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Busted newnickyboy OP BUSTED

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newnickyboy OP BUSTED

Postby JacenDarklighter on Mon Mar 14, 2016 6:40 am



The accused are suspected of:



I'll declare openly that I used to have multiple accounts. I didn't bother reading rules before joining. That's my bad. But newnickyboy has decided to engage in a personal vendetta over this. He has fabricated lies to delete my new successive SINGLULAR accounts that I made so I could play the game by the rules. Separately he has harassed multiple people in chat about their mental illness, even telling someone to get off meds which of course is extremely dangerous. Now, that's part of the internet and I'm not on some social justice crusade to get him banned for that, but please realize the guy has no credibility and don't ban me due to his fabrications again. If I'm to be considered permanently banned from the site already for having used multis before then that of course is your right, though I would question the wisdom of it as a business policy. I opened multies originally because I wanted to play more than 4 games and i'm currently 2 poor to buy premium, but in the future I might not be, and at that time I would of course support the service out of gratitude. If however if I am banned permanently even now that I have altered my behavior then of course you lose not only my revenue but potentially the revenue of any people who i tell about it. Kindness and even forgiveness are usually better business policies. :)

This is my brother's account, so I'd appreciate it if this could be kept open and Xaraan unfrozen, and then I'll just stick to Xaraan(after playing out any games this one is currently engaged in out of courtesy to my opponents.)
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby BIG_John on Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:24 am

Lmao!!!! You expect them to believe that when you said if they busted those other accounts you would go make 10 more accounts! You are a special one for sure! Did you forget who you were reporting because the person you have in the accused and who you talk about in your comments are not the same name!
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby Razorvich on Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:28 am

JacenDarklighter wrote:He has fabricated lies to delete my new successive SINGLULAR accounts that I made so I could play the game by the rules.

It is against the rules to have more than 1 account.

JacenDarklighter wrote:Separately he has harassed multiple people in chat about their mental illness, even telling someone to get off meds which of course is extremely dangerous.

This is not true, I have a full copy of the chat exchange, your claim is out of context.

JacenDarklighter wrote: but please realize the guy has no credibility and don't ban me due to his fabrications again.

errr... yeah .... only allowed 1 account

JacenDarklighter wrote:This is my brother's account, so I'd appreciate it if this could be kept open

Multi-hunters will decide on this...

Disturbing though is your quote from Global:

JacenDarklighter: if you pull some childish shit to get me banned then I will again create a SINGLE new account, because I wish to play the damn game.

REMEMBER.... only allowed 1 account.

As for the chat, there is nothing that I can see for newnickyboy to be accountable for, so its up to you if you are going to continue on the site within the rules.

I would recommend an E-Ticket to explain yourself to Admin, as you must also realise that it is against the rules to "Hijack" anothers account to post in the forums, or the Chat systems, even though you claim the account to be your brothers.

I will wait for the multi-hunters investigation, before taking this chat matter further.

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Re: newnickyboy

Postby Shannon Apple on Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:02 am

Just be honest and say that you opened a new account and don't say that it's your brother's. See this is where the problem lies. How many times have we heard that. Play ONE account. I'm not a multihunter, so my opinion here is the same as any regular member, so don't take what I say as a ruling of any kind. I don't believe the brother story since it too is a brand new account, and I find it crazy that you'd want to have a second account reopened.

Hypothetically, if someone wants to play more than 4 games, but can't afford premium, the legal way of doing that is using only 3 slots for casual games, then using the 4th for RT (Real Time) games. All someone has to do is go in the chat and ask if anyone wants to play RT. There is almost always someone willing to play there and then.
00:33:53 ‹riskllama› will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ‹LiveLoveTeach› You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ‹LiveLoveTeach› Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I doubt it
00:34:30 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I don't think she's into farm animals
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby JacenDarklighter on Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:25 am

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Re: newnickyboy

Postby Godd on Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:26 am

JacenDarklighter wrote:test

yeah had one of them tests this morning as well
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby JacenDarklighter on Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:27 am

Do you people not understand the definition of "single" or what? it means one. one account. I had 3, not knowing the rules, then after they were all frozen I made ONE more so that i could play and then when that one was frozen due to newnickyboy telling people that i'd made multiple I made another ONE(this one), which has now been frozen again. The "ten more accounts" line was a throwaway line meant to question the futility of trying to block accounts from a logical perspective, not a declaration of rebellion which should incite a legion of crusaders, jesus. Yes the account here is new and I made it but it is my brother's email and he has said he'd like to play with me in the future, so he would be using this account. I need some way to communicate at least, don't I? freezing blocks you from the "contact us" button and private messaging too. I guess I mistakenly assumed it blocked you from forums.
Last edited by JacenDarklighter on Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby JacenDarklighter on Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:31 am

"This is not true, I have a full copy of the chat exchange, your claim is out of context."

not sure what context could change that much, but whatever. what I care about is this excessive freezing thing. Leave me ONE account please. at this point pick one.

I eventually i'll just make one that's less obvious through a different IP address or something, and yes of course that will be my ONE active account and I won't make any others, even though i'm sure if i wanted to I could get away with several.
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby JacenDarklighter on Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:42 am

E ticket doesn't seem to be working. says there's some sort of error. that's why i posted here.
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby Shannon Apple on Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:20 am

Um, how old are you? Your brother would give you access to his email? You need access to verify the account! You made the account and started games on it, therefore, the account is yours, regardless of who's email that you use. It would have made perfect sense to open a new account to communicate with the admins and plead your case. Not open a new account, start games on it and "hurr durr, it's my brother's, and I want the other one opened too." A sensible person would have refrained from starting new games until the situation was resolved regardless of who they claim they made the account for.
00:33:53 ‹riskllama› will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ‹LiveLoveTeach› You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ‹LiveLoveTeach› Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I doubt it
00:34:30 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I don't think she's into farm animals
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby eddie2 on Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:23 am

You have cheated used 3 accounts all freemium so you need to log into 1 account and purchase premium to reactivate it. This is usually the first one opened but has been allowed in the past to be any 1.
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby riskllama on Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:42 pm

too funny. thx to all involved for this excellent thread!
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby Chewie1 on Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:59 pm

riskllama wrote:too funny. thx to all involved for this excellent thread!

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Re: newnickyboy

Postby BIG_John on Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:12 pm

He must think he is above the rules and keeps making accounts and then threatens to get a different IP address to cheat the system. Lol!
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby JacenDarklighter on Mon Mar 14, 2016 4:35 pm

I don't think I'm above the rules. I think I'm above Dolores Umbridge style nitpicking and moral crusading around the letter of the law rather than the spirit of it.

but sure, i've had a bit of a bad attitude about it all. I'll grant that creating an additional account in order to be able to play the game would be an immoral action once it is made clear that the site owners prefer that not occur(well, something may be said for the action as a protest), as however silly it may in my mind it is of course their prerogative. So I guess I won't do that.
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Re: newnickyboy served me my lunch

Postby owenshooter on Mon Mar 14, 2016 4:47 pm

JacenDarklighter wrote:*just making matters worse with each post*

trust me... the only way out of this is to say, "my account was HACKED!!!"... good luck... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:00 pm

Wait for it!!!!!

BUSTED again.

Don't forget to join us for our next episode. Same BUST time, same BUST channel.
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby BIG_John on Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:19 pm

Evil Semp wrote:Wait for it!!!!!

BUSTED again.

Don't forget to join us for our next episode. Same BUST time, same BUST channel.

Lmao!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby dakky21 on Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:51 pm

Well, actually, I got a question..... If someone was a multi at a time, how is he going to be a single again? Because starting with new character makes a multi again..... just asking....... ? :)
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby newnickyboy on Tue Mar 15, 2016 8:59 am

Not really sure if any1 is interested in my opinion.

In fact, I will presume nobody is. :)

It's all rather boring and tedious.

Tbh I felt quite sorry for the guy.

Although having BUSTED next to this forum post, does make me look guilty!!! lol
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby owenshooter on Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:09 am

newnickyboy wrote:Although having BUSTED next to this forum post, does make me look guilty!!! lol

yeah!!! i was like, "WHAT THE F?!!!" ha!!! glad it wasn't you!-BJ
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby TimWoodbury on Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:22 pm

darn i waas hoping we could inally get rid o nickys trolling rear end
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby newnickyboy on Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:46 pm

now now Timmy.

That's not very nice of you. :(

To have found this post, you must be pining for me, i understand. But, be a good boy and go and be a good husband.

If you want to chat, feel free to PM me. We can do a threeway if you wish, i'm open to the suggestion.

( however, conversation funny business)

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Re: newnickyboy

Postby owenshooter on Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:31 pm

newnickyboy wrote:now now Timmy.

That's not very nice of you. :(

To have found this post, you must be pining for me, i understand. But, be a good boy and go and be a good husband.

If you want to chat, feel free to PM me. We can do a threeway if you wish, i'm open to the suggestion.

( however, conversation funny business)


look.. this kid is BUSTED, why is he still posting in here?! let's get rid of newnickyboy, NOW!!-Jn
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Re: newnickyboy

Postby newnickyboy on Tue Mar 15, 2016 6:16 pm


not b4 you Jn

i go, you go


i do believe this topic is closed. why keep it open?
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