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[CL7] Sign-up is closed! [26 clans]

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Re: [CL7] Sign-up closes September 27 [24/?]

Postby Fewnix on Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:50 pm

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Re: [CL7] Sign-up closes September 27 [24/?]

Postby ScaryTeded on Sat Sep 26, 2015 11:03 pm

When do we get Turny privies to make games ???
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Re: [CL7] Sign-up closes September 27 [24/?]

Postby IcePack on Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:43 am

ScaryTeded wrote:Lindax,
When do we get Turny privies to make games ???

Sign ups haven't ended yet, I believe they end tomorrow. First round starts early-mid october (Oct 11th I believe) so they'll be issued shortly after sign ups close, once we know who has all signed up and as we prepare for the tournament but still well before the start date.

Lindax can correct me if I'm wrong but thats generally how it works.


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Re: [CL7] Sign-up closes September 27 [24/?]

Postby Lindax on Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:31 pm

IcePack wrote:c
ScaryTeded wrote:Lindax,
When do we get Turny privies to make games ???

Sign ups haven't ended yet, I believe they end tomorrow. First round starts early-mid october (Oct 11th I believe) so they'll be issued shortly after sign ups close, once we know who has all signed up and as we prepare for the tournament but still well before the start date.

Lindax can correct me if I'm wrong but thats generally how it works.


Indeed. Today is the last day to sign up.

After today I'll post divisions and schedules a.s.a.p., so you can all start planning and preparing. After that we'll register everything in the appropriate databases and hand out the privileges. Everything should be in place well before the tournament actually starts.

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Re: [CL7] Sign-up closes September 27 [24/?]

Postby Fewnix on Sun Sep 27, 2015 5:07 pm

Have I told you lately I love you?

Appreciate all that you have done are doing and will do.
=D> =D> =D>

Lindax wrote:
IcePack wrote:c
ScaryTeded wrote:Lindax,
When do we get Turny privies to make games ???

Sign ups haven't ended yet, I believe they end tomorrow. First round starts early-mid october (Oct 11th I believe) so they'll be issued shortly after sign ups close, once we know who has all signed up and as we prepare for the tournament but still well before the start date.

Lindax can correct me if I'm wrong but thats generally how it works.


Indeed. Today is the last day to sign up.

After today I'll post divisions and schedules a.s.a.p., so you can all start planning and preparing. After that we'll register everything in the appropriate databases and hand out the privileges. Everything should be in place well before the tournament actually starts.

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Re: [CL7] Sign-up closes September 27 [24/?]

Postby 4 U 2 NV on Sun Sep 27, 2015 5:24 pm

The Imperial Dragoons will make a fashionably late entrance and participate in the CL7

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Re: [CL7] Sign-up closes September 27 [24/?]

Postby ScaryTeded on Sun Sep 27, 2015 7:12 pm

IcePack wrote:c
ScaryTeded wrote:Lindax,
When do we get Turny privies to make games ???

Sign ups haven't ended yet, I believe they end tomorrow. First round starts early-mid october (Oct 11th I believe) so they'll be issued shortly after sign ups close, once we know who has all signed up and as we prepare for the tournament but still well before the start date.

Lindax can correct me if I'm wrong but thats generally how it works.


TY Sir Just like to keep ahead of the curve :lol:
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Re: [CL7] Sign-up closes September 27 [24/?]

Postby Lindax on Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:21 am

4 U 2 NV wrote:The Imperial Dragoons will make a fashionably late entrance and participate in the CL7

Primary contact: 4 U 2 NV
Secondary contact: hiitsmestevie1

You're in with a couple of hours to spare! :D

Sign-up is now closed.

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Re: [CL7] Sign-up is closed! [25 clans]

Postby Lindax on Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:42 pm

The divisions are posted here: viewtopic.php?f=438&t=214040&p=4706580#p4706580

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Re: [CL7] Sign-up is closed! [25 clans]

Postby pearljamrox2 on Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:55 pm

If you can fit another in, I missed this. Phoenix would play.

If you do take us

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Re: [CL7] Sign-up is closed! [25 clans]

Postby Lindax on Mon Sep 28, 2015 1:24 pm

pearljamrox2 wrote:If you can fit another in, I missed this. Phoenix would play.

If you do take us

Phoenix / PHNX

1st contact: pearljamrox2
2nd contact: WPBRJ

You got to be kidding me. I'll get back to you.


Edit: PM sent, need an answer a.s.a.p.
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Re: [CL7] Sign-up is closed! [25 clans]

Postby Lindax on Tue Sep 29, 2015 7:48 am

pearljamrox2 wrote:If you can fit another in, I missed this. Phoenix would play.

If you do take us

Phoenix / PHNX

1st contact: pearljamrox2
2nd contact: WPBRJ

PHNX is in, but in the Second Division. I'll post the schedule today and get the rest ready a.s.a.p.

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Re: [CL7] Sign-up is closed! [26 clans]

Postby Lindax on Tue Sep 29, 2015 10:54 am

The schedules are posted on page 1, in the third post of this thread.

They're also posted in the corresponding threads in "Active Challenges":

Premier Division thread: viewtopic.php?f=441&t=215025

Second Division thread: viewtopic.php?f=441&t=215026

The CL7 Main Thread is also posted. I'll be working on filling the threads today, please be patient.

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