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Closed Rocko734 [ka]

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Rocko734 [ka]

Postby WildJester on Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:54 pm


The accused are suspected of:
Violating the Unwritten Rules of Conquer Club.
Rocko734 joined the doubles game I created and immediately started to throw the game. He's deliberately attacking me :!:

Check out the game chat to see what I mean (he's actually doing the things he's saying):

Game Chat:
2016-03-06 02:07:57 - WildJester [team]: heyy
2016-03-06 02:08:03 - WildJester [team]: reinforced North Korea with 3
2016-03-06 02:08:21 - WildJester [team]: I'll push from the east -- you do the same from the west
2016-03-06 02:08:47 - WildJester [team]: Take primorsky
2016-03-06 02:09:02 - WildJester [team]: Fort me Taiwan plz
2016-03-06 02:09:26 - WildJester: gl all
2016-03-06 18:52:18 - Rocko734 [team]: I think a better plan would be for me to attack you everywhere I can
2016-03-06 18:52:47 - Rocko734 [team]: ugh, horrible dice, could only get 2...

2016-03-06 22:18:57 - WildJester [team]: Really?
2016-03-06 22:22:56 - WildJester [team]: Why didn't you use your reinforcement last turn?
2016-03-06 22:23:24 - WildJester [team]: Forted you 2 troops to Spain from Portugal.
2016-03-06 22:23:54 - WildJester [team]: Please fort me 2 troops from Taiwan to Kyushu.
2016-03-07 20:49:39 - Rocko734 [team]: if by "fort me 2 troops", you mean "attack", then no problem. There you go.

Game number(s):
Game 16404056

Perhaps his account has been compromised?
Can you please cancel this game? It's not fair for this game to go on record since clearly he's not playing to win.

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Re: Rocko734

Postby exclaim on Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:22 am

He is doing the same thing to me as to WildJester. And I have him as a partner in another game. Both should be canceled. If not, I would like to withdraw. Better to have a plain-old loss than one in which the partner is inexplicably belligerent.

016-03-04 10:39:13 - exclaim [team]: Look, I already got Minnesota!
2016-03-05 19:49:41 - Rocko734 [team]: snap :: 2~?2ủ㵯ⷧ䊣൧ᩚ殓㏻濜珀孎穎妠䓷圵曙強䂀
2016-03-06 18:41:05 - Rocko734 [team]: snap :: 3~?2ủ㵯↤碨掙架Ꮪ浞籗ᵒ孎穎妠䓷圵曒弲䂀
2016-03-07 16:36:59 - exclaim [team]: Strengthened you at Cleveland... go get 'em
2016-03-07 16:37:28 - exclaim [team]: You can take Ohio or break Indiana or...whatever you wanna do
2016-03-07 20:33:07 - Rocko734 [team]: Well that's good, because actually what I want to do is attack you everywhere I can
2016-03-07 20:33:32 - Rocko734 [team]: snap :: 4~?2ᛧ㵮⦧ᔱ㘭䨭㘮ㆵ癎㌭㐼琬䦤଄䫗᧊昬傀
2016-03-07 20:33:50 - Rocko734 [team]: Wow I did really well that turn

Please cancel games 16371783 and 16413535 immediately, or I cannot consider joining CC again. Thank you.
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Re: Rocko734

Postby Major.Bossman on Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:07 am

exclaim wrote:
Please cancel games Game 16371783 and Game 16413535 immediately, or I cannot consider joining CC again. Thank you.

Just to add some other games which could be examples of this Game 16400903, Game 16390678, Game 16400401, Game 16384707 and Game 16400876 even admits deadbeating in chat. For whatever reason this activity seems to start on March 7 otherwise the play until then is rather normal. However this player has a bunch of games that are in the initial round or about to start so this problem could escalate rather quickly.
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Re: Rocko734

Postby timrs2001 on Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:18 am

Imagine my surprise to see this guy's name here. See what he's doing in Game 16406313 right now. It's not as bad as your issue but it confirms the low level of sportsmanship we are dealing with.
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Re: Rocko734

Postby MagnusGreeol on Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:05 am

- I messaged Rocko and asked him to come here and explain this behavior, with a 5.0 starting rate, why would anyone want to jeaprodize that and act out like this is bèyond normal comprehension?

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Re: Rocko734

Postby Shannon Apple on Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:36 am

Major.Bossman wrote:Just to add some other games which could be examples of this
Game 16400903,
Game 16390678,
Game 16400401,
Game 16384707 and
Game 16400876 even admits deadbeating in chat. For whatever reason this activity seems to start on March 7 otherwise the play until then is rather normal. However this player has a bunch of games that are in the initial round or about to start so this problem could escalate rather quickly.

Examples of other games where he is doing this. He has many where he hasn't taken a turn yet. Either his account is hacked, or he's had some sort of epiphany. I'm going to bet on hacked.

Game 16416131 with Ander023
Game 16415410 with SpiritRaider
Game 16414642 with YoBeep check chat on this one. What a turd.
Game 16413562with TaylorKing Taylor has several games with him just started.
00:33:53 ‹riskllama› will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ‹LiveLoveTeach› You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ‹LiveLoveTeach› Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I doubt it
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Re: Rocko734

Postby iambetterthanyou on Tue Mar 08, 2016 11:30 am

Also doing this in a doubles game we had/have won.

2016-03-06 23:37:29 - iambetterthanyou [team]: what are you doing?
2016-03-06 23:37:55 - iambetterthanyou: u 2 green
2016-03-07 21:57:40 - Rocko734 [team]: snap :: 7~?2䚱䚱䚱㘯䑐ሌ㈌㈌␌㈌㈌ጴ匘枘掐
2016-03-07 21:57:53 - Rocko734: gg green!
2016-03-07 21:58:11 - Rocko734 [team]: I'm attacking you everywhere I can; I felt it was the best strategy for us
2016-03-07 22:17:27 - iambetterthanyou [team]: You do realize you don't get any extra points than if you just would have knocked green out two turns ago
2016-03-08 06:53:41 - placebo7: what are you doing? why you dont finish it??????????? is this a joke or something? not a fairplay
2016-03-08 09:41:12 - iambetterthanyou: he is trying to knock me out for some reason "I'm attacking you everywhere I can; I felt it was the best strategy for us"
2016-03-08 09:48:51 - Rocko734: hi green, nothing much, just playing the game..
2016-03-08 09:50:16 - Rocko734: Well now that my partner is dead, I think I'll deadbeat for the rest of this game
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Re: Rocko734

Postby MagnusGreeol on Tue Mar 08, 2016 11:46 am

- His account should be temporarily frozen from starting/joining anymore wars, already too many are experiencing strange unfair behavior??

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Re: Rocko734

Postby exclaim on Tue Mar 08, 2016 11:46 am

He is now doing this indeed in both games I am playing with him. I hope the CC authorities will cancel both of the games. I was considering rejoining. Not any more if this is what I can expect.
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Re: Rocko734

Postby jkoutback13 on Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:08 pm

I'm his teammate in a doubles game right now (Game 16400401) that he is throwing. Here's the chat:
2016-03-04 18:12:14 - Rocko734 [team]: snap :: 4~?1↗ʲ拨ሌ㈋⢵圵˒䫒䫒䫒⧊⮰労劀
2016-03-06 08:14:55 - Rocko734 [team]: snap :: 5~?1↗ʸ掙⎘掖孖孔匔匔匔匒䫒娅ሥႀ
2016-03-06 17:37:13 - Rocko734 [team]: snap :: 6~?2≉妎ᤆᅆᤅ唵圵Ʃ□⒩▩ᔥؒ૆䫀
2016-03-07 15:30:12 - jkoutback13 [team]: Can you press into South America from the North?
2016-03-07 15:34:19 - Rocko734 [team]: I'm sure I could. But I think a better option would be for me to attack you instead.
2016-03-07 15:34:44 - Rocko734 [team]: snap :: 7~?1␋ゎᤆ᥆ᤅ唵圵唥ᔅᄥᔥጤ垅刵傀
2016-03-07 15:34:56 - Rocko734 [team]: Eh, couldn't quite get ya..
2016-03-07 20:17:04 - jkoutback13: I'm not sure what my teammate is doing, but gg blue and yellow.
2016-03-07 22:06:54 - Rocko734: what do you mean red? I told you that I was going to attack you everywhere I could
2016-03-07 22:07:11 - Rocko734: And put this in team chat so the others don't know our strategy!
2016-03-07 22:07:35 - Rocko734 [team]: snap :: 8~?0䚭䓱䒱䚱䒭☭ح֩䪩ک㶩▅㢭อ
2016-03-07 22:07:45 - Rocko734 [team]: Unreal, had horrible dice
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Re: Rocko734

Postby owenshooter on Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:33 pm

exclaim wrote:Please cancel games 16371783 and 16413535 immediately, or I cannot consider joining CC again. Thank you.

sorry, they don't "cancel" games... the best they can do is tell you to foe and move on, so you don't play with him again...

Shannon Apple wrote:I'm going to bet on hacked.

why does everyone always say "hacked"? what "hacker" is sitting at home thinking, "ok, took care of nasa, beat the Pentagon challenge, changed all my friends grades... OH! Look!! an online gaming site that looks like risk!! let me hack someone's account, instead of just joining for free and ruin someone's score!!! THIS IS A REAL CHALLENGE, SCREW HACKING FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS!!" sorry, just hard to believe... i have seen zero instances proven in which an account on CC was "hacked". please stop saying this, you are smarter than that.

however, something is up. the guy has a 5.0 rating and just seems to have gone off the deep end. either he has a bad sitter or he had a severe mental snap and is now someone else... good luck with this one!!!-Jésus noir

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Re: Rocko734

Postby exclaim on Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:33 pm

OK. thanks. I will move on to other games, and other, saner partners.
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Re: Rocko734

Postby iamcaveman on Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:47 pm

me and my partner were pretty confused in game 16414642. we were thinking he didnt know it was a doubles game or something...cant tell if he's hacked or just trolling
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Re: Rocko734

Postby Leoj83 on Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:08 pm

Sadly he joined me recently in this almost finished game (Game 16400877), that we would have won if he'd not started to turn against me. The chat so far:

2016-03-06 20:58:42 - Leoj83 [team]: I reinforced you in Russia. You can take the baltics as well. Can you please take Faroe islands from blue
2016-03-08 05:39:17 - Rocko734 [team]: No I think I'll just attack you everywhere I can instead
2016-03-08 05:40:59 - Rocko734 [team]: snap :: 3~?1▉匕⋌匥ᨑᕒⳡܒ憍ᔦ㔭㨔娥㙍┤㥍ᕎ㔦ᣉඩ▨€
2016-03-08 05:41:42 - Rocko734 [team]: Wow I had amazing dice, took 13 territories!
2016-03-08 19:24:17 - Leoj83 [team]: Oooook?? WTF
2016-03-08 19:30:43 - Rocko734 [team]: snap :: 4~?1▫▪䖩⦩䦩䶩䌈榬ᅒ䫦䭑⛒朕凍┤㥅ᕂ䖱䚰䐄䫒䂀
2016-03-08 19:30:53 - Rocko734 [team]: another great turn, almost got ya..
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Re: Rocko734

Postby TheForgivenOne on Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:29 pm

owenshooter wrote:
exclaim wrote:Please cancel games 16371783 and 16413535 immediately, or I cannot consider joining CC again. Thank you.

sorry, they don't "cancel" games... the best they can do is tell you to foe and move on, so you don't play with him again...

He should also get a warning under the Major Infraction Scale.
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Re: Rocko734

Postby ubcman64 on Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:36 pm

MagnusGreeol wrote:- I messaged Rocko and asked him to come here and explain this behavior, with a 5.0 starting rate, why would anyone want to jeaprodize that and act out like this is bèyond normal comprehension?


He's only been rated by 6 people.
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Re: Rocko734

Postby LamarcusAldridge on Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:43 pm

Oh man, this sucks. Not fair to opponents either, as I don't enjoy playing against someone who isn't trying to win. I think a fair solution might be to boot him from those games immediately, as that would turn all of his regions over to his partner and they would even have an advantage in the short term with the region bonus they would get as a result. Still kinda sucks for everyone but at least we would have a game.

Thanks for the heads up @jkoutback13.
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Re: Rocko734

Postby UCAbears on Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:16 pm

jkoutback13 wrote:I'm his teammate in a doubles game right now (Game 16400401) that he is throwing. Here's the chat:
2016-03-04 18:12:14 - Rocko734 [team]: snap :: 4~?1↗ʲ拨ሌ㈋⢵圵˒䫒䫒䫒⧊⮰労劀
2016-03-06 08:14:55 - Rocko734 [team]: snap :: 5~?1↗ʸ掙⎘掖孖孔匔匔匔匒䫒娅ሥႀ
2016-03-06 17:37:13 - Rocko734 [team]: snap :: 6~?2≉妎ᤆᅆᤅ唵圵Ʃ□⒩▩ᔥؒ૆䫀
2016-03-07 15:30:12 - jkoutback13 [team]: Can you press into South America from the North?
2016-03-07 15:34:19 - Rocko734 [team]: I'm sure I could. But I think a better option would be for me to attack you instead.
2016-03-07 15:34:44 - Rocko734 [team]: snap :: 7~?1␋ゎᤆ᥆ᤅ唵圵唥ᔅᄥᔥጤ垅刵傀
2016-03-07 15:34:56 - Rocko734 [team]: Eh, couldn't quite get ya..
2016-03-07 20:17:04 - jkoutback13: I'm not sure what my teammate is doing, but gg blue and yellow.
2016-03-07 22:06:54 - Rocko734: what do you mean red? I told you that I was going to attack you everywhere I could
2016-03-07 22:07:11 - Rocko734: And put this in team chat so the others don't know our strategy!
2016-03-07 22:07:35 - Rocko734 [team]: snap :: 8~?0䚭䓱䒱䚱䒭☭ح֩䪩ک㶩▅㢭อ
2016-03-07 22:07:45 - Rocko734 [team]: Unreal, had horrible dice

Thanks for the heads up in our game.
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Re: Rocko734

Postby Sey69 on Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:40 pm


there isn't some hacker (probably sitting at home) trying to hack ConquerClub's servers. Just someone with nothing better to do than get into someone's account and wreak mayhem by joining team games and trying to cause mayhem. I'd bet it's a disgruntled former CC member with an axe to grind. Wants to come in and try to get his/her 'revenge by screwing up as many games as possible. That is sort of targeting CC.

Hacked has just become the general catch-all term for a security violation (of any kind).
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Re: Rocko734

Postby MagnusGreeol on Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:46 pm

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Re: Rocko734

Postby bononthebarbaria on Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:49 pm

he joined 4 of my doubles games and attacked me from the get go. what can i do?
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Re: Rocko734

Postby owenshooter on Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:06 pm

bononthebarbaria wrote:he joined 4 of my doubles games and attacked me from the get go. what can i do?

foe and move on. good luck.-Jésus noir

p.s.-add your game number to this complaint.
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Re: Rocko734

Postby TheForgivenOne on Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:31 pm

He's just been guested.
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Re: Rocko734

Postby Oregon Gamer on Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:08 pm

He's doing the same in Game 16411107, attacking his teammate (Red) almost exclusively.
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Re: Rocko734

Postby king achilles on Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:18 pm

His account is suspended indefinitely pending investigation. He doesn't look like he was hacked so that possibility is out of the table. As for the affected games, feel free to put him on your foe list and rate him accordingly.
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