Conquer Club

Cleared :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP [ka]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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:M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP [ka]

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 11:44 am

cheat and abuse catagory
Sent: Mon Oct 19, 2015 8:54 am
From: zeus111
To: king achilles

hi i am zeus 111 can u look into this game read all chat and tell me if this is worth the call out i have total control of game and 4 players decide to gang up which i am fine with we set a fog setting and 3 players 2 who play daily together were obvious playing as one which is also fine but the troop counts in areas they called out to each other i was holding defeats the sole purpose of a fog game i have foed and moved on but would like to bring this to admins attention games like this are far to common on here and for the fairness of our games some thing must be done 16052209 is the game .b:drewfishy M3MENT0 KingGarnettMVP are the 3 accused !!!!! if this is the type of play acceptable on this site its sad really . i wish to advise players of these 3 members and if you look into other games u can see its not just this game :M3MENT0 and drewfish play as one in many games on cc as do a few others but this game was posted so you all can make your own conclusions . best of luck to all who play straight up with honor and respect for the game we love to play

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Severe PM Abuse
Other: <Explanation>

Game number(s):

Comments:2015-10-19 07:09:32 - marijus: nothing personal
2015-10-19 07:10:45 - marijus: just looking for a home and some bonus
2015-10-19 07:13:03 - marijus: i am sooooooooooooo stupid
2015-10-19 07:13:11 - marijus: i might as well go kill my self
2015-10-19 07:14:00 - marijus: pang
2015-10-19 07:14:13 - marijus: ... blod....7
2015-10-19 07:14:25 - marijus: ok, i get it
2015-10-19 07:20:29 - KingGarnettMVP: very unbiased attack cyan... too bad you couldn't have hit blue to get all of us
2015-10-19 07:20:33 - Soldier4Christ: ugh this is trench didnt see that
2015-10-19 07:32:49 - zeus111: could haave green
2015-10-19 07:33:57 - zeus111: busted ya up
2015-10-19 07:34:10 - zeus111: red seems determined to waste troops
2015-10-19 07:34:12 - zeus111: lol
2015-10-19 07:34:51 - zeus111: oh i figuerd u held that
2015-10-19 07:35:30 - marijus: not really, but i am determined to try to keep you under 15.... ;)
2015-10-19 07:35:31 - zeus111: blue m8 hes massive and i cant see him
2015-10-19 07:35:49 - zeus111: i get it red no probs man
2015-10-19 07:36:20 - marijus: - but nobody is helping here.. you always have 15 while your up..
2015-10-19 07:37:48 - marijus: dude, i keep braking his bounus EACH round ;)
2015-10-19 07:38:31 - zeus111: ya he is m8
2015-10-19 07:39:11 - marijus: well, i dont know what he's got far down to the left..
2015-10-19 07:39:25 - marijus: it a pain job hehe
2015-10-19 07:39:43 - zeus111: lol
2015-10-19 07:39:59 - marijus: cant hold him much longer unless you guys step up
2015-10-19 07:40:13 - marijus: the mighty zeus
2015-10-19 07:40:37 - zeus111: zeus is down megs points be kind lmao
2015-10-19 07:41:29 - zeus111: still say blus massive
2015-10-19 07:41:59 - marijus: i'd like it if you'd address your self as "the mighty Zeus" in third person
2015-10-19 07:42:25 - zeus111: id like a truce
2015-10-19 07:42:48 - marijus: cant give you 4 bonud m8
2015-10-19 07:42:54 - marijus: bonus
2015-10-19 07:43:52 - zeus111: lol i know but tried
2015-10-19 07:44:29 - marijus: ooops
2015-10-19 07:44:44 - marijus: i will slowly pull out here.. tnx guys
2015-10-19 07:47:03 - marijus: it means i am slowly dying. But will try as hard as i can,,
2015-10-19 07:48:10 - zeus111: was the turn u took u and green out of were i said hi just then
2015-10-19 07:51:54 - KingGarnettMVP: blue, just saw this note after my turn... i'm not trying to hit you... i was just using that spot for a card
2015-10-19 07:55:13 - KingGarnettMVP: yea as long as green doesnt block me
2015-10-19 07:56:21 - KingGarnettMVP: what will you agree to in return green?
2015-10-19 07:56:32 - KingGarnettMVP: oh
2015-10-19 07:56:45 - zeus111: lol i am rofl
2015-10-19 07:57:08 - KingGarnettMVP: blue... why is that stack there
2015-10-19 07:58:15 - KingGarnettMVP: you're safe with me blue/green
2015-10-19 07:59:05 - zeus111: gg ill see what i can do 4 v 1 ekkkkk
2015-10-19 07:59:25 - KingGarnettMVP: you did it to yourself mighty zeus... you're the target
2015-10-19 07:59:56 - zeus111: say good buy to those blue
2015-10-19 08:00:47 - zeus111: nah its war
2015-10-19 08:02:05 - KingGarnettMVP: he smoked my stack but i have a chance
2015-10-19 08:06:08 - KingGarnettMVP: and i can follow u as well... see my stack?
2015-10-19 08:07:59 - zeus111: so who shall we hand the game tpp
2015-10-19 08:09:08 - zeus111: lol will see
2015-10-19 08:10:56 - KingGarnettMVP: well here goes (literally) nothing
2015-10-19 08:11:57 - zeus111: so blue why is it i cant win
2015-10-19 08:14:32 - KingGarnettMVP: what do you suppose i do now green? i have no where but to break your bonus
2015-10-19 08:15:12 - KingGarnettMVP: nvmd
2015-10-19 08:19:23 - KingGarnettMVP: well blue...
2015-10-19 08:19:55 - KingGarnettMVP: wando should still be a safe haven
2015-10-19 08:20:22 - KingGarnettMVP: he had stacks on both my borders so i needed a card
2015-10-19 08:20:47 - KingGarnettMVP: blue if you leave my bonus i will take my stack and go west again
2015-10-19 08:24:40 - zeus111: ya pink get with the program your blues bitch
2015-10-19 08:27:05 - KingGarnettMVP: yea i have another one coming
2015-10-19 08:27:29 - zeus111: gg all seems as tho fog means shit here and took four of ya to do it
2015-10-19 08:28:25 - zeus111: nice dice blue
2015-10-19 08:29:29 - KingGarnettMVP: pretty sound math blue... nothing crazy on those dice
2015-10-19 08:30:13 - zeus111: lol call out stacks now too funny
2015-10-19 08:31:25 - KingGarnettMVP: green has 4,312 troops on Shrewsbury
2015-10-19 08:32:56 - KingGarnettMVP: i'm trying to mount a charge with green here
2015-10-19 08:34:58 - KingGarnettMVP: my thought is - you get a bonus.... advance the full stack... make him hit it or not... then you whack his stack and i come through with the big one
2015-10-19 08:35:10 - KingGarnettMVP: is that ridiculous
2015-10-19 08:39:12 - KingGarnettMVP: can we step back for a second and talk about how fucking amazing this game is that one player could have THAT much of an advantage this long
2015-10-19 08:42:18 - KingGarnettMVP: no chance i hold my position
2015-10-19 08:42:55 - KingGarnettMVP: i tried... green i'll follow you now
2015-10-19 08:43:16 - KingGarnettMVP: he has a 10 on citmall but no border stacks behind it
2015-10-19 08:43:47 - zeus111: gg guys i db and reporting this game for real fog rules man
2015-10-19 08:44:11 - KingGarnettMVP: i've been doing that for about a week now
2015-10-19 08:46:22 - KingGarnettMVP: he's certainly messing with us
2015-10-19 08:46:53 - KingGarnettMVP: think about his auto deploy after 2 misses
2015-10-19 08:50:41 - KingGarnettMVP: can i have it now?
2015-10-19 08:52:57 - KingGarnettMVP: no worries, we still have this 3 man truce until he is out... so i didnt take it
2015-10-19 08:54:28 - KingGarnettMVP: ummm so i guess we truce against blue now?
2015-10-19 08:54:53 - KingGarnettMVP: i hateeeeee when people db in big games
2015-10-19 08:54:57 - zeus111: hi i am zeus 111 can u look into this game read all chat and tell me if this is wotrh the call out i have total control of game and 4 players decide to gang up which i am fine with we set a fog setting and 3 playes 2 who play daily together were obviou
2015-10-19 08:55:09 - zeus111: games reported
2015-10-19 08:55:35 - KingGarnettMVP: sorry we didnt let you win zeus
2015-10-19 08:56:45 - KingGarnettMVP: gg blue has 80 on stacks on 2 borders
2015-10-19 08:57:03 - zeus111: will see reports more to alert other players of your tactics and hope we can put riles in place
2015-10-19 08:57:26 - zeus111: to avoid calling troop count positions in a game \
2015-10-19 08:57:33 - zeus111: of fog
2015-10-19 08:58:07 - zeus111: no thats fine it was the manner in whick u chose to do it
2015-10-19 08:58:07 - KingGarnettMVP: alright, i'm out of here guys... gg blue/green
2015-10-19 08:58:47 - zeus111: of coarse u are even better proves so much more ]
2015-10-19 08:59:39 - zeus111: again will see and information was bang on accurate let the site decide
2015-10-19 09:00:02 - KingGarnettMVP: Welcome to Conquer Club, the ultimate game of online risk, multiplayer strategy and internet diplomacy!
2015-10-19 09:01:38 - zeus111: i say its cheating and think you will be surprised how many agree when games posted
2015-10-19 09:03:39 - KingGarnettMVP: if there are 3 armies in real life and 2 are getting decimated..... and they decide to truce against the stronger power... why wouldnt they share the intel they've discovered of troops and strength on their borders?
2015-10-19 09:04:09 - KingGarnettMVP: in my mind its kind of dumb not to share the intel, right?
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Lieutenant zeus111
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 11:53 am

here is all chat i foed the players and all chat was not posted

2015-10-19 06:49:18 - M3MENT0: Good luck and have fun all!
2015-10-19 07:07:02 - M3MENT0: Good.
2015-10-19 07:07:39 - M3MENT0: Red you haven't placed a single troop there all game. Why did you just blow up 10 of my troops
2015-10-19 07:09:32 - marijus: nothing personal
2015-10-19 07:09:57 - M3MENT0: I didn't say it was personal, I was asking strategically how that makes sense
2015-10-19 07:10:45 - marijus: just looking for a home and some bonus
2015-10-19 07:12:02 - M3MENT0: Well congrats on me having -60% luck against you with that ridiculously poor attack plan you made.
2015-10-19 07:13:03 - marijus: i am sooooooooooooo stupid
2015-10-19 07:13:11 - marijus: i might as well go kill my self
2015-10-19 07:14:00 - marijus: pang
2015-10-19 07:14:11 - M3MENT0: The odds weren't in your favor, it just so happens I got -60% luck. I wasn't saying you were stupid or should kill yourself. It's just frustrating, that's all.
2015-10-19 07:14:13 - marijus: ... blod....7
2015-10-19 07:14:25 - marijus: ok, i get it
2015-10-19 07:20:29 - KingGarnettMVP: very unbiased attack cyan... too bad you couldn't have hit blue to get all of us
2015-10-19 07:20:33 - Soldier4Christ: ugh this is trench didnt see that
2015-10-19 07:23:00 - M3MENT0: <3 trench
2015-10-19 07:32:49 - zeus111: could haave green
2015-10-19 07:33:48 - M3MENT0: Hm?
2015-10-19 07:33:51 - M3MENT0: What does that mean
2015-10-19 07:33:57 - zeus111: busted ya up
2015-10-19 07:34:10 - zeus111: red seems determined to waste troops
2015-10-19 07:34:12 - zeus111: lol
2015-10-19 07:34:51 - zeus111: oh i figuerd u held that
2015-10-19 07:34:58 - M3MENT0: You or blue win this
2015-10-19 07:35:30 - M3MENT0: Only turn in was a 4 and I spent the first 5 turns bleeding troops. I am barely hanging on.
2015-10-19 07:35:30 - marijus: not really, but i am determined to try to keep you under 15.... ;)
2015-10-19 07:35:31 - zeus111: blue m8 hes massive and i cant see him
2015-10-19 07:35:49 - zeus111: i get it red no probs man
2015-10-19 07:36:20 - marijus: - but nobody is helping here.. you always have 15 while your up..
2015-10-19 07:37:01 - M3MENT0: You should be more concerned with the bonuses he has than the 1 extra he is getting from having 15 instead of 14.
2015-10-19 07:37:48 - marijus: dude, i keep braking his bounus EACH round ;)
2015-10-19 07:38:06 - M3MENT0: No, you don't.
2015-10-19 07:38:17 - M3MENT0: 2015-10-19 09:36:24 - zeus111 received 2 troops for holding ? 2015-10-19 09:36:24 - zeus111 received 3 troops for holding ?
2015-10-19 07:38:31 - zeus111: ya he is m8
2015-10-19 07:38:55 - M3MENT0: Oh, that 4 bonus then I guess?
2015-10-19 07:39:06 - M3MENT0: Must be St. Johns. Appologies.
2015-10-19 07:39:11 - marijus: well, i dont know what he's got far down to the left..
2015-10-19 07:39:25 - marijus: it a pain job hehe
2015-10-19 07:39:43 - zeus111: lol
2015-10-19 07:39:59 - marijus: cant hold him much longer unless you guys step up
2015-10-19 07:40:13 - marijus: the mighty zeus
2015-10-19 07:40:37 - zeus111: zeus is down megs points be kind lmao
2015-10-19 07:41:29 - zeus111: still say blus massive
2015-10-19 07:41:59 - marijus: i'd like it if you'd address your self as "the mighty Zeus" in third person
2015-10-19 07:42:25 - zeus111: id like a truce
2015-10-19 07:42:48 - marijus: cant give you 4 bonud m8
2015-10-19 07:42:54 - marijus: bonus
2015-10-19 07:43:52 - zeus111: lol i know but tried
2015-10-19 07:44:29 - marijus: ooops
2015-10-19 07:44:44 - marijus: i will slowly pull out here.. tnx guys
2015-10-19 07:46:04 - M3MENT0: What does that mean Red
2015-10-19 07:47:03 - marijus: it means i am slowly dying. But will try as hard as i can,,
2015-10-19 07:48:10 - zeus111: was the turn u took u and green out of were i said hi just then
2015-10-19 07:50:31 - drewfishy: Pink, If you don't hit me, I will work at cyan.
2015-10-19 07:50:59 - drewfishy: The only way I can put a dent in cyan is by taking over Mt. Pleasant, so I'm going to try to hold that..
2015-10-19 07:51:10 - drewfishy: Same goes to you, yellow
2015-10-19 07:51:54 - KingGarnettMVP: blue, just saw this note after my turn... i'm not trying to hit you... i was just using that spot for a card
2015-10-19 07:52:17 - drewfishy: Ok. I will need to keep it please
2015-10-19 07:53:20 - drewfishy: Pink, we gotta hit cyan or its game
2015-10-19 07:55:13 - KingGarnettMVP: yea as long as green doesnt block me
2015-10-19 07:55:38 - drewfishy: I'd leave green alone, He is breaking cyans bonus too
2015-10-19 07:55:55 - M3MENT0: Pink, move that stack into East Ashley.
2015-10-19 07:56:12 - M3MENT0: We can establish a truce on our border, and you can place on your detached stack and use it to hit Cyan
2015-10-19 07:56:15 - M3MENT0: How does that sound
2015-10-19 07:56:21 - KingGarnettMVP: what will you agree to in return green?
2015-10-19 07:56:32 - KingGarnettMVP: oh
2015-10-19 07:56:36 - M3MENT0: I can take this His. Dist and use that to hit Cyan as well
2015-10-19 07:56:45 - zeus111: lol i am rofl
2015-10-19 07:57:08 - KingGarnettMVP: blue... why is that stack there
2015-10-19 07:57:14 - M3MENT0: I won't hit Provost Dungeon
2015-10-19 07:57:28 - drewfishy: Pink, I told you I have to secure Mt. Pleasant. Thats it. I will not hit you
2015-10-19 07:57:37 - M3MENT0: Cyan is about to take ANOTHER 4 bonus
2015-10-19 07:57:38 - drewfishy: Pleas do not hit me when I move the stack
2015-10-19 07:58:15 - KingGarnettMVP: you're safe with me blue/green
2015-10-19 07:58:23 - drewfishy: k
2015-10-19 07:58:34 - M3MENT0: Roger that
2015-10-19 07:59:05 - zeus111: gg ill see what i can do 4 v 1 ekkkkk
2015-10-19 07:59:24 - M3MENT0: It's trench and you're getting as much as all of us combined
2015-10-19 07:59:25 - KingGarnettMVP: you did it to yourself mighty zeus... you're the target
2015-10-19 07:59:56 - zeus111: say good buy to those blue
2015-10-19 08:00:06 - drewfishy: Or you can move
2015-10-19 08:00:15 - drewfishy: And be smart
2015-10-19 08:00:47 - zeus111: nah its war
2015-10-19 08:01:24 - drewfishy: Theres goes my 50 stack... pink you gotta hit him hard
2015-10-19 08:02:05 - KingGarnettMVP: he smoked my stack but i have a chance
2015-10-19 08:03:19 - drewfishy: Smoked my 50 stack.
2015-10-19 08:05:14 - M3MENT0: Pink I am coming in behind you, so I can get in on the Western front. I don't have much but I am bringing what I have
2015-10-19 08:06:08 - KingGarnettMVP: and i can follow u as well... see my stack?
2015-10-19 08:06:43 - M3MENT0: Affirmative
2015-10-19 08:07:32 - M3MENT0: Go on and attack through, I'll come in behind you.
2015-10-19 08:07:56 - M3MENT0: Attack through Arsenal and reinforce into Charles
2015-10-19 08:07:59 - zeus111: so who shall we hand the game tpp
2015-10-19 08:08:07 - drewfishy: Not you..
2015-10-19 08:08:24 - M3MENT0: ^
2015-10-19 08:09:08 - zeus111: lol will see
2015-10-19 08:10:56 - KingGarnettMVP: well here goes (literally) nothing
2015-10-19 08:11:57 - zeus111: so blue why is it i cant win
2015-10-19 08:12:44 - M3MENT0: Pragmatism
2015-10-19 08:12:49 - M3MENT0: For me at least
2015-10-19 08:14:23 - M3MENT0: Crap
2015-10-19 08:14:30 - M3MENT0: Pink you should have told me that 1 is all you had
2015-10-19 08:14:32 - KingGarnettMVP: what do you suppose i do now green? i have no where but to break your bonus
2015-10-19 08:14:54 - M3MENT0: I don't have the bonus
2015-10-19 08:15:12 - KingGarnettMVP: nvmd
2015-10-19 08:18:18 - M3MENT0: Pink let Blue take Hist District I guess
2015-10-19 08:19:23 - KingGarnettMVP: well blue...
2015-10-19 08:19:47 - drewfishy: Just defense..
2015-10-19 08:19:49 - M3MENT0: He needs that bonus to fight Cyan Pink
2015-10-19 08:19:55 - KingGarnettMVP: wando should still be a safe haven
2015-10-19 08:19:56 - M3MENT0: You might as well just stack back pink
2015-10-19 08:19:59 - M3MENT0: Let him have the 5
2015-10-19 08:20:22 - KingGarnettMVP: he had stacks on both my borders so i needed a card
2015-10-19 08:20:47 - KingGarnettMVP: blue if you leave my bonus i will take my stack and go west again
2015-10-19 08:20:57 - M3MENT0: Well at least move back where you were, let him have the bonus, and resume things the way you did with me
2015-10-19 08:21:14 - drewfishy: Gotta go west cyan.. I will too
2015-10-19 08:21:26 - drewfishy: Pink.. not cyan. Gotta hit cyan
2015-10-19 08:21:53 - M3MENT0: Blue is attacking from Sumter
2015-10-19 08:22:04 - M3MENT0: But he needs Hist district to succeed
2015-10-19 08:22:23 - M3MENT0: Pink I'm commin in hot behind you again
2015-10-19 08:24:40 - zeus111: ya pink get with the program your blues bitch
2015-10-19 08:25:02 - M3MENT0: Pragmatism man
2015-10-19 08:25:34 - M3MENT0: Pink and I won't win. But if I can't, I'd rather the guy with the higher rank win, so I lose less points.
2015-10-19 08:26:48 - M3MENT0: Pink can I hit Charles towne
2015-10-19 08:27:05 - KingGarnettMVP: yea i have another one coming
2015-10-19 08:27:17 - M3MENT0: kk
2015-10-19 08:27:29 - zeus111: gg all seems as tho fog means shit here and took four of ya to do it
2015-10-19 08:27:39 - M3MENT0: He has 29 on East Ashley fyi
2015-10-19 08:27:49 - M3MENT0: Fog is important.
2015-10-19 08:28:15 - M3MENT0: People always rage about players throwing out stack numbers in fog matches, while no one ever stops to consider if deception is a factor or not
2015-10-19 08:28:25 - zeus111: nice dice blue
2015-10-19 08:28:40 - drewfishy: Not really.
2015-10-19 08:28:58 - drewfishy: It was 45 v 32. I has 12 left?
2015-10-19 08:29:29 - KingGarnettMVP: pretty sound math blue... nothing crazy on those dice
2015-10-19 08:30:13 - zeus111: lol call out stacks now too funny
2015-10-19 08:30:40 - M3MENT0: 2 minutes ago:
2015-10-19 08:30:41 - M3MENT0: 2015-10-19 10:28:15 - M3MENT0: People always rage about players throwing out stack numbers in fog matches, while no one ever stops to consider if deception is a factor or not
2015-10-19 08:31:25 - KingGarnettMVP: green has 4,312 troops on Shrewsbury
2015-10-19 08:32:07 - drewfishy: Pink, I don't think I can stop cyan alone.
2015-10-19 08:32:08 - M3MENT0: More or less
2015-10-19 08:32:08 - M3MENT0: yeah
2015-10-19 08:32:10 - drewfishy: ..
2015-10-19 08:32:34 - M3MENT0: Cyan's territory count has been increasing the past several turns
2015-10-19 08:32:56 - KingGarnettMVP: i'm trying to mount a charge with green here
2015-10-19 08:34:13 - M3MENT0: The way I see it, if you advance that big stack and are able to get Citadel Hall or The Crescent, I will take whichever of those you don't take, and we can form a 2- pronged attack
2015-10-19 08:34:48 - M3MENT0: Blue is keeping his troop deployment busy in the East, so I think you'd be good to advance
2015-10-19 08:34:58 - KingGarnettMVP: my thought is - you get a bonus.... advance the full stack... make him hit it or not... then you whack his stack and i come through with the big one
2015-10-19 08:35:10 - KingGarnettMVP: is that ridiculous
2015-10-19 08:35:22 - M3MENT0: You have to go first. If he blows me up I am out
2015-10-19 08:35:35 - M3MENT0: And then it's just you and Blue against him
2015-10-19 08:36:19 - M3MENT0: You have over double his troops there, you're good to advance man
2015-10-19 08:36:43 - M3MENT0: Take either Citadel Hall or The Crescent and I'll take the one you don't take
2015-10-19 08:37:35 - M3MENT0: See he failed
2015-10-19 08:37:58 - drewfishy: Not on me..
2015-10-19 08:38:04 - drewfishy: lol
2015-10-19 08:39:12 - KingGarnettMVP: can we step back for a second and talk about how fucking amazing this game is that one player could have THAT much of an advantage this long
2015-10-19 08:39:22 - M3MENT0: Pink is in good position to move down, and I am coming down with him. Cyan is about to have 60 troops advancing on him between the two of us
2015-10-19 08:39:36 - M3MENT0: ikr
2015-10-19 08:40:17 - drewfishy: geez.
2015-10-19 08:42:18 - KingGarnettMVP: no chance i hold my position
2015-10-19 08:42:52 - M3MENT0: How many does he have there
2015-10-19 08:42:55 - KingGarnettMVP: i tried... green i'll follow you now
2015-10-19 08:43:06 - M3MENT0: kk
2015-10-19 08:43:11 - M3MENT0: We'll see what happens
2015-10-19 08:43:16 - KingGarnettMVP: he has a 10 on citmall but no border stacks behind it
2015-10-19 08:43:25 - M3MENT0: This might be it for ole M3ment0
2015-10-19 08:43:47 - zeus111: gg guys i db and reporting this game for real fog rules man
2015-10-19 08:43:51 - M3MENT0: I advanced everything against him
2015-10-19 08:44:00 - M3MENT0: lolwut
2015-10-19 08:44:11 - KingGarnettMVP: i've been doing that for about a week now
2015-10-19 08:45:38 - drewfishy: Is he serious? Or trying to get us to fight
2015-10-19 08:46:01 - M3MENT0: There is literally nothing in the rules regarding fog.
2015-10-19 08:46:22 - KingGarnettMVP: he's certainly messing with us
2015-10-19 08:46:35 - drewfishy: Yea I'd think so
2015-10-19 08:46:49 - M3MENT0: Not in the regular rules, or in the tournament rules, or even in the etiquette portion of the tournament section
2015-10-19 08:46:53 - KingGarnettMVP: think about his auto deploy after 2 misses
2015-10-19 08:47:12 - drewfishy: ya. geez
2015-10-19 08:48:08 - M3MENT0: Again, I love when people complain about communication in fog games when it is literally never addressed in any section of rules or even etiquette guidelines on the website
2015-10-19 08:48:54 - M3MENT0: Pink if he DBs then feel free to take this 3 bonus
2015-10-19 08:49:06 - M3MENT0: I'm going to move through his area like a cancer
2015-10-19 08:50:41 - KingGarnettMVP: can i have it now?
2015-10-19 08:52:06 - M3MENT0: Yeah man
2015-10-19 08:52:17 - M3MENT0: I left for a reason brah
2015-10-19 08:52:57 - KingGarnettMVP: no worries, we still have this 3 man truce until he is out... so i didnt take it
2015-10-19 08:54:28 - KingGarnettMVP: ummm so i guess we truce against blue now?
2015-10-19 08:54:53 - KingGarnettMVP: i hateeeeee when people db in big games
2015-10-19 08:54:57 - zeus111: hi i am zeus 111 can u look into this game read all chat and tell me if this is wotrh the call out i have total control of game and 4 players decide to gang up which i am fine with we set a fog setting and 3 playes 2 who play daily together were obviou
2015-10-19 08:55:09 - zeus111: games reported
2015-10-19 08:55:35 - KingGarnettMVP: sorry we didnt let you win zeus
2015-10-19 08:55:57 - M3MENT0: Check rules, there is nothing in it about open diplomacy
2015-10-19 08:56:36 - M3MENT0: Agree with what Pink said, sorry we didn't let you win
2015-10-19 08:56:45 - KingGarnettMVP: gg blue has 80 on stacks on 2 borders
2015-10-19 08:57:03 - zeus111: will see reports more to alert other players of your tactics and hope we can put riles in place
2015-10-19 08:57:26 - zeus111: to avoid calling troop count positions in a game \
2015-10-19 08:57:33 - zeus111: of fog
2015-10-19 08:58:07 - zeus111: no thats fine it was the manner in whick u chose to do it
2015-10-19 08:58:07 - KingGarnettMVP: alright, i'm out of here guys... gg blue/green
2015-10-19 08:58:47 - zeus111: of coarse u are even better proves so much more ]
2015-10-19 08:58:59 - M3MENT0: There is nothing against calling out troop counts in fog games, because the burden is on the other players to decide if it's accurate or just a manipulative ploy.
2015-10-19 08:59:32 - M3MENT0: GG all.
2015-10-19 08:59:39 - zeus111: again will see and information was bang on accurate let the site decide
2015-10-19 09:00:00 - M3MENT0: Cyan sorry you're butt hurt but everything we did was open in chat and you knew about every single thing that went on
2015-10-19 09:00:02 - KingGarnettMVP: Welcome to Conquer Club, the ultimate game of online risk, multiplayer strategy and internet diplomacy!
2015-10-19 09:00:35 - M3MENT0: This^
2015-10-19 09:01:04 - drewfishy: What you could have done was try and pursuade other players to change their mind.
2015-10-19 09:01:11 - M3MENT0: I said from very early on if I couldn't win I would at least help the highest rank person do it
2015-10-19 09:01:18 - M3MENT0: Blue is dead on accurate
2015-10-19 09:01:38 - zeus111: i say its cheating and think you will be surprised how many agree when games posted
2015-10-19 09:01:39 - M3MENT0: You never attempted diplomacy with either of us, even after you and Blue were essentially tied
2015-10-19 09:01:48 - M3MENT0: "Cheating"? lol
2015-10-19 09:01:50 - M3MENT0: How so
2015-10-19 09:03:39 - KingGarnettMVP: if there are 3 armies in real life and 2 are getting decimated..... and they decide to truce against the stronger power... why wouldnt they share the intel they've discovered of troops and strength on their borders?
2015-10-19 09:04:09 - KingGarnettMVP: in my mind its kind of dumb not to share the intel, right?
2015-10-19 09:04:30 - M3MENT0: Also, this^
2015-10-19 09:04:56 - M3MENT0: The fact that Cyan is not only ignoring an avalanche of logic, but also pretending he wouldn't do the EXACT same thing in our shoes makes me sad.
2015-10-19 09:05:37 - M3MENT0: He foe'd me for some reason. I'm sure we'll all get 1/5 from him for no reason whatsoever
2015-10-19 09:08:47 - drewfishy: gg guys
2015-10-19 09:09:22 - M3MENT0: gg all
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby riskllama on Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:00 pm

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Lieutenant riskllama
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby owenshooter on Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:05 pm

zeus111 wrote:cheat and abuse catagory
Sent: Mon Oct 19, 2015 8:54 am
From: zeus111
To: king achilles

hi i am zeus 111 can u look into this game read all chat and tell me if this is worth the call out i have total control of game and 4 players decide to gang up which i am fine with we set a fog setting and 3 players 2 who play daily together were obvious playing as one which is also fine but the troop counts in areas they called out to each other i was holding defeats the sole purpose of a fog game i have foed and moved on but would like to bring this to admins attention games like this are far to common on here and for the fairness of our games some thing must be done 16052209 is the game .b:drewfishy M3MENT0 KingGarnettMVP are the 3 accused !!!!! if this is the type of play acceptable on this site its sad really . i wish to advise players of these 3 members and if you look into other games u can see its not just this game :M3MENT0 and drewfish play as one in many games on cc as do a few others but this game was posted so you all can make your own conclusions . best of luck to all who play straight up with honor and respect for the game we love to play

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Severe PM Abuse
Other: <Explanation>

Game number(s):

Comments:2015-10-19 07:09:32 - marijus: nothing personal
2015-10-19 07:10:45 - marijus: just looking for a home and some bonus
2015-10-19 07:13:03 - marijus: i am sooooooooooooo stupid
2015-10-19 07:13:11 - marijus: i might as well go kill my self
2015-10-19 07:14:00 - marijus: pang
2015-10-19 07:14:13 - marijus: ... blod....7
2015-10-19 07:14:25 - marijus: ok, i get it
2015-10-19 07:20:29 - KingGarnettMVP: very unbiased attack cyan... too bad you couldn't have hit blue to get all of us
2015-10-19 07:20:33 - Soldier4Christ: ugh this is trench didnt see that
2015-10-19 07:32:49 - zeus111: could haave green
2015-10-19 07:33:57 - zeus111: busted ya up
2015-10-19 07:34:10 - zeus111: red seems determined to waste troops
2015-10-19 07:34:12 - zeus111: lol
2015-10-19 07:34:51 - zeus111: oh i figuerd u held that
2015-10-19 07:35:30 - marijus: not really, but i am determined to try to keep you under 15.... ;)
2015-10-19 07:35:31 - zeus111: blue m8 hes massive and i cant see him
2015-10-19 07:35:49 - zeus111: i get it red no probs man
2015-10-19 07:36:20 - marijus: - but nobody is helping here.. you always have 15 while your up..
2015-10-19 07:37:48 - marijus: dude, i keep braking his bounus EACH round ;)
2015-10-19 07:38:31 - zeus111: ya he is m8
2015-10-19 07:39:11 - marijus: well, i dont know what he's got far down to the left..
2015-10-19 07:39:25 - marijus: it a pain job hehe
2015-10-19 07:39:43 - zeus111: lol
2015-10-19 07:39:59 - marijus: cant hold him much longer unless you guys step up
2015-10-19 07:40:13 - marijus: the mighty zeus
2015-10-19 07:40:37 - zeus111: zeus is down megs points be kind lmao
2015-10-19 07:41:29 - zeus111: still say blus massive
2015-10-19 07:41:59 - marijus: i'd like it if you'd address your self as "the mighty Zeus" in third person
2015-10-19 07:42:25 - zeus111: id like a truce
2015-10-19 07:42:48 - marijus: cant give you 4 bonud m8
2015-10-19 07:42:54 - marijus: bonus
2015-10-19 07:43:52 - zeus111: lol i know but tried
2015-10-19 07:44:29 - marijus: ooops
2015-10-19 07:44:44 - marijus: i will slowly pull out here.. tnx guys
2015-10-19 07:47:03 - marijus: it means i am slowly dying. But will try as hard as i can,,
2015-10-19 07:48:10 - zeus111: was the turn u took u and green out of were i said hi just then
2015-10-19 07:51:54 - KingGarnettMVP: blue, just saw this note after my turn... i'm not trying to hit you... i was just using that spot for a card
2015-10-19 07:55:13 - KingGarnettMVP: yea as long as green doesnt block me
2015-10-19 07:56:21 - KingGarnettMVP: what will you agree to in return green?
2015-10-19 07:56:32 - KingGarnettMVP: oh
2015-10-19 07:56:45 - zeus111: lol i am rofl
2015-10-19 07:57:08 - KingGarnettMVP: blue... why is that stack there
2015-10-19 07:58:15 - KingGarnettMVP: you're safe with me blue/green
2015-10-19 07:59:05 - zeus111: gg ill see what i can do 4 v 1 ekkkkk
2015-10-19 07:59:25 - KingGarnettMVP: you did it to yourself mighty zeus... you're the target
2015-10-19 07:59:56 - zeus111: say good buy to those blue
2015-10-19 08:00:47 - zeus111: nah its war
2015-10-19 08:02:05 - KingGarnettMVP: he smoked my stack but i have a chance
2015-10-19 08:06:08 - KingGarnettMVP: and i can follow u as well... see my stack?
2015-10-19 08:07:59 - zeus111: so who shall we hand the game tpp
2015-10-19 08:09:08 - zeus111: lol will see
2015-10-19 08:10:56 - KingGarnettMVP: well here goes (literally) nothing
2015-10-19 08:11:57 - zeus111: so blue why is it i cant win
2015-10-19 08:14:32 - KingGarnettMVP: what do you suppose i do now green? i have no where but to break your bonus
2015-10-19 08:15:12 - KingGarnettMVP: nvmd
2015-10-19 08:19:23 - KingGarnettMVP: well blue...
2015-10-19 08:19:55 - KingGarnettMVP: wando should still be a safe haven
2015-10-19 08:20:22 - KingGarnettMVP: he had stacks on both my borders so i needed a card
2015-10-19 08:20:47 - KingGarnettMVP: blue if you leave my bonus i will take my stack and go west again
2015-10-19 08:24:40 - zeus111: ya pink get with the program your blues bitch
2015-10-19 08:27:05 - KingGarnettMVP: yea i have another one coming
2015-10-19 08:27:29 - zeus111: gg all seems as tho fog means shit here and took four of ya to do it
2015-10-19 08:28:25 - zeus111: nice dice blue
2015-10-19 08:29:29 - KingGarnettMVP: pretty sound math blue... nothing crazy on those dice
2015-10-19 08:30:13 - zeus111: lol call out stacks now too funny
2015-10-19 08:31:25 - KingGarnettMVP: green has 4,312 troops on Shrewsbury
2015-10-19 08:32:56 - KingGarnettMVP: i'm trying to mount a charge with green here
2015-10-19 08:34:58 - KingGarnettMVP: my thought is - you get a bonus.... advance the full stack... make him hit it or not... then you whack his stack and i come through with the big one
2015-10-19 08:35:10 - KingGarnettMVP: is that ridiculous
2015-10-19 08:39:12 - KingGarnettMVP: can we step back for a second and talk about how fucking amazing this game is that one player could have THAT much of an advantage this long
2015-10-19 08:42:18 - KingGarnettMVP: no chance i hold my position
2015-10-19 08:42:55 - KingGarnettMVP: i tried... green i'll follow you now
2015-10-19 08:43:16 - KingGarnettMVP: he has a 10 on citmall but no border stacks behind it
2015-10-19 08:43:47 - zeus111: gg guys i db and reporting this game for real fog rules man
2015-10-19 08:44:11 - KingGarnettMVP: i've been doing that for about a week now
2015-10-19 08:46:22 - KingGarnettMVP: he's certainly messing with us
2015-10-19 08:46:53 - KingGarnettMVP: think about his auto deploy after 2 misses
2015-10-19 08:50:41 - KingGarnettMVP: can i have it now?
2015-10-19 08:52:57 - KingGarnettMVP: no worries, we still have this 3 man truce until he is out... so i didnt take it
2015-10-19 08:54:28 - KingGarnettMVP: ummm so i guess we truce against blue now?
2015-10-19 08:54:53 - KingGarnettMVP: i hateeeeee when people db in big games
2015-10-19 08:54:57 - zeus111: hi i am zeus 111 can u look into this game read all chat and tell me if this is wotrh the call out i have total control of game and 4 players decide to gang up which i am fine with we set a fog setting and 3 playes 2 who play daily together were obviou
2015-10-19 08:55:09 - zeus111: games reported
2015-10-19 08:55:35 - KingGarnettMVP: sorry we didnt let you win zeus
2015-10-19 08:56:45 - KingGarnettMVP: gg blue has 80 on stacks on 2 borders
2015-10-19 08:57:03 - zeus111: will see reports more to alert other players of your tactics and hope we can put riles in place
2015-10-19 08:57:26 - zeus111: to avoid calling troop count positions in a game \
2015-10-19 08:57:33 - zeus111: of fog
2015-10-19 08:58:07 - zeus111: no thats fine it was the manner in whick u chose to do it
2015-10-19 08:58:07 - KingGarnettMVP: alright, i'm out of here guys... gg blue/green
2015-10-19 08:58:47 - zeus111: of coarse u are even better proves so much more ]
2015-10-19 08:59:39 - zeus111: again will see and information was bang on accurate let the site decide
2015-10-19 09:00:02 - KingGarnettMVP: Welcome to Conquer Club, the ultimate game of online risk, multiplayer strategy and internet diplomacy!
2015-10-19 09:01:38 - zeus111: i say its cheating and think you will be surprised how many agree when games posted
2015-10-19 09:03:39 - KingGarnettMVP: if there are 3 armies in real life and 2 are getting decimated..... and they decide to truce against the stronger power... why wouldnt they share the intel they've discovered of troops and strength on their borders?
2015-10-19 09:04:09 - KingGarnettMVP: in my mind its kind of dumb not to share the intel, right?
zeus111 wrote:here is all chat i foed the players and all chat was not posted

2015-10-19 06:49:18 - M3MENT0: Good luck and have fun all!
2015-10-19 07:07:02 - M3MENT0: Good.
2015-10-19 07:07:39 - M3MENT0: Red you haven't placed a single troop there all game. Why did you just blow up 10 of my troops
2015-10-19 07:09:32 - marijus: nothing personal
2015-10-19 07:09:57 - M3MENT0: I didn't say it was personal, I was asking strategically how that makes sense
2015-10-19 07:10:45 - marijus: just looking for a home and some bonus
2015-10-19 07:12:02 - M3MENT0: Well congrats on me having -60% luck against you with that ridiculously poor attack plan you made.
2015-10-19 07:13:03 - marijus: i am sooooooooooooo stupid
2015-10-19 07:13:11 - marijus: i might as well go kill my self
2015-10-19 07:14:00 - marijus: pang
2015-10-19 07:14:11 - M3MENT0: The odds weren't in your favor, it just so happens I got -60% luck. I wasn't saying you were stupid or should kill yourself. It's just frustrating, that's all.
2015-10-19 07:14:13 - marijus: ... blod....7
2015-10-19 07:14:25 - marijus: ok, i get it
2015-10-19 07:20:29 - KingGarnettMVP: very unbiased attack cyan... too bad you couldn't have hit blue to get all of us
2015-10-19 07:20:33 - Soldier4Christ: ugh this is trench didnt see that
2015-10-19 07:23:00 - M3MENT0: <3 trench
2015-10-19 07:32:49 - zeus111: could haave green
2015-10-19 07:33:48 - M3MENT0: Hm?
2015-10-19 07:33:51 - M3MENT0: What does that mean
2015-10-19 07:33:57 - zeus111: busted ya up
2015-10-19 07:34:10 - zeus111: red seems determined to waste troops
2015-10-19 07:34:12 - zeus111: lol
2015-10-19 07:34:51 - zeus111: oh i figuerd u held that
2015-10-19 07:34:58 - M3MENT0: You or blue win this
2015-10-19 07:35:30 - M3MENT0: Only turn in was a 4 and I spent the first 5 turns bleeding troops. I am barely hanging on.
2015-10-19 07:35:30 - marijus: not really, but i am determined to try to keep you under 15.... ;)
2015-10-19 07:35:31 - zeus111: blue m8 hes massive and i cant see him
2015-10-19 07:35:49 - zeus111: i get it red no probs man
2015-10-19 07:36:20 - marijus: - but nobody is helping here.. you always have 15 while your up..
2015-10-19 07:37:01 - M3MENT0: You should be more concerned with the bonuses he has than the 1 extra he is getting from having 15 instead of 14.
2015-10-19 07:37:48 - marijus: dude, i keep braking his bounus EACH round ;)
2015-10-19 07:38:06 - M3MENT0: No, you don't.
2015-10-19 07:38:17 - M3MENT0: 2015-10-19 09:36:24 - zeus111 received 2 troops for holding ? 2015-10-19 09:36:24 - zeus111 received 3 troops for holding ?
2015-10-19 07:38:31 - zeus111: ya he is m8
2015-10-19 07:38:55 - M3MENT0: Oh, that 4 bonus then I guess?
2015-10-19 07:39:06 - M3MENT0: Must be St. Johns. Appologies.
2015-10-19 07:39:11 - marijus: well, i dont know what he's got far down to the left..
2015-10-19 07:39:25 - marijus: it a pain job hehe
2015-10-19 07:39:43 - zeus111: lol
2015-10-19 07:39:59 - marijus: cant hold him much longer unless you guys step up
2015-10-19 07:40:13 - marijus: the mighty zeus
2015-10-19 07:40:37 - zeus111: zeus is down megs points be kind lmao
2015-10-19 07:41:29 - zeus111: still say blus massive
2015-10-19 07:41:59 - marijus: i'd like it if you'd address your self as "the mighty Zeus" in third person
2015-10-19 07:42:25 - zeus111: id like a truce
2015-10-19 07:42:48 - marijus: cant give you 4 bonud m8
2015-10-19 07:42:54 - marijus: bonus
2015-10-19 07:43:52 - zeus111: lol i know but tried
2015-10-19 07:44:29 - marijus: ooops
2015-10-19 07:44:44 - marijus: i will slowly pull out here.. tnx guys
2015-10-19 07:46:04 - M3MENT0: What does that mean Red
2015-10-19 07:47:03 - marijus: it means i am slowly dying. But will try as hard as i can,,
2015-10-19 07:48:10 - zeus111: was the turn u took u and green out of were i said hi just then
2015-10-19 07:50:31 - drewfishy: Pink, If you don't hit me, I will work at cyan.
2015-10-19 07:50:59 - drewfishy: The only way I can put a dent in cyan is by taking over Mt. Pleasant, so I'm going to try to hold that..
2015-10-19 07:51:10 - drewfishy: Same goes to you, yellow
2015-10-19 07:51:54 - KingGarnettMVP: blue, just saw this note after my turn... i'm not trying to hit you... i was just using that spot for a card
2015-10-19 07:52:17 - drewfishy: Ok. I will need to keep it please
2015-10-19 07:53:20 - drewfishy: Pink, we gotta hit cyan or its game
2015-10-19 07:55:13 - KingGarnettMVP: yea as long as green doesnt block me
2015-10-19 07:55:38 - drewfishy: I'd leave green alone, He is breaking cyans bonus too
2015-10-19 07:55:55 - M3MENT0: Pink, move that stack into East Ashley.
2015-10-19 07:56:12 - M3MENT0: We can establish a truce on our border, and you can place on your detached stack and use it to hit Cyan
2015-10-19 07:56:15 - M3MENT0: How does that sound
2015-10-19 07:56:21 - KingGarnettMVP: what will you agree to in return green?
2015-10-19 07:56:32 - KingGarnettMVP: oh
2015-10-19 07:56:36 - M3MENT0: I can take this His. Dist and use that to hit Cyan as well
2015-10-19 07:56:45 - zeus111: lol i am rofl
2015-10-19 07:57:08 - KingGarnettMVP: blue... why is that stack there
2015-10-19 07:57:14 - M3MENT0: I won't hit Provost Dungeon
2015-10-19 07:57:28 - drewfishy: Pink, I told you I have to secure Mt. Pleasant. Thats it. I will not hit you
2015-10-19 07:57:37 - M3MENT0: Cyan is about to take ANOTHER 4 bonus
2015-10-19 07:57:38 - drewfishy: Pleas do not hit me when I move the stack
2015-10-19 07:58:15 - KingGarnettMVP: you're safe with me blue/green
2015-10-19 07:58:23 - drewfishy: k
2015-10-19 07:58:34 - M3MENT0: Roger that
2015-10-19 07:59:05 - zeus111: gg ill see what i can do 4 v 1 ekkkkk
2015-10-19 07:59:24 - M3MENT0: It's trench and you're getting as much as all of us combined
2015-10-19 07:59:25 - KingGarnettMVP: you did it to yourself mighty zeus... you're the target
2015-10-19 07:59:56 - zeus111: say good buy to those blue
2015-10-19 08:00:06 - drewfishy: Or you can move
2015-10-19 08:00:15 - drewfishy: And be smart
2015-10-19 08:00:47 - zeus111: nah its war
2015-10-19 08:01:24 - drewfishy: Theres goes my 50 stack... pink you gotta hit him hard
2015-10-19 08:02:05 - KingGarnettMVP: he smoked my stack but i have a chance
2015-10-19 08:03:19 - drewfishy: Smoked my 50 stack.
2015-10-19 08:05:14 - M3MENT0: Pink I am coming in behind you, so I can get in on the Western front. I don't have much but I am bringing what I have
2015-10-19 08:06:08 - KingGarnettMVP: and i can follow u as well... see my stack?
2015-10-19 08:06:43 - M3MENT0: Affirmative
2015-10-19 08:07:32 - M3MENT0: Go on and attack through, I'll come in behind you.
2015-10-19 08:07:56 - M3MENT0: Attack through Arsenal and reinforce into Charles
2015-10-19 08:07:59 - zeus111: so who shall we hand the game tpp
2015-10-19 08:08:07 - drewfishy: Not you..
2015-10-19 08:08:24 - M3MENT0: ^
2015-10-19 08:09:08 - zeus111: lol will see
2015-10-19 08:10:56 - KingGarnettMVP: well here goes (literally) nothing
2015-10-19 08:11:57 - zeus111: so blue why is it i cant win
2015-10-19 08:12:44 - M3MENT0: Pragmatism
2015-10-19 08:12:49 - M3MENT0: For me at least
2015-10-19 08:14:23 - M3MENT0: Crap
2015-10-19 08:14:30 - M3MENT0: Pink you should have told me that 1 is all you had
2015-10-19 08:14:32 - KingGarnettMVP: what do you suppose i do now green? i have no where but to break your bonus
2015-10-19 08:14:54 - M3MENT0: I don't have the bonus
2015-10-19 08:15:12 - KingGarnettMVP: nvmd
2015-10-19 08:18:18 - M3MENT0: Pink let Blue take Hist District I guess
2015-10-19 08:19:23 - KingGarnettMVP: well blue...
2015-10-19 08:19:47 - drewfishy: Just defense..
2015-10-19 08:19:49 - M3MENT0: He needs that bonus to fight Cyan Pink
2015-10-19 08:19:55 - KingGarnettMVP: wando should still be a safe haven
2015-10-19 08:19:56 - M3MENT0: You might as well just stack back pink
2015-10-19 08:19:59 - M3MENT0: Let him have the 5
2015-10-19 08:20:22 - KingGarnettMVP: he had stacks on both my borders so i needed a card
2015-10-19 08:20:47 - KingGarnettMVP: blue if you leave my bonus i will take my stack and go west again
2015-10-19 08:20:57 - M3MENT0: Well at least move back where you were, let him have the bonus, and resume things the way you did with me
2015-10-19 08:21:14 - drewfishy: Gotta go west cyan.. I will too
2015-10-19 08:21:26 - drewfishy: Pink.. not cyan. Gotta hit cyan
2015-10-19 08:21:53 - M3MENT0: Blue is attacking from Sumter
2015-10-19 08:22:04 - M3MENT0: But he needs Hist district to succeed
2015-10-19 08:22:23 - M3MENT0: Pink I'm commin in hot behind you again
2015-10-19 08:24:40 - zeus111: ya pink get with the program your blues bitch
2015-10-19 08:25:02 - M3MENT0: Pragmatism man
2015-10-19 08:25:34 - M3MENT0: Pink and I won't win. But if I can't, I'd rather the guy with the higher rank win, so I lose less points.
2015-10-19 08:26:48 - M3MENT0: Pink can I hit Charles towne
2015-10-19 08:27:05 - KingGarnettMVP: yea i have another one coming
2015-10-19 08:27:17 - M3MENT0: kk
2015-10-19 08:27:29 - zeus111: gg all seems as tho fog means shit here and took four of ya to do it
2015-10-19 08:27:39 - M3MENT0: He has 29 on East Ashley fyi
2015-10-19 08:27:49 - M3MENT0: Fog is important.
2015-10-19 08:28:15 - M3MENT0: People always rage about players throwing out stack numbers in fog matches, while no one ever stops to consider if deception is a factor or not
2015-10-19 08:28:25 - zeus111: nice dice blue
2015-10-19 08:28:40 - drewfishy: Not really.
2015-10-19 08:28:58 - drewfishy: It was 45 v 32. I has 12 left?
2015-10-19 08:29:29 - KingGarnettMVP: pretty sound math blue... nothing crazy on those dice
2015-10-19 08:30:13 - zeus111: lol call out stacks now too funny
2015-10-19 08:30:40 - M3MENT0: 2 minutes ago:
2015-10-19 08:30:41 - M3MENT0: 2015-10-19 10:28:15 - M3MENT0: People always rage about players throwing out stack numbers in fog matches, while no one ever stops to consider if deception is a factor or not
2015-10-19 08:31:25 - KingGarnettMVP: green has 4,312 troops on Shrewsbury
2015-10-19 08:32:07 - drewfishy: Pink, I don't think I can stop cyan alone.
2015-10-19 08:32:08 - M3MENT0: More or less
2015-10-19 08:32:08 - M3MENT0: yeah
2015-10-19 08:32:10 - drewfishy: ..
2015-10-19 08:32:34 - M3MENT0: Cyan's territory count has been increasing the past several turns
2015-10-19 08:32:56 - KingGarnettMVP: i'm trying to mount a charge with green here
2015-10-19 08:34:13 - M3MENT0: The way I see it, if you advance that big stack and are able to get Citadel Hall or The Crescent, I will take whichever of those you don't take, and we can form a 2- pronged attack
2015-10-19 08:34:48 - M3MENT0: Blue is keeping his troop deployment busy in the East, so I think you'd be good to advance
2015-10-19 08:34:58 - KingGarnettMVP: my thought is - you get a bonus.... advance the full stack... make him hit it or not... then you whack his stack and i come through with the big one
2015-10-19 08:35:10 - KingGarnettMVP: is that ridiculous
2015-10-19 08:35:22 - M3MENT0: You have to go first. If he blows me up I am out
2015-10-19 08:35:35 - M3MENT0: And then it's just you and Blue against him
2015-10-19 08:36:19 - M3MENT0: You have over double his troops there, you're good to advance man
2015-10-19 08:36:43 - M3MENT0: Take either Citadel Hall or The Crescent and I'll take the one you don't take
2015-10-19 08:37:35 - M3MENT0: See he failed
2015-10-19 08:37:58 - drewfishy: Not on me..
2015-10-19 08:38:04 - drewfishy: lol
2015-10-19 08:39:12 - KingGarnettMVP: can we step back for a second and talk about how fucking amazing this game is that one player could have THAT much of an advantage this long
2015-10-19 08:39:22 - M3MENT0: Pink is in good position to move down, and I am coming down with him. Cyan is about to have 60 troops advancing on him between the two of us
2015-10-19 08:39:36 - M3MENT0: ikr
2015-10-19 08:40:17 - drewfishy: geez.
2015-10-19 08:42:18 - KingGarnettMVP: no chance i hold my position
2015-10-19 08:42:52 - M3MENT0: How many does he have there
2015-10-19 08:42:55 - KingGarnettMVP: i tried... green i'll follow you now
2015-10-19 08:43:06 - M3MENT0: kk
2015-10-19 08:43:11 - M3MENT0: We'll see what happens
2015-10-19 08:43:16 - KingGarnettMVP: he has a 10 on citmall but no border stacks behind it
2015-10-19 08:43:25 - M3MENT0: This might be it for ole M3ment0
2015-10-19 08:43:47 - zeus111: gg guys i db and reporting this game for real fog rules man
2015-10-19 08:43:51 - M3MENT0: I advanced everything against him
2015-10-19 08:44:00 - M3MENT0: lolwut
2015-10-19 08:44:11 - KingGarnettMVP: i've been doing that for about a week now
2015-10-19 08:45:38 - drewfishy: Is he serious? Or trying to get us to fight
2015-10-19 08:46:01 - M3MENT0: There is literally nothing in the rules regarding fog.
2015-10-19 08:46:22 - KingGarnettMVP: he's certainly messing with us
2015-10-19 08:46:35 - drewfishy: Yea I'd think so
2015-10-19 08:46:49 - M3MENT0: Not in the regular rules, or in the tournament rules, or even in the etiquette portion of the tournament section
2015-10-19 08:46:53 - KingGarnettMVP: think about his auto deploy after 2 misses
2015-10-19 08:47:12 - drewfishy: ya. geez
2015-10-19 08:48:08 - M3MENT0: Again, I love when people complain about communication in fog games when it is literally never addressed in any section of rules or even etiquette guidelines on the website
2015-10-19 08:48:54 - M3MENT0: Pink if he DBs then feel free to take this 3 bonus
2015-10-19 08:49:06 - M3MENT0: I'm going to move through his area like a cancer
2015-10-19 08:50:41 - KingGarnettMVP: can i have it now?
2015-10-19 08:52:06 - M3MENT0: Yeah man
2015-10-19 08:52:17 - M3MENT0: I left for a reason brah
2015-10-19 08:52:57 - KingGarnettMVP: no worries, we still have this 3 man truce until he is out... so i didnt take it
2015-10-19 08:54:28 - KingGarnettMVP: ummm so i guess we truce against blue now?
2015-10-19 08:54:53 - KingGarnettMVP: i hateeeeee when people db in big games
2015-10-19 08:54:57 - zeus111: hi i am zeus 111 can u look into this game read all chat and tell me if this is wotrh the call out i have total control of game and 4 players decide to gang up which i am fine with we set a fog setting and 3 playes 2 who play daily together were obviou
2015-10-19 08:55:09 - zeus111: games reported
2015-10-19 08:55:35 - KingGarnettMVP: sorry we didnt let you win zeus
2015-10-19 08:55:57 - M3MENT0: Check rules, there is nothing in it about open diplomacy
2015-10-19 08:56:36 - M3MENT0: Agree with what Pink said, sorry we didn't let you win
2015-10-19 08:56:45 - KingGarnettMVP: gg blue has 80 on stacks on 2 borders
2015-10-19 08:57:03 - zeus111: will see reports more to alert other players of your tactics and hope we can put riles in place
2015-10-19 08:57:26 - zeus111: to avoid calling troop count positions in a game \
2015-10-19 08:57:33 - zeus111: of fog
2015-10-19 08:58:07 - zeus111: no thats fine it was the manner in whick u chose to do it
2015-10-19 08:58:07 - KingGarnettMVP: alright, i'm out of here guys... gg blue/green
2015-10-19 08:58:47 - zeus111: of coarse u are even better proves so much more ]
2015-10-19 08:58:59 - M3MENT0: There is nothing against calling out troop counts in fog games, because the burden is on the other players to decide if it's accurate or just a manipulative ploy.
2015-10-19 08:59:32 - M3MENT0: GG all.
2015-10-19 08:59:39 - zeus111: again will see and information was bang on accurate let the site decide
2015-10-19 09:00:00 - M3MENT0: Cyan sorry you're butt hurt but everything we did was open in chat and you knew about every single thing that went on
2015-10-19 09:00:02 - KingGarnettMVP: Welcome to Conquer Club, the ultimate game of online risk, multiplayer strategy and internet diplomacy!
2015-10-19 09:00:35 - M3MENT0: This^
2015-10-19 09:01:04 - drewfishy: What you could have done was try and pursuade other players to change their mind.
2015-10-19 09:01:11 - M3MENT0: I said from very early on if I couldn't win I would at least help the highest rank person do it
2015-10-19 09:01:18 - M3MENT0: Blue is dead on accurate
2015-10-19 09:01:38 - zeus111: i say its cheating and think you will be surprised how many agree when games posted
2015-10-19 09:01:39 - M3MENT0: You never attempted diplomacy with either of us, even after you and Blue were essentially tied
2015-10-19 09:01:48 - M3MENT0: "Cheating"? lol
2015-10-19 09:01:50 - M3MENT0: How so
2015-10-19 09:03:39 - KingGarnettMVP: if there are 3 armies in real life and 2 are getting decimated..... and they decide to truce against the stronger power... why wouldnt they share the intel they've discovered of troops and strength on their borders?
2015-10-19 09:04:09 - KingGarnettMVP: in my mind its kind of dumb not to share the intel, right?
2015-10-19 09:04:30 - M3MENT0: Also, this^
2015-10-19 09:04:56 - M3MENT0: The fact that Cyan is not only ignoring an avalanche of logic, but also pretending he wouldn't do the EXACT same thing in our shoes makes me sad.
2015-10-19 09:05:37 - M3MENT0: He foe'd me for some reason. I'm sure we'll all get 1/5 from him for no reason whatsoever
2015-10-19 09:08:47 - drewfishy: gg guys
2015-10-19 09:09:22 - M3MENT0: gg all
Write to Game Chat

riskllama wrote:that...was...exhausting.

yeah, if he is saying they are "multis" because they ganged up on him, it was all out in chat... like in the chat, sorry about your little butt... well, they said "butt hurt", but i prefer the other way, since it is a CC staple... you already foed and moved on, that is about all you can do. the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:06 pm

no im not saying multis cant prove that
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby M3MENT0 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:14 pm

As I said in game chat, there is nothing the rules about open diplomacy and trying to work together to take down the strongest player. That is a huge part of this game. I'm sorry you just happened to be that player, but this over the top reaction is frankly ridiculous. Grow up.
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:19 pm

over reaction nah dont think so players need to see this and make there own conclusion at least to call out troop count and position in a fog format is cheating and many agree
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby M3MENT0 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:22 pm

Show me where it says in the rules that you can't do that and I'll delete my account
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby riskllama on Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:47 pm

not sure I've ever heard sharing Intel regarding troop count and position to be cheating before, Zeus. in my experience, I've always preferred to be the one being talked about as it most likely means I'm in the drivers seat. also in my exp, people occasionally lie about those things to gain an advantage. my advice to you is to quell their uprising as fast as you can and eke out a victory.
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:52 pm

your intitled to your opinion but why play fog games whats the purpose of fog then
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:53 pm

they called out troop loses on attacks were i was what was were total bs
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby owenshooter on Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:59 pm

zeus111 wrote:no im not saying multis cant prove that

really? says so in your complaint:

zeus111 wrote:The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Severe PM Abuse

and sorry, but there aren't any rules in fog against doing what they did. they could have been giving false info or accurate info, it is fog. that is also a tool used by some that play the setting. you just got beat. sorry.
zeus111 wrote:they called out troop loses on attacks were i was what was were total bs

you may not like it, but it isn't against the rules.-Jésus noir
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:03 pm

why is there a fog setting
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:04 pm

wait and see what else is coming
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby owenshooter on Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:14 pm

zeus111 wrote:why is there a fog setting

there is not a rule against telling where others are in FOG games. people use this for a strategy quite often, misguiding other players or lying about troop builds. if you have spent any time in the C&A forum, you would realize that telling another players position in a fog game is not against the rules. i'm sorry, but you are wrong and i'm trying to help you calm down a bit. they ganged up on you and kicked your ass... it happens...

looks like you just learned the "DIPLOMACY" side of CC... good luck with this, you seem to have a pretty hard head and won't listen to anyone other than a mod... "foe and move on, they did not break the rules." get ready for it... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:22 pm

i have been playing on here for years funny how its never happened in any other game in over 4000 plus games u have posted your opinion and i thank you however i feel players should know what to aspect in matches with those players and still 100 percent disagree with you to call out troop count and position in fog setting is crap did you not read the chat log there was no description as u put it all info was accurate and told to help there friend win look into games played with drew and memento there dubds partner s so at least the players who read will know what to expect when joining there games
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:28 pm

find me a game u have played archived with that type of chat ina fog setting please i challange u
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:29 pm

perhaps its time to amend the rules of fog of war games :sick:
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby owenshooter on Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:30 pm

zeus111 wrote:i have been playing on here for years funny how its never happened in any other game in over 4000 plus games u have posted your opinion and i thank you however i feel players should know what to aspect in matches with those players and still 100 percent disagree with you to call out troop count and position in fog setting is crap did you not read the chat log there was no description as u put it all info was accurate and told to help there friend win look into games played with drew and memento there dubds partner s so at least the players who read will know what to expect when joining there games

and again, not against the rules. i can join your fog game and tell everyone in the match where your troops are and it is not against the rules. go post the rule, along with your petition to get this players site banned (that you are pm'ing about)... guess what, neither exists... there aren't any rules against doing what they did. they did it openly in chat, and pretty damn well if you read it. you didn't really seem to care either!!! you made yourself a target and got beat by diplomacy. nothing you say or do or post is going to change that they did not violate any site rules. good luck with this.. you are now beating a dead horse-Jésus noir

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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:44 pm

what no games to back up what you say if its so common surly u can find 5 similar games to post were layers tell position and troop count
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:46 pm

i have said enough to you post games were u were in a game were fog was in play and players played as they did
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby owenshooter on Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:23 pm

*yawn*... i don't have to find/prove anything, i clearly know the rules and you don't... here is a post by an ADMINISTRATOR of the site, concerning the suggestion to make what you are saying is a violation an actual violation:

Subject: Make Giving Away Position in Fog Game a Violation of Rules

blakebowling wrote:I'd like to make it clear that I moved the thread because it won't happen. This is a legitimate part of game strategy, and there is absolutely no reason for it to be against the rules. Also, don't call anyone an idiot in Suggestions. If you want to talk about how stupid someone is go to Off Topics or, better yet, get over it.

that is from an administrator. there is no rule against what they did. they used diplomacy and kicked your ass. furthermore, you have been a member since 2011, i have been here since '07, what does that even mean? that was a really stupid argument to even put forth... again, it is not against the rules. do your homework. oh, and sorry about your little butt... the black jesus is done being nice...-Jésus noir

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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby Donelladan on Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:26 pm

Hello zeus111.

You are not the first one to make a report here in C&A complaining that someone was telling troops and position in a fog game.
There is, indeed, many players out there that believe it's against the rule to reveal troops and position in a fog game. Happened to me to see people saying the same thing as you while playing with low and high rank, experienced ( many games ) and unexperience player.

But still, here, in Conquer Club, there is NO rule saying you cannot reveal troops count and position in a fog game. That is a fact, you can look for such a rule everywhere, you will not find it, because there isn't.
Many players believe it's cheap tactics, and will complain, but many will tell you it's totally normal.

I very often reveal troops counts and position in fog game, and therefore I met many people reacting like you that is why I know what I am speaking of.

If you dislike this kind of tactic, feel free to rate them accordingly ( cheap tactic and 1 star) and foe them as you did. But there is nothing more. You could try going to suggestion if you want the rule to be changed, but let me tell you there 0.000001% this will happen.

I have no time now to look for games in which it happened, but trust owen, trust me, we both read a lot - almost all - C&A topic, and no it's not against the rule.

EDIT : fast posted by owen, apparently, don't go to suggestions, already suggested already refused.
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:34 pm

thanks Donelladan for reply i have many games in most fog never ever have i seen play such as this i di what u suggested may all your rolls be 666 except against me lol
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Re: :M3MENT0 drewfishy KingGarnettMVP

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:37 pm

why do u say to rate this way perhaps u feel as i do if u read chat log in that game clearly to see how they play and players should be aware
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