The setup will be semi-open, and I hope this one keeps the balance between an interesting setup and the actual scumhunting we seem to miss out on.
Stack the Deck!
Here are the details, in short:
-12 player game (2 mafia, 1 mafia traitor, 9 townies)
-Town starts with 2 power roles, mafia start with 2 goons and a mafia traitor goon
-IMPORTANT: Allignment PM's go out. At this time mafia has the option to choose a maximum of 3 powers they may add to their arsenal. For each power they add, town gains a power role as well. A mafia player may have no more then 1 power per player. This basicly means that they can choose a power each, and adopt the traitor if they want. In this scenario town would gain 3 power roles.
This is the only 'tricky' part of the game. It still guarantees that in worst case, almost half of the players are vanilla.
-A recruited traitor will become a mafia goon. A not-recruited traitor will stay vanilla.
I hope 12 of you are willing to play this