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Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby Streaker on Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:15 am

Once the current games finish, and depending on how many new games start, I will once again attempt hosting a bigger game.

The setup will be semi-open, and I hope this one keeps the balance between an interesting setup and the actual scumhunting we seem to miss out on.

Stack the Deck!

Here are the details, in short:

-12 player game (2 mafia, 1 mafia traitor, 9 townies)
-Town starts with 2 power roles, mafia start with 2 goons and a mafia traitor goon

-IMPORTANT: Allignment PM's go out. At this time mafia has the option to choose a maximum of 3 powers they may add to their arsenal. For each power they add, town gains a power role as well. A mafia player may have no more then 1 power per player. This basicly means that they can choose a power each, and adopt the traitor if they want. In this scenario town would gain 3 power roles.

This is the only 'tricky' part of the game. It still guarantees that in worst case, almost half of the players are vanilla.

-A recruited traitor will become a mafia goon. A not-recruited traitor will stay vanilla.

I hope 12 of you are willing to play this :mrgreen:
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby Epitaph1 on Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:39 pm

That variation sounds really interesting. It looks like it might be slightly balanced towards the mafia based on the results they've had on that site (3/4 wins for mafia). It looks like a couple of the mafia wins, they didn't even take that many PRs. I bet this would be a fun set up.
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby Metsfanmax on Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:07 pm

As an update: I've been tinkering with the Hitchhiker's mafia, but I just can't get the roles to match up with the flavor in a way that satisfies me for a normal town vs. mafia game. It would have to be a non-standard game with multiple independent factions to do it justice, and so probably wouldn't be the best for an official game.

Regarding the stack the deck game: four games is not nearly enough to make a statistical claim on the balance. I think it does look reasonable, and not only would I be willing to play, but I think it would make for a good November official game.
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby Epitaph1 on Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:21 am

Give Hitchhiker's a shot as a sandbox-type game. It should still be fun.

Anyone want to mod the next game for newer players? If not, I can set up a closed, non themed game after Streaker's is finished.
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby Streaker on Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:55 am

Streaker wrote:Once the current games finish, and depending on how many new games start, I will once again attempt hosting a bigger game.

The setup will be semi-open, and I hope this one keeps the balance between an interesting setup and the actual scumhunting we seem to miss out on.

Stack the Deck!

Here are the details, in short:

-12 player game (2 mafia, 1 mafia traitor, 9 townies)
-Town starts with 2 power roles, mafia start with 2 goons and a mafia traitor goon

-IMPORTANT: Allignment PM's go out. At this time mafia has the option to choose a maximum of 3 powers they may add to their arsenal. For each power they add, town gains a power role as well. A mafia player may have no more then 1 power per player. This basicly means that they can choose a power each, and adopt the traitor if they want. In this scenario town would gain 3 power roles.

This is the only 'tricky' part of the game. It still guarantees that in worst case, almost half of the players are vanilla.

-A recruited traitor will become a mafia goon. A not-recruited traitor will stay vanilla.

I hope 12 of you are willing to play this :mrgreen:

I was going to wait with signups until the game load dropped a bit, but with the nuclear blast that happened a lot of players' schedule seems to have cleared :D

I'll be putting up the thread later today for the next Official game.
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby Streaker on Tue Oct 27, 2015 3:14 am

Somewhere in November I would like to mod a game, which will be invitational only. Have not yet decided on numbers and setup, but it will be small and very very standard.

I will invite those players who I consider among the 'veterans' here. A quicktopic will be provided to all those who want to follow the game with inside information. This will provide an alternative way of educating all of our newer players here, and give them an insight they will usually not get.

It will also provide a 'higher-level' gameplay experience for the more veteran players here while providing a learning experience for everyone to see.
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby Streaker on Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:37 am

Streaker wrote:Somewhere in November I would like to mod a game, which will be invitational only. Have not yet decided on numbers and setup, but it will be small and very very standard.

I will invite those players who I consider among the 'veterans' here. A quicktopic will be provided to all those who want to follow the game with inside information. This will provide an alternative way of educating all of our newer players here, and give them an insight they will usually not get.

It will also provide a 'higher-level' gameplay experience for the more veteran players here while providing a learning experience for everyone to see.

Signups to this will start in 1 (max 2) weeks. If you didn't get an invitation (poll about your interest to play), and you feel you should be included, drop me a PM.
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby LSU Tiger Josh on Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:01 pm

I have a war on terrorism mafia game designed. I will hopefully use it for the official game in either December or January. It will take at least 10 players, but can hold as many that want to play.
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby Streaker on Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:16 am

LSU Tiger Josh wrote:I have a war on terrorism mafia game designed. I will hopefully use it for the official game in either December or January. It will take at least 10 players, but can hold as many that want to play.

Since I will be rather low on time in December, I can volunteer to do a balance check. Send me the details when you have it ready :)
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby Epitaph1 on Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:38 pm

LSU Tiger Josh wrote:I have a war on terrorism mafia game designed. I will hopefully use it for the official game in either December or January. It will take at least 10 players, but can hold as many that want to play.

Any word on this?

Also, hopefully we can fire up some more games once we get past New Years Day.
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby TheForgivenOne on Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:56 pm

If none pop up, I'll try to get my next game out Mid January. As I said, it's either a PYP game, or I'll try to get a standard one going.
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby dakky21 on Thu Dec 31, 2015 1:32 pm

TheForgivenOne wrote:If none pop up, I'll try to get my next game out Mid January. As I said, it's either a PYP game, or I'll try to get a standard one going.

Don't forget our game with 27-28 players starts 02. Jan... that one might take some time and a lot of pages and be a lot complicated, so maybe wait at least till start of Feb?
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby LSU Tiger Josh on Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:12 pm

My war on terrorism will start either February or March depending on how the surprise mafia is progressing I'll need at least 15 members to play but can tolerate as many that want to join.
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby strike wolf on Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:45 pm

Night and Day mafia

Been in the works for a while. Now actually developing roles for it. Will start sometime after Board Game Mafia finishes. Groups will be split between a day group and a night group (each containing their own town, scum and other groups) working in opposite cycles (As day group votes, Night group sleeps/sends in actions and vice versa). Game won't necessarily be NV but given the nature I will probably lean towards mostly actionable roles. Specific special rules will be detailed in game thread at start of sign ups.
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby william18 on Tue May 24, 2016 6:27 pm

I'm thinking about posting a sign-up in a few days. It will be medieval themed not based on any tv series or written fiction.

Pretty much every role will have some ability, I have a skeleton concept. Aside from that I'll not mention specifics to avoid meta.

I can take as many players as sign up. After sign-up closes, it'll take me at best a few days to balance based on best case, worst case, action probabilities and outcome trees.

And if any one isnt familiar with me, I have already played two games on this site and modded a few as well.
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby WingCmdr Ginkapo on Wed May 25, 2016 2:09 am

william18 wrote:I'm thinking about posting a sign-up in a few days. It will be medieval themed not based on any tv series or written fiction.

Pretty much every role will have some ability, I have a skeleton concept. Aside from that I'll not mention specifics to avoid meta.

I can take as many players as sign up. After sign-up closes, it'll take me at best a few days to balance based on best case, worst case, action probabilities and outcome trees.

And if any one isnt familiar with me, I have already played two games on this site and modded a few as well.

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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby mandalorian2298 on Fri Aug 26, 2016 10:45 am

I plan to mod a Pokemon: Indigo League Mafia.

Much like my last game, New Jedi Order for all of you who are NOT too old to still be playing Mafia, it will be filled with non-standard mechanic and, like that game, balancing will be real tricky so there is a real big chance that I'll end up screwing someone over (Again, I'm sorry for that, Tal and you, Someone get my apologies in advance! :oops: ). On the positive side, at least now I know HOW big the chances of screwing up are, so I'll be more alert to prevent that from happening. :geek:

Idealy the game should start when Rish's Wheel of Time game ends, but it may start even later, since I'm still in the very early stage of comming up with a concept (I have the core mechanic and...well that would be spoiling). The only thing that I can say is that the only Pokemon included will be the original 151.
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby Minister Masket on Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:13 am

Since I'm back in the game after mandy's Pokemon mafia, I've been considering hosting again. And on FB last night an interesting idea was proposed, one I simply can't ignore:



No, don't worry, it won't keep you up til 5am with strained eyes....probably.

Players of my previous games gone by will know that they tend to be quite enjoyable, but with a tendency to be slightly off-balance. Rest assured that I am bouncing ideas off of none other than mandy himself for this one, so there's a fairly decent chance this time around I can avoid that usual pitfall. Maybe. 8-[

Won't be as big of a game as Pokemon - probably 15/16 players - as I'm probably going to be away around April time. So once the rest of the game details are hashed out, I should have the official opening thread up this weekend.
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby nagerous on Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:28 pm

Hi guys,

I will be hosting a LION KING MAFIA


This will also likely to be a 16 player game depending on final balance checks. Ga7 will be assisting in me with the setup/modding duties.

Masket has beaten to me the punch in terms of announcements so sign ups may now be delayed, but it depends on the appetite and how quickly his game fills up as two 16 player games could be considered the equivalent of one giant 30 player game.
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby StorrZerg on Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:01 pm

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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby Fircoal on Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:26 pm

Hello everyone,

I decided to host JEWELPET MAFIA!!!!


It will be a traditional Fircoal game (more or less) so it should feature all of the fun ideas my games are known for (hopefully).

This game will run after Nag's Lion King Mafia finishes, and sign ups will start once Lion King reaches Day 3.

I'll be looking for at least 13 players, but if I get more players I surely won't decline.

I'll also be looking for a co-mod so if anyone is interested feel free to sign up for it!

I'll be looking forward to running it and I hope it's a lot of fun for everyone involved! :3
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Serbia: YOU IDIOT! What is THAT supposed to be? Are you even TRYING to play this game?! Kill the idiot NOW please!
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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby lord voldemort on Fri Jun 02, 2017 12:40 am

Announcing a game..

We are going there and back again


The Hobbit Mafia

Will require at least 13 for an unexpected journey. I expect to have game start middle to end of July. I am not opposed to more players. And I will open sign ups at the end of the month.

Not opposed to a co-mod as well to help/check balance etc. Send me a pm if you're interested

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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby Samlen on Wed Jun 21, 2017 6:56 pm

Announcing Zombie Mafia!


It'll be a cult-based game with a semi-open setup.
A list of roles will be given in the signup thread and when the game starts, some of those roles will be semi-randomly selected (to preserve balance) when I am ready to start the game. A little bit of information about each role will be given to everyone with the list of possible roles, but many aspects of the roles will remain hidden from the majority, and some of it even from the player that receives the role! Unless there is a low turnout, there should be both a mafia and a cult. I've tested this setup before (With 16 players) so I can almost guarantee it's balance :D
The game can go up to 26 players so I'm hoping to get a chance to include all the fun roles for it! I'm planning on posting the signup thread after Lord Voldemorts Hobbit Mafia gets started.
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Mass Effect 2

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Thu Sep 21, 2017 9:53 am

Alright fella's. I'm going to get this thing started either after Samlen or before, depending on the level of interest.


What to expect:
Last Wills - Upon death, last will be displayed with your character. Giving town a better edge in determining who the innocent is.

Possibly a larger pool of players - I imagine for this to work, I'll need anywhere between 20-25. I might be able to make due with 17 again, but I'd like to include some other factions such as Cerberus, The Collectors, Aria T'Loak, Shadow Broker, David Archer (Overlord VI) and Morinth. They will be randomized, may or may not be present.

Me not being an idiot and messing with a core mechanic.
Skoffin not being a dunce.

I'll be sure to include all major characters, with a few minor, fake role claims (because complaints), and of course, Conrad Verner.
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

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Re: Upcoming Games [Announcements Only]

Postby Therfur on Fri May 11, 2018 2:33 am

this is cool thanks for sharing :idea: 8-)
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