Round 3 scores Group 1 Fakyras 3-1moves on Milo67 1-3 Jimmy V4-0 moves on Nesterdude2-2 Goes to playoff Isthatallyougot0-4 Group 2 G0rgatr0n 3-1 6/10 overall goes to playoff moves on from playoff Drake_pk7 0-4 Blitzkreig frank 3-1 6/9 overall and defeats G0rgatr0n to move on Jmyork821-3 Seamus763-1 7/10 overall moves on Group 3 BG the brain 3-1 moves on Dazza2008 3-1 moves on Sandman175 2-2 Goes to playoff moves on from playoff Farinelli 1-3 Molespe 1-3 After playoff game is complete bracket phase will begin.
Our finalists have secured thier places. The final match of MLDE this year will be Fakyras representing Lithuania Vs Blitzkrieg Frank representing Australia. Luck to our finalists here!
Blitzkrieg Frank representing Australia. Has emerged as our winner! Congrats Frank!! Thanks to everyone for joining and thanks to john for starting this one!