as I told you before, 1vs1 is always more luck than strategy.

Thank you for your educated reply.

I made it saying " the game is a joke" because CC's user base will pollute any thread no matter what you criticize is wrong or right. And they'll also pollute other sub-forums. There's no point being nice.

Now the point of the thread is that you simply can not give some player a +15 advantage. It's been a pathetic game. The guy was the first to play and he just dropped his 15 units on his bonus area and won the game in round 1 by sitting there and watching my pathetic attempts at trying to take down 15 with 9.

Maybe for OCD players is ok, they just play tens of games at the same time enjoying the number frenzy. And they just move on to the next game clicking for more HTML numbers.
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Re: Why this game is a joke

Postby Army of GOD on Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:51 pm

OP, from what it sounds like, all you do is bitch and moan
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Re: Why this game is a joke

Postby Condestável on Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:53 am

Army of GOD wrote:OP, from what it sounds like, all you do is bitch and moan

That's the point of view of nerd whores. Do you like that?
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Re: Why this game is a joke

Postby Army of GOD on Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:09 am

I like whores

I hate nerds though

That's pretty conflicting
mrswdk is a ho
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