jigger1986 wrote:Likely the wrong place to put this, couldnt find a questions forum and there is like 15 ppl to still read these....
Im trying to get my bot medals, I had 87 wins towards the 1st medal then started these two games
Game 16264537Game 16264550Won them both, but no closer to the medal (still at 87 wins)
Am I doing something wrong?
The second one doesn't count. Coachbot doesn't count towards medals.
The first one should count, because it has WhamBot. Whambot wins go toward bronze. You have to win your bronze (Whambot) medal before you start working toward your next one (silver, or Sassbot).
There is a known
Medal Update bug. If the stats don't update in a day or two, I would post in that thread. KA has a way of breaking the logjam and getting your medal stats to update.