Conquer Club

[TPA6 Premier] Masters of Terminator (Winner: uckuki)

Tournaments Completed in 2016.

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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (37/50 Players)

Postby neanderpaul14 on Sat Nov 21, 2015 3:11 pm

In please, Great Lakes, sunny, escalating, chained
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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (42/50 Players)

Postby Phil Gates on Sun Nov 22, 2015 2:37 am

In please, Age Of Merchants, sunny, flat, chained

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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (42/50 Players)

Postby Triple 6 on Mon Nov 23, 2015 1:15 pm

in please
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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (32/50 Players)

Postby LSU Tiger Josh on Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:42 pm

LSU Tiger Josh wrote:poker club

ready to join
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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (45/50 Players)

Postby Kambodia on Tue Nov 24, 2015 11:24 pm

In please:

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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (45/50 Players)

Postby actorday on Tue Nov 24, 2015 11:51 pm

In Plz

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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (45/50 Players)

Postby muti on Wed Nov 25, 2015 3:53 am

In please. Chained, foggy, escalating. Thailand.
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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (48/50 Players)

Postby anamainiacks on Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:42 pm

I'll be away over the weekend, so signups will close on Sunday when I get back (evening CC time, I think), whether or not we're full.

Players have till then to PM/post about any desired settings changes! (:

Number of rounds, and number of eliminations per round will be finalised and announced at that time too.
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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (48/50 Players)

Postby Tviorr on Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:00 pm

in please if there is still room.

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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (48/50 Players)

Postby jkraze on Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:12 pm

Can we get an alternate player for games 16141671, 2, & 3? :(
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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (48/50 Players)

Postby Larry46 on Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:01 am

In please - Route 66, Chained, Foggy, Escalating.
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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (48/50 Players)

Postby f.o.b. on Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:01 am

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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (48/50 Players)

Postby razoget999 on Sat Nov 28, 2015 6:49 am

in pls. Age of Realm 2: Magic, no spoil, chain, fog.
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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (48/50 Players)

Postby pindary on Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:12 pm

in please
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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (48/50 Players)

Postby aalii on Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:43 pm

In please if there is still room.
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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (Round 1 - Set 1)

Postby anamainiacks on Sun Nov 29, 2015 6:12 pm


Tournament privileges have been granted, so games will be sent out shortly. We had 54 signups, which is 4 more than the initial limit of 50; but the TDs have allowed for this tournament to exceed the usual limit for TPA Premier tournaments, so we'll be taking in all 54 players! :D There will be no changes to the tournament resulting from this change - all players each still play the same number of games in total.

With 54 players, we will have 4 Rounds of two sets before the final. The number of players eliminated per round will be 12-12-12-13 respectively, which would leave us with 5 players for the finals.

Also, I realised that the tiebreaker rules would have no way to differentiate players that have zero kills at the end of Round 1. As such, all players that fail to make at least 1 kill at the end of Round 1 will be eliminated by default. (Each player can make up to 40 kills per round, and statistically there should be an average of 8 kills per player, so I think that's rather reasonable!) If the number of players eliminated in Round 1 exceeds 12 as a result of this, the number of eliminations for subsequent rounds will be adjusted down accordingly.

EDIT: gqmecock hasn't responded to repeated game invitations, and has been removed from the tournament, bringing player count to 53. As such there will now be 12 players eliminated per round; zero kills rule for Round 1 is still in place.
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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (Round 1 - Set 1)

Postby anamainiacks on Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:39 pm


18 games from Round 1 Set 1 have concluded, which means we're a third of the way through the first set. In 13 of those completed games, the home player only managed 1 kill or none at all. Additionally, only 4 of these 18 completed games have ended in clean sweeps.

Ukey currently leads the competition with a stellar showing, standing at 75 points after making 12 kills in 5 games, including a clean sweep in one of them. lokisgal and molespe follow behind in 2nd and 3rd place respectively, both having their scores greatly boosted by their clean sweeps in their home games. We're still in the early stages of the competition though, so these early scores aren't necessarily indicative. Many more scores have yet to come in, and Set 2 hasn't even been sent out yet!

Also of note, one of the 18 completed games already resulted in an anomalous win, with estines winning on his home map through the map's win condition. Just a reminder that as mentioned since the start in the first post, such wins earn less points than eliminating opponents through conventional methods, and count as no kills for future tiebreaker purposes. That said, just to clarify, the "players with no kills in Round 1 are eliminated" rule only applies to players that achieve 0 points at the end of Round 1.

Finally, for everybody's reference, scores in green on the scoreboard indicate wins by win conditions; orange indicates wins by round limit; red indicates wins with deadbeats. (Black indicates normal kills/wins.)
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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (Round 1 - Set 1)

Postby anamainiacks on Sun Dec 20, 2015 7:36 pm

I'll be going on vacation for the next 10 days, so I'll have limited internet connection and won't be updating the tournament. Since it's the holiday period and many of you guys might be heading back to visit the your family, or going on vacation as well, I won't be sending out the new set of games till the end of 2015. I believe people should enjoy the holidays, and not have to think about logging in to take their turns :P

There still are 14 games running for Set 1 anyway, and some players still have 4 ongoing games at this point, so I think it'd be unfair to send out the next 5 games at this point.

So till then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! (:
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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (Round 1 - Set 2)

Postby anamainiacks on Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:56 pm


I'm back from my vacation, and Set 1 is down to the last game. All games for Set 2 have thus been sent out, though I'll be more lenient with missing the invites this time, since it's New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. I'm just sending out the games now because I won't have time to create them in the coming days either!

Ukey currently leads the competition with 75 points and 12 kills, a full 21 points or 4 kills ahead of the closest competitors. The leaderboard hasn't changed much at the top since the previous update, with lokisgal and molespe still in 2nd and 3rd place respectively, having their scores significantly boosted by their home clean sweeps. On the other end of the table, 7 players still have yet to score any points to put them on the board.

Of the 53 games, a whopping 7 games (including the last game) were finished through reaching the round limit, while 2 more games were finished through the win condition. That's 17.0% (or slightly more than 1 in 6) games that were completed through means other than player eliminations.

On that note, apparently some players weren't aware that winning the game through win conditions or round limits will give significantly lower points than through kills. These rules have been mentioned in the first post since the start:
anamainiacks wrote:Anomalous Wins / Eliminations
  • Wins by fulfilling win conditions (on maps that have them) will give the winner 3 points for every other surviving player.
  • Wins by round limit will give the winner 1 point for every other surviving/deadbeat player.
  • Deadbeats will count as 2 points for the player who made the winning kill / fulfils the win condition.

Just to explain my rationale behind this point reduction: such wins are no different from winning a Standard game; and since the focus of this tournament is the Terminator gameplay, where making kills is what matters, I think the point system should reflect that. Fulfilling the win condition still requires planning, strategy and aggression, so 3 points per surviving player seems fair; but wins by round limit can be achieved by defensively building a stack, so the value of such wins are lower.

But since some players weren't aware of this, and chose settings prone to stalemates, I will be PMing all players (since not everyone reads the thread) to allow everyone to change their home settings if they wish. The new home settings will only come into effect from Round 2 Set 1 onwards. Requests for changes in home settings will close once there are 3 remaining ongoing games in Round 1 Set 2. It should be noted that there will be no further opportunity to change home settings later in the tournament.

Other than that, good luck in the next set, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone! (:
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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (Round 2 - Set 1)

Postby anamainiacks on Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:11 pm


Round 1 draws to a close with just 2 remaining games ongoing, and 39 of the 41 advancing players have been confirmed, so the first set of games for Round 2 have been sent out. If you haven't received all 5 of your games for the set yet - fret not, your remaining games involve one of the unknown advancing players, and will be sent out as soon as the advancing players are confirmed! Also, as TimWoodbury deadbeated from all 5 of his games in Set 2, he will be eliminated from the tournament despite his qualifying score. The player with the next highest points will be advancing to Round 2 in his stead.

Round 1 was a time for everyone to get a feel of the competition, where slightly more than a fifth of the players got eliminated. Now in Round 2, things tighten a little, as more than a quarter of the lowest scoring players will be eliminated. Of course it only gets tougher from there, but it's time to tighten up your games!

After Round 1, Ukey still dominates the competition with 129 points and 20 kills. He leads the 2nd place competitor by 22 points and 5 kills, as donche64 rises the ranks with 107 points and 15 kills. molespe holds on to 3rd place with 95 points and 11 kills, with 80 of his points coming from his two clean sweeps on his home map, making him the most successful player on his home map thus far. In contrast, igotaished places 4th, with 86 points and 17 kills, despite having only 8 points being contributed from a single kill on his home map.

Elsewhere on the leaderboard, lokisgal falls from 2nd to 16th place, after failing to gain any points in Set 2; and bernooch sits in 7th place, while only having point contributions from home games, being the 2nd-most successful player on home maps after molespe (with Ukey in 3rd).

I'm starting to realise that the home map multiplier might be slightly overpowered with the points award system being applied... but for consistency, I'll leave it as it is for now. All players did choose their own home map, after all.

EDIT: All advancing players are now confirmed, and all game invites have been sent.
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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (Round 2 - Set 1)

Postby anamainiacks on Fri Feb 19, 2016 9:23 am


I've decided to reduce the home map multiplier to 1.75x, instead of 2x. Hopefully this will be a nice balance between making the multiplier less overpowered, while still giving a slight edge to those who perform well on their home map, and keep things interesting.

Meanwhile, there still are 8 games ongoing. Round 2 Set 2 will begin when most players have 2 or less ongoing games from this tournament. (There currently are 4 players with at least 3 ongoing games.)
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Re: Masters of Terminator [TPA6] (Round 2 - Set 2)

Postby anamainiacks on Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:46 pm


Just 5 games remain for Set 1, so the next set of games have been sent out.

We have a new name atop the scoreboard, as JPlo64 jumps 10-1 with the best performance in Round 2 Set 1, clinching 55 points to bring his weighted total score to 88.0, with 21 kills; overlander climbs 6-2, just fractions of a point behind the top place, with a total score of 87.4 and 20 kills. Previous leader, Ukey, steps down a few rungs after a lacklustre set, but stays within the top region in 3rd place with a total of 80.8 points and 24 kills; MudPuppy is close behind after jumping 9-4, with 79.6 points and 21 kills; igotaished slips a rank to 5th, with 77.5 points and 21 kills.

Meanwhile, of the 12 players that started the round in danger of elimination, 4 of them have since managed to get out of the danger zone. razoget999 made the highest jump up the ranks, with a 49-16 jump after a clean sweep on his home map, and a winning kill on another. But there's still 1 more set for players to claw their way out of the elimination zone, and it's still anybody's game as difference in point totals are still pretty close.

Good luck!
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Re: [TPA6 Premier] Masters of Terminator (Round 3 - Set 1)

Postby anamainiacks on Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:19 am


Round 2 slowly draws to a close, with 3 games still outstanding.

JPlo64 stays ahead of the pack with 152.0 points and 34 kills; while overlander maintains his position in #2 with 139.9 and 29 kills, and MudPuppy similarly stays at #4 with 114.6 points and 28 kills. There's some shuffling in the upper regions of the leaderboard, however, as igotaished claws his way back 5-3 with 136.5 points and 30 kills, and donche64 claims #5 with 109.4 points and 26 kills. It's no surprise that the current top 4 players were also the top 4 performers in Round 2 alone.

The previous leader in Round 1, Ukey, falls further 3-6 with 91.8 points and 26 kills. His totals are boosted by his Round 1 score, after having a comparatively less successful Round 2, though he could turn his fortunes around if he returns to form in Round 3. Similarly, molespe was the lowest scoring player in Round 2 alone to advance to Round 3, earning 17 points compared to the 85 points and #4 finish previously earned in Round 1.

Our most improved player for the round was Tin Trumpet, who leaped 24 places 38-14 after scoring 63 points in the round - the 5th-best for Round 2.

Only 2 more rounds to go till the finals of the tournament, and the coming rounds will be less forgiving than the previous 2! Round 3 will see the competition cut from 29 players to just 17, which means more than a third of the players will be eliminated. It's time to get down to business and make a play for the finals! Kill, or be killed.

Most games for Round 3 Set 1 have been sent out; the rest will be sent once the remaining 2 advancing players are confirmed.
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Re: [TPA6 Premier] Masters of Terminator (Round 3 - Set 2)

Postby anamainiacks on Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:25 pm


We're down to the last 3 games for Set 1, and all games for Set 2 have since commenced. razoget999 seems to have disappeared from the site, and so has been removed from games. It seems like we have a deadbeat in the middle of every round... haha.

Anyway, on the leaderboard, JPlo64 still sits at the top with 126.0 points and 41 kills; the rest of the previous 2nd through 5th placed players seem to have slipped from their positions (though admittedly some still have some ongoing Set 1 games). After slipping as far down as 17th during the set, Ukey blasts back in style with two consecutive clean sweeps, putting him in 2nd place with 104.9 points and 35 kills. This return to form could put Ukey in a good position to reclaim the pole position from JPlo64.

Behind them, shoop76 and uckuki climb 17-3 and 10-4 respectively with 98.9 points and 97.3 points, after having 2 of the top 3 scores for Set 1 alone, along with Ukey. Interestingly, I'd like to add that this set saw the first time that Tin Trumpet's home map of Forbidden City didn't go into Round Limits - it was won by shoop76 in Round 15.

As I'm sure you all realise by now, anything can happen to put you back in the game in this tournament, so keep fighting on! As long as you can squeeze yourself above that red line on the scoreboard, you still stand a chance to take home the title at the end! Good luck!
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