1 2007spaceodyssey
2 BrutalBob
3 Colonel Krink
4 EvilBaby
5 emilywink
6 goldenwarrior
7 guzmanuk
8 KingDunk
9 misteryforall
10 molespe
11 MyTurnToWin
12 ooge
13 Phatscotty
14 Roussallier
15 Terry Sore
16 ziggy629
R#1 br4nd0n2002
R#2 Silly Knig-it
People Can pick characters from the Suicide Squad or the Justice League, or pick no character at all, or any other character. Any can play provided you have 3 open slots when the tournament starts. Each rounds is best of 3 games, players will be seeded alphabetically. Shooting for 16 players + 2-4 reserves. this one can be good for medal hunting in a few areas.
Feudal War
Flat Rate
30 rounds
Batman - IN!