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What can be done to reverse the decline?

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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby owenshooter on Sun Nov 01, 2015 4:44 pm

whatever the freak out that the site just had is EXACTLY what is needed to reverse the decline!!! that was awesome!!! right in the middle of a turn, and i STILL kicked ass!!!! the black jesus has spoken... sorry about the double post!!-Jésus noir
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby the white rose on Mon Nov 02, 2015 3:09 am

can't even remember my user name, wife's was lamoon something or other....we were unfairly accused of cheating dunno if we were permabanned or not but a few games were destroyed as we got witch hunted for simply playing a game.

doesn't actually encourage players to stay, especially as we informed a guy called lackattack and andy something or other, had a monkey on his sig.

now if u leave me alone i will continue to use the site and give u guys a second chance, or you can rehound me spoil the mafia games i love to play and continue watching the site decline

only posted here to highlight the way some players are treated.....we are human beings behind these posts you know, and i am really a nice guy.
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby baddestbrute on Sun Dec 20, 2015 4:09 pm

the wife and i were accused of the same thing,,,they thought we were multis because our names were similar,,,but for some reason we were cleared,,but ya it does not make you feel very welcome at all,,,the mrs almost quit cc over it,,,i only play on computers so all the app stuff makes no difference to me,,,what they need to fix is those dam cc dice,,,,nothing more frustrating then that,,,,wonder how many players have quit over them over the years,,i know i have come close a few times when you lose 8,9 even 10 in a row trying to finish someone,,,,nothing close to real dice,,
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby rockfist on Sun Dec 20, 2015 4:58 pm

Fair dice.
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby waauw on Sun Dec 20, 2015 5:08 pm

Ronaldinho wrote:The whole site needs simplifying. There are more settings & maps than regular players, or so it feels. Go back to day 1 & get an app built based with simple settings. With the money generated from there start developing real functionality. Stop pissing about with 'Other games' n whatever other nonsense you roll out.

I agree, though unfortunately CC has progressed to a point where you'd probably have to make a second community completely split from the current one in hope it'll grow, and then maybe in time if possible integrate old settings and functionality into the app. At this point getting rid of settings and maps will drive players away as well.
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby riskllama on Sun Dec 20, 2015 9:09 pm

wake up people. CC is fucking doomed.
DOOMED, i tells ya.
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby catnipdreams on Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:23 pm

Sigh. Yet another CC friend is going Freemium, because of the dice. My own interest in CC is waning, almost exclusively due to the dice. I know this has been talked about ad nauseam, but, I really, really want this site to flourish, so I figured I could at least write one more post, in the faint hope that the powers that be will "do something".

Please let me be very clear here that I am not complaining about bad dice; oh poor me, I just lost a game due to bad dice. Losing games is a part of CC, just as winning games is a part of CC. What makes me turn away from the site is crazy dice streaks. I do not care if my rolls average out over time - I want each and every roll to be independent of the roll before it, and the roll after it. A statistician may argue that the CC dice are truly random, or fair, or whatever. That is not my perception. My perception is that strategy is taking a back seat to the dice; I want to play on a site where the dice account for a smaller percentage of the overall experience, and strategy (usually) rules the day. I have no idea how to do that, but - that is why I am not 100% committed to renewing Premium for another year.

I like solving puzzles, and the strategy involved in the complex maps on this site is very enjoyable. Then crazy dice streaks come along, and the game becomes a kind of slot machine. I am totally not interested in playing slot machines.

If the dice really are random, then I suggest that the dice be made less random, to increase enjoyment of the game. Maybe a stack of 10 always wins over a stack of 3, no matter what? This is not a regulated gambling site where real money is bet on the outcome of a dice roll - this is supposed to be a fun site where people play games. Can we make fun the priority here, instead of some sort of statistical dice neutrality?
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby owenshooter on Wed Dec 23, 2015 3:12 pm

catnipdreams wrote:Maybe a stack of 10 always wins over a stack of 3, no matter what?

BA HA HA HA HA!!! sorry, you totally lost me RIGHT THERE!! soooo, you are upset the dice aren't random enough (please bring back, that is my prayer to the CC gods), and to fix that, you want to have FIXED DICE OUTCOME FOR CERTAIN SITUATIONS?!! BA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!! that is beyond ridiculous... you must be having a laugh!!-Jésus noir

is he having a laugh?
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby catnipdreams on Wed Dec 23, 2015 7:21 pm

owenshooter wrote:you want to have FIXED DICE OUTCOME FOR CERTAIN SITUATIONS?!!

No, I didn't mean that at all - just percentages that are closer to average. If I attack 3 with 10, I should have a fair degree of confidence that I will win that attack. If I do not win that attack, it should be a very, very, very unusual situation, happening maybe once a year or less. Unfortunately, it seems to happen a lot more often than I perceive it should.

I'm not an expert in statistics; I don't know how to change anything in the programming. What I do know is how I feel about the dice, and I do not like streaks. I don't feel good about winning with streaks, either. The win is diminished for me when dice trumps strategy.

I want to play strategy games, with a small element of randomness to the outcome. The current CC dice seem to introduce too much randomness for my taste. I do not want to turn this into a rant about getting poor dice - I just wanted to explain what my experience (and the experience of several CC friends) has been with the dice. In my opinion, the site might retain more paying customers if the dice did not have crazy streaks. I do not know whether crazy streaks are part of a normal statistical dice rolls, or not, but I do know that for me, it takes away from the game.

owenshooter wrote:you must be having a laugh!!

No, I am trying to communicate my sincere concern about the future of the site, and my experience of the site. Hopefully I have chosen my words more correctly with this follow-up PM. I have enjoyed CC for several years now, and would be a happy paying customer for many more years, if I was enjoying my games more. And just to be clear, I'm not talking about my win percentage (I could care less), I'm talking about the mental exercise of examining the board, the drop, and plotting out a game plan.

To have that game plan destroyed by the dice equivalent of someone irl knocking the game board to the floor just isn't fun, when it seems to happen so often.
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby JBlombier on Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:21 pm

Hey catnip,
I share your concerns about CC, because I like the site too, but it's obviously doing something wrong. However, I don't think the dice make a significant difference in the experience of pleasure users have overall.

Sure, I've had horrendous streaks against me in games. That shit cost me more than a few heavy nights of drinking! But I've had these streaks working for me as well. They come and the go. My point is, the streaks of dice may be irritating at some point, but usually they're not the real reason people leave the site. There's always another reason and that can vary from games not getting filled to the server lagging to whatever other things you can think of.

But catnip, I remember you very well, because you've had one of the most marvelous suggestions I've heard since the beginning of this site. I even made a suggestion in your name, because it's the obvious thing to do for CC. Hell, even Owen thought it was a good idea! :P
I can only hope the powers that be can look at this suggestion again with new enthusiasm, perhaps we have a shot at reversing the decline.

- JBlombier

PS. Let's be optimistic this Christmas holidays. Support the suggestion above that catnipdreams brought up and we'll have a merry CC that might see the light of a New Year.

Happy Holidays!

- JBlombier
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby WILLIAMS5232 on Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:29 pm

I think what catnip thinks about dice holds water. Mainly since it was known that the dice are rolled on the same repeating loop over and over and over again. Whether you're outcomes are random within that loop should make no difference. It should be an integrity issue above all to make dice as random as can be. A repeating loop is not random.

As far as the suggestion goes, thats fine and all, but i think initial month free premium would go a lot further towards retaining members.
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby Gselektor on Thu Dec 24, 2015 9:34 am

The Conquer club identity.

There is no consistency and sometimes I guess if messages, logotypes, icons, etc. are thought for children or for adults.
You have to manage CC as a brand to seduce and retain players.
Let's think about a brand platform to define the conquer club positioning and tell the world how this game is different, let's make an evolution on the identity, the logotype, the icons, all the visual aspects that are getting so old that sometimes scare me. As people say, you can't be in 2015 without developping an app.
Also, there are so many gaming mode, tornaments etc. Difficult for a new player to undesrtand clearly all the possibilities. There is a lack of structure, organization, consistency.
It would be a great pleasure to work on this.

Let's talk about it
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby owenshooter on Thu Dec 24, 2015 10:07 am

WILLIAMS5232 wrote:I think what catnip thinks about dice holds water.

sorry, nobody should ever use that term... it has been owned...-Jésus noir

does catnip's argument hold water?
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby Gselektor on Thu Dec 24, 2015 5:37 pm

An example of brand positonning that CC should exprrss: There are millions and millions games played, there is a strong community that help people to improve their way of gaming. CC should not say "Conquer the world", but "Here we help you to conquer the World".
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby ConfederateSS on Thu Dec 24, 2015 7:00 pm

Gselektor wrote:The Conquer club identity.

There is no consistency and sometimes I guess if messages, logotypes, icons, etc. are thought for children or for adults.
You have to manage CC as a brand to seduce and retain players.
Let's think about a brand platform to define the conquer club positioning and tell the world how this game is different, let's make an evolution on the identity, the logotype, the icons, all the visual aspects that are getting so old that sometimes scare me. As people say, you can't be in 2015 without developping an app.
Also, there are so many gaming mode, tornaments etc. Difficult for a new player to undesrtand clearly all the possibilities. There is a lack of structure, organization, consistency.
It would be a great pleasure to work on this.

Let's talk about it

------First Classic Strategy Games are Classic for a reason. They last the test of time. Where your fad games come and go. Turn to dust and are soon forgotten.
------Second the real Thread on topic. Is CC Declining is full of ideas. Now lets get to would be a great pleasure to work on this. :lol: :lol: :lol: Ask the former CC workers that. For you see it's THE HIGH COMMAND'S WAY OR THE HIGHWAY. THE CC EXITS ARE GETTING LOGGED JAMMED WITH FLEEING TRAFFIC. ;) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion). :( Their ears can't hear us. You have to hit them in the pocket books. :D
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby Symmetry on Thu Dec 24, 2015 10:38 pm

Quit with the ridiculously complicated maps:

Actual foundry map at the moment-

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby Gselektor on Fri Dec 25, 2015 5:26 pm

Let's talk about it
------First Classic Strategy Games are Classic for a reason. They last the test of time. Where your fad games come and go. Turn to dust and are soon forgotten.
------Second the real Thread on topic. Is CC Declining is full of ideas. Now lets get to would be a great pleasure to work on this. :lol: :lol: :lol: Ask the former CC workers that. For you see it's THE HIGH COMMAND'S WAY OR THE HIGHWAY. THE CC EXITS ARE GETTING LOGGED JAMMED WITH FLEEING TRAFFIC. ;) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion). :( Their ears can't hear us. You have to hit them in the pocket books. :D

To your FIRST point : I understand, there are two kind of modes : the CLASSIC MAPS (Classic, World 2.0, WWII Europe etc.), that bring 90% of people here. Some of them stay with this gaming mode, like me. There is an awesome community like the SoC that helps people to understand and improve their way of playing : the comunity help everyone to conquer the world, which is fantastic. For a new player, this is not known fastly. So bad.
For the others, they switch to others mods like Feudal, Realms, Prison Riot etc. Many of them are involved in cla, teams, tornaments and know why they are here and don't need to be retain or seduce. I think the big part of the work has to be focus on the target 1 (new player). That's why the identity and defining clearly the positionning and the different offers are crucial to gain in clarity and consistency.

To you SECOND point : Sorry, I didn't understand all the point...

Merry Christmas
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby mandalorian2298 on Sat Dec 26, 2015 4:21 pm

FREE WICKED! :mrgreen:
Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore.


Talapus wrote:I'm far more pissed that mandy and his thought process were right from the get go....damn you mandy.
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:34 pm

owenshooter wrote:you are upset the dice aren't random enough

Cat never said that. Learn to read.
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby Condestável on Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:17 am

catnipdreams wrote:
owenshooter wrote:you want to have FIXED DICE OUTCOME FOR CERTAIN SITUATIONS?!!

No, I didn't mean that at all - just percentages that are closer to average. If I attack 3 with 10, I should have a fair degree of confidence that I will win that attack. If I do not win that attack, it should be a very, very, very unusual situation, happening maybe once a year or less. Unfortunately, it seems to happen a lot more often than I perceive it should.

I'm not an expert in statistics; I don't know how to change anything in the programming. What I do know is how I feel about the dice, and I do not like streaks. I don't feel good about winning with streaks, either. The win is diminished for me when dice trumps strategy.

I want to play strategy games, with a small element of randomness to the outcome. The current CC dice seem to introduce too much randomness for my taste. I do not want to turn this into a rant about getting poor dice - I just wanted to explain what my experience (and the experience of several CC friends) has been with the dice. In my opinion, the site might retain more paying customers if the dice did not have crazy streaks. I do not know whether crazy streaks are part of a normal statistical dice rolls, or not, but I do know that for me, it takes away from the game.

owenshooter wrote:you must be having a laugh!!

No, I am trying to communicate my sincere concern about the future of the site, and my experience of the site. Hopefully I have chosen my words more correctly with this follow-up PM. I have enjoyed CC for several years now, and would be a happy paying customer for many more years, if I was enjoying my games more. And just to be clear, I'm not talking about my win percentage (I could care less), I'm talking about the mental exercise of examining the board, the drop, and plotting out a game plan.

To have that game plan destroyed by the dice equivalent of someone irl knocking the game board to the floor just isn't fun, when it seems to happen so often.

If you think your dice are bad, come back to free membership and you'll find out what it is to build a strategy and permanently lose games on account of 15x2, 10x4, etc setbacks.

They go and check the Dice Stats, but the outcomes from your latest defeats are deleted and you only get normalized overall stats. In the last weeks I lost tens of games and in all of them the 3x2 were ranging from -10 to -58% "luck".

"Randomness" in this game is manipulated. Whoever thinks otherwise has nothing to cling to but fanatic hope and belief. Most of them never grabbed 1 real dice.

I've played many hundreds of games in real life, rolled thousands of dices and what I get here is building 10 units to take down 3 and still getting screwed almost 50% of the times. The real life game favors attack and some markets even have a version that allows 3x3 defence. This place here has nothing to do with "luck".

Have you ever heard any word of the owners guaranteeing there is no manipulation? Can you find any disclaimer? You can't! They don't have it!

It's all about money, to compel you into buying a membership so that you may play multiple games until you get over the constant feeling of bad-beat and negative rushes.
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby WingCmdr Ginkapo on Sun Dec 27, 2015 6:08 am

My brother doesnt play risk with me because he cant stand how luck based it is.

If the randomness of dice is your issue go play diplomacy.
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby Condestável on Sun Dec 27, 2015 7:12 am

When you've played long enough in real life, you know that there's no "luck" in 15vs2 repeatedly becoming 3vs2 almost every game, and even several times in the same game if not in the same battle.
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby xroads on Sun Dec 27, 2015 9:13 am

catnipdreams wrote:
owenshooter wrote:you want to have FIXED DICE OUTCOME FOR CERTAIN SITUATIONS?!!

No, I didn't mean that at all - just percentages that are closer to average. If I attack 3 with 10, I should have a fair degree of confidence that I will win that attack. If I do not win that attack, it should be a very, very, very unusual situation, happening maybe once a year or less. Unfortunately, it seems to happen a lot more often than I perceive it should.

I'm not an expert in statistics; I don't know how to change anything in the programming. What I do know is how I feel about the dice, and I do not like streaks. I don't feel good about winning with streaks, either. The win is diminished for me when dice trumps strategy.

I want to play strategy games, with a small element of randomness to the outcome. The current CC dice seem to introduce too much randomness for my taste. I do not want to turn this into a rant about getting poor dice - I just wanted to explain what my experience (and the experience of several CC friends) has been with the dice. In my opinion, the site might retain more paying customers if the dice did not have crazy streaks. I do not know whether crazy streaks are part of a normal statistical dice rolls, or not, but I do know that for me, it takes away from the game.

I whole heartedly agree.

Recently I lost TWO quads escalating games in a row by failing to kill someone for cards on a 12 vs 3.

How in any world of statistics can this be possible?

owenshooter wrote:you must be having a laugh!!

No, I am trying to communicate my sincere concern about the future of the site, and my experience of the site. Hopefully I have chosen my words more correctly with this follow-up PM. I have enjoyed CC for several years now, and would be a happy paying customer for many more years, if I was enjoying my games more. And just to be clear, I'm not talking about my win percentage (I could care less), I'm talking about the mental exercise of examining the board, the drop, and plotting out a game plan.

To have that game plan destroyed by the dice equivalent of someone irl knocking the game board to the floor just isn't fun, when it seems to happen so often.
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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby Condestável on Sun Dec 27, 2015 8:15 pm

This is what happens in 95% games I play against premium members.

This guy like most others had a miserable initial strategy. He kept going for neutrals. At round 2 I had a massive 24 to 11 units advantage and castle advantage over him.

But he just had to play, slicing through butter and I just kept crashing on every 2-unit. At round 8 he is already 24 against my 13. ... _id=509608

And this is what happens every fucking game against these people. They just bought their fucking luck. It's an outrageous lie. It's a sham, it's american business all the way. Fucking pay-to-win and then this bunch of nerds claiming they are masters of strategy. flmao

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Re: What can be done to reverse the decline?

Postby Gselektor on Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:16 pm

But all those debates about dice does really matter for new comers ? The dice problem is not an attribute to seduce and retain new people no? This problem makes me think about poker players that cried when they lose on the river..

The work on the brand, defining the offers and a new identity are maybe the first items that create notoriety and attract new people.
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