by alfredhcy on Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:11 am
Hi guys,
Liam has been very kind to provide evidence to the community so hopefully everyone can now see things from both angles. After reading everyone's message I understand that I've broken the rule about secret diplomacy which I wasn't aware of so I'll have to apologise for that.
I'd like everyone to have a look at the content of the message I sent to Liam, it was more of a clarification of my truce to Liam and assure him that I wasn't intent on breaking the truce rather than plotting anything secretly that would change the tide of the game. Looking back, I should have just written in public chat but I did not do that cause I was tired of hearing more of outcast's constant bickering on public chat.
Outcast has been very aggressive towards me and played with cheap tactics via making lop-sided truce/alliance proposals to enemy players, just so that he could ensure his victory because I'm second strongest in the game and am a serious challenge him. He would manipulate players by deflecting attention on his own alarming number of troops being stacked up, territories held, cards held, bonuses held, etc to my situation, and create a false sense of crisis to make players all gang up against me, so that meanwhile he could stack up troops to prepare for an assault when all enemy players are weaker. It's cheap, and I've been vocal and called him out on his act cause it was plainly insulting people's intelligence - obviously he's not happy about it and has taken it very personally. His own teammate has already calmed him down several times in open chat, telling everyone to just play the game. Outcast if you are reading this, please heed to your own teammate's advice and just play the game.
That's all I have to say, I've now put this story into context. I have inadvertently broken a rule of secret diplomacy and will not dispute that but it please understand that it was not intentional as you can see by the content of the message (there was no secret plotting, just a reassurance and clarification). Outcast has used this opportunity to create unnecessary drama because he has taken the game way too personally. I will read the game rules again to familarise myself with all the aspects - I'm just a casual and occasional player, as seen by my 90 games over the past 6 years.