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Noted Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making [es]

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Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making [es]

Postby direwolf on Sat Feb 27, 2016 1:02 am



The accused are suspected of:

Personal attacks and abusive language
Other: intentionally missing turns and making the game unenjoyable

Game number(s):

Game 16371772
Game 16175044
Game 16170552
Game 16144027
Game 16057439
Game 16026872
Game 16026639
Game 15662255

Comments: once JESKIER is losing in a game they will quit with the intention of taking up time where in cases of their opponent being a non premium member they will have tto wait until that game is complete to start a new game. An example which is cut and pasted from game #1602687:----22015-10-11 11:17:46 - JESKIER: i also like to think i dominated you, making you wait for your turn, what with being a cheap skate freemium and all that, tick tock, tick tock. And once again comments from game #16371772 in which I am currently playing in that involve personal attacks and abusive language:----2016-02-24 04:22:28 - JESKIER: just think, i control you !!!!!, 1 game down till i finish with ya, you retard redneck, been fucking ya mom lately ?????
2016-02-24 04:23:27 - JESKIER: 3 more days of being a game down hahaha
2016-02-24 17:06:14 - direwolf: You control me? Um ok. Red neck? Um ok
2016-02-24 18:57:01 - JESKIER: Yep, sure do, like i said, 3 long days till you get your 4th game back RED FUCKIN NECK !!!!!!
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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making t

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sat Feb 27, 2016 6:04 am

- Salut Direwolf!

- I'm 100% with you on this, there is no need for this type of language in CC. And purposely missing turns to screw with you as freemium is bogus also.

- When did they start handing out laptops in female prisons is what I'd like to know? I thought they were restricted to books and finger painting? Anyways Direwolf, while you await the verdict, How's about you use your magical powers and turn Jeskier's comments into lil twinkling stars ") (Foe).

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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making t

Postby betiko on Sat Feb 27, 2016 6:48 am

lol i won't bother looking into the archives, but I hope it's not his first infrigment and it won't just be a warning.
Looking forward to see this jackass punished, yay!
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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making t

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sat Feb 27, 2016 6:54 am

betiko wrote:lol i won't bother looking into the archives, but I hope it's not his first infrigment and it won't just be a warning.
Looking forward to see this jackass punished, yay!

- Actually, I don't know if it's true or not, But his says he's a "her"? I still want to know why inmates are given laptops?

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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making t

Postby ConfederateSS on Sat Feb 27, 2016 8:45 am

------Something might happen with the 1st infraction.(Maybe :roll: )..........But as for the 2nd/OTHER:They have already ruled in The Feb.Challenge ,people can do whatever they want,ignoring Conquer Club's rules,guidelines and code of ethics....MISS TURNS,WAIT 23hrs50+mins in every game,when they do decide to start their turn.They let the time run out...The High Command,Not doing anything,others jumped on the delay the game band wagon...MAKING THINGS UNENJOYABLE ,FORCING SOME PLAYERS TO QUIT...SO YEAH,GO AHEAD AND RULE...MANY AWAIT THE AWESOME WISE RULING.BUT BECAREFUL NOT TO CONTRADICT YOURSELF ....HIGH COMMAND ;) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion). :D
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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making t

Postby IcePack on Sat Feb 27, 2016 11:58 am

The language doesn't rise to the level of punishment I don't think. Least it hasn't in the past.

The turns thing being spelt out by him as intentional as opposed to just slow taking of turns might get noted or warned for holding hostage?

Glad I'm not C&A tho :)

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Re: Jeskier has done nothing to merit mod intervention.

Postby owenshooter on Sat Feb 27, 2016 4:50 pm

absolutely nothing this user has done is remotely elevated to the levels required to be considered an infraction. you are going to be told to "foe and move on." someone else will say, "sorry about your little butt." i, however, am going to say, "suck it up, cupcake." and i bet you are such an upstanding CC member that you notified this guy about reporting him... *eyes rolling out of my black jesus skull*... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

p.s.-the black jesus is never wrong, this thread might as well be locked down...
p.p.s.-by the way, bad move posting games in which he was ELIMINATED and not kicked for missing turns... life happens... you posted 3 games he was kicked from. far from the level needed for abuse...

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Re: Jeskier has done nothing to merit mod intervention.

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sat Feb 27, 2016 5:27 pm

owenshooter wrote:absolutely nothing this user has done is remotely elevated to the levels required to be considered an infraction. you are going to be told to "foe and move on." someone else will say, "sorry about your little butt." i, however, am going to say, "suck it up, cupcake." and i bet you are such an upstanding CC member that you notified this guy about reporting him... *eyes rolling out of my black jesus skull*... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

p.s.-the black jesus is never wrong, this thread might as well be locked down...
p.p.s.-by the way, bad move posting games in which he was ELIMINATED and not kicked for missing turns... life happens... you posted 3 games he was kicked from. far from the level needed for abuse...

- Jeskier did not deserve a heads up from Direwolf, After posting more insult and flame on Sides wall I don't blame him for not wanting to visit Jeskiers wall to notify him. And though Jeskier won't be punished or warned, I would like to say talking about anyone's Mother is fucking bullshit/cowardly and ignorant! Saying shit about people's Mothers should be against the rules in my book, If I owned this site it would be! Foe the fucker!! Eat a cupcake!! And we move away from the piece of shit!!

- I'm sorry, But when it comes to Mother bashing gloves off!!


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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making t

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sat Feb 27, 2016 5:41 pm

- Sorry OS, I was so flustered I wrote accidentally in your quote?

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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making t

Postby Symmetry on Sat Feb 27, 2016 10:11 pm

Chat from the last game indicates that yeah, it is a case of deliberately missing turns.
15-05-21 16:26:52 - JESKIER: hello
2015-05-21 16:29:52 - zgaleota1524: hey good luck
2015-05-21 16:38:31 - JESKIER: and your next joke............
2015-05-21 16:40:59 - JESKIER: sorry, but i dont continue with bullshit games, time a suicide button was added as it delays the game for you.

The game was won before full dead beating, but that's a pretty clear declaration of intentionally missing turns.
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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making [

Postby Symmetry on Sat Feb 27, 2016 10:32 pm


2015-10-08 20:36:34 - JESKIER: well, that enough of this bollocks, moving on, time will be your killer
2015-10-09 12:09:42 - ledrew: no worries. Dominating you will let me sleep at night. You played this so terribly.
2015-10-11 17:16:28 - JESKIER: lol, i like to help the less fortunate than myself, glad you accepted the charity ;)
2015-10-11 17:17:46 - JESKIER: i also like to think i dominated you, making you wait for your turn, what with being a cheap skate freemium and all that, tick tock, tick tock

A game JESKIER deadbeated out of.

Game 16026872
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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making [

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:24 am

- What gets my goat besides Mother bashing is those who are friendly when their winning and wicked jerks when losing? It's the kid who is happy when he gets a cookie then mad when it's gone. Not everyone has consistent behavior, Some can't take the good with the bad, I'm sure everyone knows people like this.

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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making [

Postby JESKIER on Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:45 am


I exercised by god given right to take my 24 hours to play my turn, I dont see anything stating I had to do it quicker. Why give a 24hr time if you cant take 24 hours.

The arse called Direwolf started this issue by making a reference to my gender and saying vulgarities to a female menstrual cycle. This was a wall comment which ive since deleted, but feel free to check it out.

He was a fremium after all, but now i like to think Ive helped CC as he went and took out premium status.
Im not looking for any thanks though :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway, as im not a serious player here, i dont really care about anything so do what ever you like =D>
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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making t

Postby JESKIER on Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:47 am

MagnusGreeol wrote:
betiko wrote:lol i won't bother looking into the archives, but I hope it's not his first infrigment and it won't just be a warning.
Looking forward to see this jackass punished, yay!

- Actually, I don't know if it's true or not, But his says he's a "her"? I still want to know why inmates are given laptops?


She uses her daddys laptop when hes not around :-$ :-$ :-$
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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making [

Postby JESKIER on Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:48 am

MagnusGreeol wrote:- What gets my goat besides Mother bashing is those who are friendly when their winning and wicked jerks when losing? It's the kid who is happy when he gets a cookie then mad when it's gone. Not everyone has consistent behavior, Some can't take the good with the bad, I'm sure everyone knows people like this.


Nicely said !!
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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making t

Postby JESKIER on Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:50 am

Symmetry wrote:Chat from the last game indicates that yeah, it is a case of deliberately missing turns.
15-05-21 16:26:52 - JESKIER: hello
2015-05-21 16:29:52 - zgaleota1524: hey good luck
2015-05-21 16:38:31 - JESKIER: and your next joke............
2015-05-21 16:40:59 - JESKIER: sorry, but i dont continue with bullshit games, time a suicide button was added as it delays the game for you.

The game was won before full dead beating, but that's a pretty clear declaration of intentionally missing turns.

I had to go to boarding school, A suicide button is defo needed, well done for raising this point, i like you !!!
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Re: Jeskier has done nothing to merit mod intervention.

Postby JESKIER on Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:56 am

MagnusGreeol wrote:
owenshooter wrote:absolutely nothing this user has done is remotely elevated to the levels required to be considered an infraction. you are going to be told to "foe and move on." someone else will say, "sorry about your little butt." i, however, am going to say, "suck it up, cupcake." and i bet you are such an upstanding CC member that you notified this guy about reporting him... *eyes rolling out of my black jesus skull*... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

p.s.-the black jesus is never wrong, this thread might as well be locked down...
p.p.s.-by the way, bad move posting games in which he was ELIMINATED and not kicked for missing turns... life happens... you posted 3 games he was kicked from. far from the level needed for abuse...

- Jeskier did not deserve a heads up from Direwolf, After posting more insult and flame on Sides wall I don't blame him for not wanting to visit Jeskiers wall to notify him. And though Jeskier won't be punished or warned, I would like to say talking about anyone's Mother is fucking bullshit/cowardly and ignorant! Saying shit about people's Mothers should be against the rules in my book, If I owned this site it would be! Foe the fucker!! Eat a cupcake!! And we move away from the piece of shit!!

- I'm sorry, But when it comes to Mother bashing gloves off!!



haha, just take note of who started this, read my comment, i fight fire with fire. Simple as that, why call me a piece of shit, that's terrible
but i agree, he should just suck it up and foe me, but oh no, he invited me to another game, WTF ????
I rest my came me lord.
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Re: Jeskier has done nothing to merit mod intervention.

Postby owenshooter on Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:02 pm

JESKIER wrote:
MagnusGreeol wrote:
owenshooter wrote:absolutely nothing this user has done is remotely elevated to the levels required to be considered an infraction. you are going to be told to "foe and move on." someone else will say, "sorry about your little butt." i, however, am going to say, "suck it up, cupcake." and i bet you are such an upstanding CC member that you notified this guy about reporting him... *eyes rolling out of my black jesus skull*... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

p.s.-the black jesus is never wrong, this thread might as well be locked down...
p.p.s.-by the way, bad move posting games in which he was ELIMINATED and not kicked for missing turns... life happens... you posted 3 games he was kicked from. far from the level needed for abuse...

- Jeskier did not deserve a heads up from Direwolf, After posting more insult and flame on Sides wall I don't blame him for not wanting to visit Jeskiers wall to notify him. And though Jeskier won't be punished or warned, I would like to say talking about anyone's Mother is fucking bullshit/cowardly and ignorant! Saying shit about people's Mothers should be against the rules in my book, If I owned this site it would be! Foe the fucker!! Eat a cupcake!! And we move away from the piece of shit!!

- I'm sorry, But when it comes to Mother bashing gloves off!!



haha, just take note of who started this, read my comment, i fight fire with fire. Simple as that, why call me a piece of shit, that's terrible
but i agree, he should just suck it up and foe me, but oh no, he invited me to another game, WTF ????
I rest my came me lord.

ummmm... you do realize someone posted wrong and that quote is not fully mine, right? just making sure...-Jn
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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making [

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:19 pm

- Yah, The last part of that is mine, definition of piece of shit to me is anyone who likes to include Mothers in an argument or rant. I'll stick to that till I'm dead.

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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making [

Postby direwolf on Sun Feb 28, 2016 3:50 pm


I exercised by god given right to take my 24 hours to play my turn, I dont see anything stating I had to do it quicker. Why give a 24hr time if you cant take 24 hours.

The arse called Direwolf started this issue by making a reference to my gender and saying vulgarities to a female menstrual cycle. This was a wall comment which ive since deleted, but feel free to check it out.

He was a fremium after all, but now i like to think Ive helped CC as he went and took out premium status.
Im not looking for any thanks though :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway, as im not a serious player here, i dont really care about anything so do what ever you like =D>

I never made any references to your gender or anything else. I made no comments to your wall. In fact I didn't realize that you are female until after I reported you. There is a 24 hour time limit and players can use all the time they need. Most turns you dudnt even take your turn but you had time to take your turn in other games. Once you start losing you become bitter and on many occasions you purposefully missed turns to make sure that the other player wasn't able to start another game. You cannot deny this theses are your own words.
2016-02-24 04:22:28 - JESKIER: just think, i control you !!!!!, 1 game down till i finish with ya, you retard redneck, been fucking ya mom lately ?????
2016-02-24 04:23:27 - JESKIER: 3 more days of being a game down hahaha
Seeing how this is the way you act on a website that is just a game and your attitude when you lose I can definitely understand why you were shipped to boarding school. And then to call me a red neck and asking me if I was fucking my mother shows a complete lack of class. I reported all of this hoping to prevent someone in the future from dealing with you childish nonsense. I invited you to play another game with me because your skills are suspect and I would have taken great joy in defeating you again and again. Good luck with yourself. You're gonna need it.
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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making [

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Feb 28, 2016 7:16 pm

- Hey, Ya know Guys and Girls,

- I was mad about this whole thing, now I feel sad for Jeskier, I mean, We don't know what happened in her life to make her act out like this, and still she's wrong to act like this, but I don't believe it's her deep down self, but a hardened shell she needed to form to protect her inner feelings? A flower that never had a chance to bloom, Is sad. Let's lay off her, as much as I'm not a fan of Mother bashing, I'm also not a fan of attacking young girls. So Jeskier sweetheart, P!ease try to be the best you can girl, gotta crack that shell of yours so we can meet the softer you. Best of luck and strength to you Jeskier.

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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making [

Postby Ltrain on Sun Feb 28, 2016 9:49 pm

That Jeskier would intentionally drag a freemium through 3 days of waiting and mock them for it just shows just how much of an asshole/bitch he/she is. This is way worse than name calling in chat, because... well it's just a different level off asshole/bitchiness. You suck, Jeskier.

but yea, not against the rules.
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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making [

Postby BrutalBob on Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:16 am

Ltrain wrote:That Jeskier would intentionally drag a freemium through 3 days of waiting and mock them for it just shows just how much of an asshole/bitch he/she is. This is way worse than name calling in chat, because... well it's just a different level off asshole/bitchiness. You suck, Jeskier.

but yea, not against the rules.


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Re: Jeskier missing intentionally missing turns and making [

Postby MagnusGreeol on Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:07 am

- This is a young girl we are talking about now, And let me point out there is a difference between pure evil and made evil.

- Pure evil is someone born into a loving caring nurturing family and raised with all good intention, But still has it in them to rape/kill etc.. Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't raised to hurt animals and kill/eat people, His Mother & Father were decent middle class and raised their son with love and attention.

- Made evil is the opposite, A broken disfunctional family where the parents could give a shit about the kids, maybe verbally/physically abuse the kids, always tearing them down instead of building them up, Also where the kid grows up plays into it, though the parents might be loving, They live in a place where much violence is around and kids form gangs for protection, So being made evil is not always the parents, but the friends, and if both ingredients parents and friends are mixed, that is the deadliest concoction.

- Jeskier is a real live girl out there, not just a CC pain in the butt, We as a Society should on certain occasions look past the assaults, and think, She is someone's daughter, and she was at one time a little girl with all the innosense little children have, A time where all her questions were "whys" and "how". " (

- I have 2 daughters, My two precious angels Arianna & Gina, So I remember the whys and how's, and honestly, I miss those days. So instead of trashing this girl, Let's be a better Society and try and do Our best to help her, No harm can come from doing our best, and there are no words that she can speak that can actually do us physical harm.

- Jeskier, If you read this, You have a your life in front of you, And imagine your reading a book about your entire life, Imagine all the chapters in that book and there titles, Now imagine your on the last chapter that is summing up the entire book, Your read is about to end, How would you want to describe that book when you reach [The End]? Your writing all the chapters in your book of life, the beginning chapters might seem a bit hard and scary, But ask yourself, Do you have it in you to make each chapter from here on better and better, until it's a happy ending? I hope so, If you don't receive support where you live, I swear I will try and help here if you let me, I can help you edit and publish your book ")

- Sincerely

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