The Clan Department is excited to bring to you our latest development for the Clan World!
Each Report will contain a variety of insightful and informative pieces designed to keep you and your Clan well informed of the goings on within the Clan World.

Hello and welcome to the Clan Departments new Clan Report! My name is Jason, but you probably know me best as IcePack! From time to time you might see me here providing you with an in person update, announcement, or special feature. This month features a lot of information and updates, so please take some time to look through it all and make sure to let us know what you think by posting below!
2015 - A Year of Changes
As the world turns the page on their calendars to 2016, we pause and consider some of the changes that have occurred over the past year. 2015 brought to the Clan Area many changes on many basic & fundamental levels. Early in the year, one of the biggest changes occurred when BGtheBrain proposed the clan countdown timer that eventually became our Clan Warfare Tab!
We saw chemefreak depart the team, Leehar passed the reigns in mid-year to IcePack, Mudpuppy & CatchersMitt14 joined the team, we held some new contests, and some familar faces won the CL6 (PD TOFU, SD LHDD, TD SOH) and a new face won the CC5 (FALL) and a new champion of the 1vs1 Clan Realm (FOED) was crowned!
We said goodbye to numerous clans; HDN, LOTZ, ROTS, GR, PIG, and IA. We also witnessed several clans merging and rebrand; KORT & TSM into S&M, LEG & OLYM into OLE, and MM & MYTH into MMM. The Clan World went from 41 F400 ranked clans, to 31. We saw KORT & TOFU battle for the #1 ranked spot all year, with TOFU almost breaking the highest F400 ranking points ever achieved (TOFU 1438, KORT 1444). We saw 5 Clan Tournaments Completed (RC, NC5, 1vs1, CL6, CC5), 72 wars started, 87 wars completed. We finished with 929 clan members spread throughout 35 clans.
We saw the introduction of "junior clans" called Tribes, which allowed players outside of clans to compete individually, on teams against others for prizes. We saw this area grow from 0 in August, to over 185 participants. 4 Primitive Tribes and our first Advanced Tribe competed in auto-tournaments for medals, stars, and credits in the new extension of Tribe and Clan life!
2016 - What's Next?

Looking forward, the Clan Directors want to continue providing the Clan Area with some of the competitions that have made Clans so enjoyable for so many. We have evaluated and shuffled some of the scheduling around to address some of the concerns and requests many have made over the last couple of years to keeping Tournaments annual productions. We also look to push the boundaries on fun side competitions, contests, and events while providing you opportunities to enjoy yourselves within Clans and Tribes, as well as visit some other requested features by the Clan Area members. We plan to clarify & publish merger rules, invest time in rankings, archives, and potentially some new exciting features in 2016 while supporting both new and existing clans. We plan to emphasize fun, community, growth and of course - some of the toughest competition that Conquer Club has to offer!
Claniversity Update
We are really excited to be bringing Claniversity to the Clan World! Currently scheduled for launch around March of 2016, we hope this will help attract new players to the Clan Area! Graduates of the Society of Cooks Team Training will be sent to Claniversity for introduction, along with others who are interested in finding out more about Clan Life in general, learning what Clans are all about and possibly even finding new teammates, and clans to call home!
The Clan Department brought two very talented individuals Mudpuppy and CatchersMitt14 onto the team in late 2015 to help accomplish this task, reach our goals and run the programme.

This area will be where we highlight any changes within the Clan World, announce new features, or make other assorted announcements and opportunities.
Clan Department is looking for Volunteer(s)
The Traditional 1vs1 Clan Challenge Event has had four iterations now since 2011, run by barterer2002 and IcePack. However, IcePack is looking to focus elsewhere in 2016 and we are looking for a volunteer to possibly run this Tournament for the Clan Area's enjoyment. This is a simple, quick tournament meant to stress fun & enjoyment that isn't held for rankings. Prospective Organizers would be able to run as is or make slight adjustments to the set up of the Event by coordinating with the Clan Tournament Director, Lindax. Generally this would go into sign ups in March or April, start in May(ish) and run until complete (generally 4-8 months depending on # of sign ups and any scheduled breaks).
To volunteer to run this Tournament, please contact IcePack directly. A organizer medal will be issued to anyone who successfully completes the Event as an Organizer. Organizers should be active, responsible, fair and patient.
New Poly 1 vs 1 Challenge Event - The Clan Department is looking for a volunteer to organize, schedule and run a new event featuring the poly feature.
Prospective Organizers would coordinate with Lindax for schedule and tournament design / make up. There has never been a clan event of this nature, so its make up and design is really up for determination.
To volunteer to run this Tournament, please contact IcePack directly. A organizer medal will be issued to anyone who successfully completes the Event as an Organizer. Organizers should be active, responsible, fair and patient.
Schedule Quick Link

Welcome to the Clan Tournaments Area, where you will find updates on all the Sanctioned Tournaments within Conquer Clubs Clan Area! Lindax is our Clan Tournament Director who brings you this update!
CC6: Quick Link
This year’s Conqueror’s Cup includes some changes to the format, mainly to try and keep the duration of the event within one year. Let’s hope that works and we can have a Conqueror’s Cup every calendar year. It starts this weekend, with a total of 23 clans. This means we have 9 byes for the first round, for the 8 seeded clans and one clan picked randomly. Below you’ll find the bracket.
CL7: Quick Link
This edition of the Clan League also has some changes to the format. The most important one is the implementation of promotion/relegation between the two divisions. We have a Premier Division with 12 clans and a Second Division with 14 clans participating, among which a new clan, TOP. Keep an eye on them, they seem a pretty strong contestant!
Below you’ll see the latest results from the first 4 rounds and the standings after round 2 and round 1, respectively.
RL VI: Quick Link
Random League started in September 2015 and is organized by uckuki. The Tournament includes 17 Clans competing until mid-April for 12 game mini-matches of random maps. Clans select home teams and settings.
Tribes: Stand Together. Fight Alone.
Information Provided by Lindax.
We started 3 auto tournaments for Primitive Tribes, so far the “Conquerians” won 2 of those.
We also started 4 auto tournaments for Advanced Tribes and Clans. Two are still ongoing, one was won by TNC and one by FALL, who also won the 2 test tournaments before the Tribe section was officially created.
[TGR] Quick Link
This tournament consists of a combination of 1v1 and Poly auto tournaments and team games. We started with the group phase in November and the Poly and team games are still ongoing, so it’s a bit early for results and standings.
We have 12 participating tribes, including the first Advanced Tribe: “By-Tor and the Snow Dogs” [BYT]. Below the list of participants.

Welcome to the Mess Hall! Here you will find a wide variety of articles that don't fit within the other areas of the Platoon Report, including the regular F400 Updates! Look here for user submitted articles as well!
Vital Clan Stats
Ranked Clans: 31
Active Clans: 35
Players in Active Clans: 928
Active Tribes: 5
Players in Active Tribes: 187
Active Wars: 195
Games in Active Wars: 2085
Active Games in Active Wars: 141
Players in Active Wars: 875
Players in Active Wars that have Finished Games: 654
Players in Active Wars in Active Games: 422

We have a new #1 Ranked Clan!
[Warning this is a large spoiler]
Clan Tournament Historical Records

Each issue the Clan Department plans to highlight a clan (based on current events, clan wars, or public demand) and a player by interviewing clan leaders and players! We will announce who is to be interviewed here, and you can post all your questions in this thread to be answered in the next issue! We will provide some information on the highlighted clans such as recent or historical achievements, as well as linking readers to their Clan Page so past history, recruitment, and member details will be easily accessible. You'll get the opportunity to ask the Clan's members or leadership any questions, and get to know the group as a whole on a deeper level while the Clans that are highlighted will enjoy some additional exposure and get a chance to introduce themselves to the Clan World in a new, unique way that is difficult to replicate in a recruitment thread.
Clan Highlight
This month the Clan Department will highlight the Conquoror's Cup 5 Winners, the Fallen! Founded in 2012 the Fallen was a split off of two groups mainly from KOA and MM along with a few others. Since that time the Fallen have had numerous achievements, such as being a Newcomers Cup 3 Finalist, a Top 3 Finalist in Random League 3, CL5, and CL6; and most recently becoming the CC5 Champions and achieving the 1st Rank in F400! Ask questions of their leaders, members, or just questions in general you'd like to hear the groups thoughts on! Please be sure to state whether you're asking someone specific, the leadership, a member, or the clan as a whole! Have fun and be creative!
Player(s) Highlight
This month the Clan Department will allow you to interview the Clan Directors! Ask any questions of any or all of the Clan Directors, regarding anything related to the site, volunteering for the Clan Department, something silly or even personal and we will attempt to answer as many questions as possible! (Please note, not all questions will get answered depending on personal comfort with sharing personal information, etc) Please be sure to state if you are asking an individual or the group the question! Thanks and have fun!

CC6 Prediction Challenge - 2,400 Credits Prize!
Once again the Clan Department is bringing you the Conquerors Cup Prediction Challenge! This years CC6 has 23 clans fighting for Team Game Supremacy!
A quick sign up to Challonge.com is all it takes (if you don't have one already) and just select winners for each match up to the end of the tournament! Don't forget to select the winner in the drop down menu! Please put your CC username somewhere in the title to ease awarding the premium. 2,400 Credits to the Winner! (enough for 6 months premium!)
ENTER HERE (Links off-site to http://www.challonge.com/CC6)
One of the most ambitious contests the Clan Department has ever sponsored, shoop76 brings an extensive year long prediction contest to the Clan area for your enjoyment! Titles, Medals, and Credit Prizes are available in this contest! Prizes are issued both for every QUARTER and for the YEAR long contest as well! Don't delay in starting to earn your points towards the 2nd Quarter or Yearly Prediction Total! shoop76 PM's all participants when new wars come up for predictions to assist you in completing the task!
Check here for full list of rules and prizes! [Over 13,000+ Credits Available, Medals, Titles & More!]
Check here for entering new predictions [shoop76 is donating an addt'l 3 months premium to the Quarter 2 Winner!]

SCOREBOARD after 7 wars completed.
Players Prediction PICKS
*** Editors Note: if you would like to volunteer to help write a special piece or have ideas on subjects that you would like to hear about within the Clan Area, please contact IcePack directly.