by morleyjoe on Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:17 am
More updates!
In the Great Lakes Region, CaronylKluster will represent the Republicans, by not only raising the most funds of any other candidate, but also because his main competitor dropped out of the race. molespe has taken the Democratic nod, while goldenwarrior takes the spot to move forward as an independent candidate.
In the Southwest, current US VP scottp has secured his spot to move forward for the Republicans, and GreenBaize is getting the Democratic nomination spot to move forward. And thetiger has enough to move on as an independent contender.
In the West, william tennant was very strong in taking the Democratic nod, while Tin Trumpet also did very well in the Republican fundraising. Coming along as an independent is Texan Psycho.
Thank you goes out to muti, MyTurnToWin and igrekzed for participating, but your chance will have to wait another 4 years.