Conquer Club

Madness in Rio [COMPLETED]

For finished TPA, Championship and other great tournaments of the past

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Re: Madness in Rio - 11/16 [5 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby crasp on Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:15 am

please add Gladiators of noxious to this. wiil add more names later.
co-lead bantam.
1 Crasp
2 bantam
3 Mookiemcgee
4 odug
5 Tuffy
6 stompie
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Re: Madness in Rio - 11/16 [5 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby TimWoodbury on Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:13 am

last and final update for team single peeps
Lord Arioch
Luke 035
makes us with a 15 members and that rounds out the team
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Re: Madness in Rio - 13/16 [3 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby Mad777 on Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:56 am

Thanks Tim, good work!

Acknowledged registration from GoN and FAD...

That let us 3 spots available, awaiting answer from S&M, TNC, RGX and VVV.

The first three from this group will get the ticket...first to reach the minimum of 10 players.

Thanks to all so far to make this happen, we will have a lots of fun.
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Re: Madness in Rio - 13/16 [3 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby MestreLion on Fri Mar 04, 2016 11:05 am

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Re: Madness in Rio - 13/16 [3 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby Mad777 on Fri Mar 04, 2016 12:25 pm

updated, thanks
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Re: Madness in Rio - 13/16 [3 spots left]

Postby Mad777 on Fri Mar 04, 2016 5:53 pm

All changes and update completed up to here, here is the condense so far:

  • 3 spots for large team remain

There is 4 players registered as single and willing to join a team.

Registrants update:

  1. The Fallen has 14 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  2. VDLL has 11 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  3. FISO has 15 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  4. CoPACKabana has 19, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  5. Duchy of Grand Fenwick has 16 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  6. Utopia has 18 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  7. Hydra has 14 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  8. AFOS has 13 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  9. LHDD has 14 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  10. Retribution has 12 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  11. Single Peeps, has 15 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  12. FAD, in work building the team (Razorvich).
  13. GoN has 7 players, in work building the team (crasp).

Awaiting confirmation from: TOP (PaulatPeace), RGX (Prince_Tottenham), S&M (josko.ri), VVV (mcshanester29) & TNC (joshzam)

That is 5 potential team for only 3 remaining spots, first 3 team that comes up with the minimum amount of player will receive the boarding pass to Rio, that apply to the team that ask me to reserve a spot and still working getting a team (FAD & GoN).

Countdown: 24 days! - Deadline for team submission is March 24th midnight at the latest (CC time), Registration to close earlier as we have 16 valid teams.
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Re: Madness in Rio - 13/16 [3 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby mcshanester29 on Fri Mar 04, 2016 9:02 pm

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Re: Madness in Rio - 13/16 [3 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby Silly Knig-it on Sat Mar 05, 2016 4:36 am

Could we get some sort of a team leader heads up on what I need to be slotting for. I am not clear how fast these different sports will come and therefore how to distribute my people. Any kind of guidance would help.

You mention seperate threads for each contest. Will I as the team leader, post to each thread who from my team is playing? Or how will this work.

Do you have a team leader handbook? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Madness in Rio - 13/16 [3 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby Razorvich on Sat Mar 05, 2016 7:06 am

FIRE and DICE will enter a team, more to follow... 11 confirmed

1. Razorvich
2. rizky_biznezz (2ic)
3. Eddie2
4. Offa
5. dorsettrob
6. Wile E Coyote
7. ImaNoid
8. Gabriel13
9. Barum Boy
11. gigi_b
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Re: Madness in Rio - 14/16 [2 spots left]

Postby Mad777 on Sat Mar 05, 2016 11:04 am

All changes and update completed up to here, here is the condense so far:

  • 2 spots for large team remain

There is 4 players registered as single and willing to join a team.

Registrants update:

  1. The Fallen has 14 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  2. VDLL has 11 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  3. FISO has 15 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  4. CoPACKabana has 19, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  5. Duchy of Grand Fenwick has 16 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  6. Utopia has 18 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  7. Hydra has 14 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  8. AFOS has 13 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  9. LHDD has 14 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  10. Retribution has 12 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  11. Single Peeps has 15 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  12. FAD has 11 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  13. GoN has 7 players, in work building the team (crasp).
  14. VVV has 9 players, in work building the team (mcshanester29).

Awaiting confirmation from: TOP (PaulatPeace), RGX (Prince_Tottenham), S&M (josko.ri) & TNC (joshzam)

That is 4 potential team for only 2 remaining spots, first 2 team that comes up with the minimum amount of player will receive the boarding pass to Rio, that apply to the team that ask me to reserve a spot and still working getting a team (VVV & GoN).

Countdown: 23 days! - Deadline for team submission is March 24th midnight at the latest (CC time), Registration to close earlier as soon as we have 16 valid teams.
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Re: Madness in Rio - 13/16 [3 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby Mad777 on Sat Mar 05, 2016 11:14 am

Silly Knig-it wrote:Mad,
Could we get some sort of a team leader heads up on what I need to be slotting for. I am not clear how fast these different sports will come and therefore how to distribute my people. Any kind of guidance would help.

You mention seperate threads for each contest. Will I as the team leader, post to each thread who from my team is playing? Or how will this work.

Do you have a team leader handbook? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I plan on sending the first PM to all Leaders when I have the 16 teams ready, hopefully this weekend ;)

each sport will have its own thread as mentionned in the rules however those to be "locked" and use for Community Tournament medal issuance only. All sport activity report to be held in this thread, as mentionned in the 1st post each sport listed in the 2nd post will be "transform" as a link to the ongoing section as soon as it start, you will be able to use it to review competition progress/scores.
As far sending player list, I will submit 1 PM to all Leaders showing the set that is coming up with amount of players required, Leader will then PM me back with the list.

My goal is to limit the amount of messaging and minimize the PMs to you all, since each set is suppose to start in a 4 to 5 weeks pace I will send PM a week prior to the set start day to have you getting the player list...Remember we are "working" one set at the time...having you all enjoying the game and the flow is my priority.

1st post can be consider as a "handbook"
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Re: Madness in Rio - 14/16 [2 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby TX AG 90 on Sat Mar 05, 2016 3:16 pm

Thanks again Mad for all the work on this.

can you please add killboy108 to team Hydra?

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Re: Madness in Rio - 14/16 [2 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby Mad777 on Sat Mar 05, 2016 3:24 pm

TX AG 90 wrote:Thanks again Mad for all the work on this.

can you please add killboy108 to team Hydra?


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Re: Madness in Rio - 14/16 [2 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby mcshanester29 on Sat Mar 05, 2016 7:11 pm

updated our team list with

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Re: Madness in Rio - 14/16 [2 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby Mad777 on Sat Mar 05, 2016 7:43 pm

mcshanester29 wrote:updated our team list with


Done, that makes 11 players so far and grant to your team the boarding pass to Rio, welcome a board 8-)
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Re: Madness in Rio - 11/16 [5 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby Bantam on Sat Mar 05, 2016 8:28 pm

Amended list of players.
1. crasp
2. Bantam
3. mookiemcgee
4. Odug
5. TuffyLess
6. stompie
7. TheGreys
8. jusplay4fun
9. King Edward 3rd
10. Frank Martel

crasp wrote:please add Gladiators of noxious to this. will add more names later.
co-lead bantam.
1 Crasp
2 bantam
3 Mookiemcgee
4 odug
5 Tuffy
6 stompie
Gladiators of Noxious
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Re: Madness in Rio - 11/16 [5 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby Mad777 on Sat Mar 05, 2016 8:48 pm

Bantam wrote:Amended list of players.
1. crasp
2. Bantam
3. mookiemcgee
4. Odug
5. TuffyLess
6. stompie
7. TheGreys
8. jusplay4fun
9. King Edward 3rd
10. Frank Martel

crasp wrote:please add Gladiators of noxious to this. will add more names later.
co-lead bantam.
1 Crasp
2 bantam
3 Mookiemcgee
4 odug
5 Tuffy
6 stompie

Awesome, your team is also receiving the boarding pass to Rio!

We have now 14 approved teams, 2 more and the airplane will depart. :)
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Re: Madness in Rio - 14/16 [2 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby Silly Knig-it on Sun Mar 06, 2016 4:21 pm

For Grand Fenwick, take off muti and add adamator
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Re: Madness in Rio - 14/16 [2 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby Mad777 on Sun Mar 06, 2016 4:24 pm

Silly Knig-it wrote:For Grand Fenwick, take off muti and add adamator

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Re: Madness in Rio - 14/16 [2 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby Silly Knig-it on Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:16 am

Please add Conquistador Sid to the Duchy of Grand Fenwik team
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Re: Madness in Rio - 14/16 [2 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby Mad777 on Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:31 am

Silly Knig-it wrote:Please add Conquistador Sid to the Duchy of Grand Fenwik team

updated 8-)
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Re: Madness in Rio - 14/16 [2 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby uzless on Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:33 am

Can I join? I don't have a team but i'll join any one of them.
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Re: Madness in Rio - 14/16 [2 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby Mad777 on Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:51 am

uzless wrote:Can I join? I don't have a team but i'll join any one of them.

I will add you to the single player promise that this list will found a home but you never know ;)
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Re: Madness in Rio - 14/16 [2 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby Mad777 on Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:28 pm

All changes and update completed up to here, here is the condense so far:

  • 2 spots for large team remain

There is 5 players registered as single and willing to join a team.

Registrants update:

  1. The Fallen has 14 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  2. VDLL has 11 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  3. FISO has 15 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  4. CoPACKabana has 19, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  5. Duchy of Grand Fenwick has 17 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  6. Utopia has 18 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  7. Hydra has 15 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  8. AFOS has 13 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  9. LHDD has 14 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  10. Retribution has 12 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  11. Single Peeps has 15 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  12. FAD has 11 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.
  13. GoN has 10 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued..
  14. VVV has 11 players, checklist complete, boarding pass issued.

Awaiting confirmation from: HH (chickencheese), TOP (PaulatPeace), RGX (Prince_Tottenham), S&M (josko.ri) & TNC (joshzam)

That is 5 potential team for only 2 remaining spots, first 2 team that comes up with the minimum amount of player will receive the boarding pass to Rio, words are those teams are trying to merge and come up with a list...More to come.

Countdown: 21 days! - Deadline for team submission is March 24th midnight at the latest (CC time), Registration to close earlier as soon as we have 16 valid teams.
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Re: Madness in Rio - 14/16 [2 spots left, start March 28th]

Postby TimWoodbury on Mon Mar 07, 2016 3:47 pm

can you add jms935 to team singlepeeps
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