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Cleared ItzPetey(SN)

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Postby Silly Knig-it on Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:30 pm

Accused: ItzPetey

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Holding me hostage

Game number(s):

Game 16274874

Comments: In a manual game, on a map I am not familiar with by the end of the second turn he is ahead 29 terts to 9 terts (from the log). He then misses round 4, my dice trouble continues. Round 5 he receives 11 plus 12 deferred. Round 6 he receive 16 more, none of my now 4 (four) terts are attacked. Its a sunny game he knows where they are.

At the end of round 5, I posted in the chat,
2016-01-21 15:05:32 - Silly Knig-it: Why am I not dead yet, why are you holding me hostage. I should have been gone three turns ago.
2016-01-21 15:06:53 - Silly Knig-it: I don't want to go the powers that be but this is not acceptable.

I received no response.

Something feels very wrong.

In over 8k games this is my first time to this forum as an accuser. I do not post to this thread unless as in this case there is no response from the other. (Consequently this is my first.)
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Re: ItzPetey

Postby ConfederateSS on Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:29 am

------1)I can't see ItzPetey in this part of the forum anywhere. But I have heard this name before around C.C.(I can't remember where)/(not in a friendly way).
------2)Is it even possible for a Premium Player to be held hostage? I thought only Freemiums could be held hostage. Because they would be stopped from beginning another game. Until a spot opens up.
------3)I know you like to lay your King down(chess),in a lost game. I know,you know I fight to the last man. Based on our games in The Great War. Never throw your at bats away in a hopeless game. It makes great practice for future games. Who knows(karma)? Something might happen to ItzPetey in real life. That would make it hard for ItzPetey to continue the game. You could end up winning. ;) Hang in there Silly :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion). 8-)
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Re: ItzPetey

Postby Koganosi on Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:22 am

ConfederateSS wrote:------1)I can't see ItzPetey in this part of the forum anywhere. But I have heard this name before around C.C.(I can't remember where)/(not in a friendly way).
------2)Is it even possible for a Premium Player to be held hostage? I thought only Freemiums could be held hostage. Because they would be stopped from beginning another game. Until a spot opens up.
------3)I know you like to lay your King down(chess),in a lost game. I know,you know I fight to the last man. Based on our games in The Great War. Never throw your at bats away in a hopeless game. It makes great practice for future games. Who knows(karma)? Something might happen to ItzPetey in real life. That would make it hard for ItzPetey to continue the game. You could end up winning. ;) Hang in there Silly :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion). 8-)

As per number 2. Holding hostage can also be done to premium players. Although the impact is nothing, you can play the amount of games you want. It is still a bannable offense. There have been previous cases where people were hold hostage just so that they had to miss 3 turns to lose, so they could spoil their 100% turns taken stuff. Also there have been cases of someone holding players hostage on games which were sure win. He tried to "farm" up as many of those games possible. So he could point jump alot by winning alot of games in a row, due to the hostage stuff.

So yes its still a bannable offense, even when one is premium!


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Re: ItzPetey

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:08 am

Minor issue, but I don't see how the Pete's excuse of not knowing the map holds up considering the lack of fog and troop advantage.
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Re: ItzPetey(SN)

Postby sniffie on Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:31 pm

The game was finished in seven rounds. Although I have not that much knowledge of the map, to me it seems the accused "stalled" the game for two rounds.
First stall: accused missed a turn, I don't know the reason, neither is it my business.
Second Stall, accused tried to get to objective in stead of eliminating the opponent.
The second line is the most important, trying to elminating the opponent has the same benefits as getting the objective. It might seem as hostage holding but I do not think it is the case here.

Long story short, accused is cleared.

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Re: ItzPetey(SN)

Postby sniffie on Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:32 pm

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