Welcome to the first ever official Clan Mafia Contest! We are offering up to 7,000 credits in Prizes!
As hosted by IcePack & the Clan Department.
Starting April 1st!
You've competed for personal glory in the Mafia Realm. Now fight for the glory of your Clan!
Mafia is spilling into the Clan forum - the Town is in an uproar and ready to find the Mafia and lynch them.
We are looking for up to 16 players to join us to represent their clan in the game.
Only one player can represent the clan, so if you have many send your best!
Note: there might be slight alterations to the structure of the contest if we can't get 16 participants
One player to represent your clan. Only one per clan.
You can share your roles with your clan mates, but you and your clan can't share with anyone else.
You will be the clan rep and only one making official posts, but your clan can be discussing within their
private area as well.
No experience is necessary to play.
I'm happy to help new players learn in order to participate / answer any questions.
If you aren't sure what Mafia is, check out some of the rules, terms and general information (such as roles) HERE and HERE.
Here is a list of the many roles available that you will use in order to try deciding what someone might be doing and assist you figuring out whether or not they are town, mafia, or third party.
This is the sign up thread for the game that will take place starting April 1st. Future discussions amongst observers will take place here, while a new "game thread" will be created later for the players.
3,500 Credits for Clan Mafia MVP
250 credits will be issued to each of the other winners
Up to ten prizes of 100 credits will be issued to the most active / involved players who made the game more enjoyable for everyone else.
(All prize awards determined by IcePack & the CD Team)