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Closed Is it possible to use computer program to start turns? [ka]

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Is it possible to use computer program to start turns? [ka]

Postby xroads on Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:01 pm

OK I am not going to accuse anyone, because I have no proof.

Here are the circumstances.

4 player doubles game. My partner and I went first, and was able to end first and be able to control the clock.

Time after time, my partner and I co ordinate out turns to go fast. And several times, no matter the time of day, they start their turn within seconds of us unlocking the clock.

To be able to start within seconds, they both have to be sitting there hitting refresh hours at a time. Not likely.

So, how are they starting their turns within seconds of us?
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby king achilles on Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:24 pm

Providing all the necessary information could help.
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby owenshooter on Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:28 pm

king achilles wrote:Providing all the necessary information could help.

oh, like a game number, etc? yeah, that would be very helpful...-Jésus noir
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby xroads on Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:30 pm

I learned my lesson, I do not want to falsly accuse people.

That is why I am asking if this has happened before
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby owenshooter on Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:53 pm

xroads wrote:I learned my lesson, I do not want to falsly accuse people.

That is why I am asking if this has happened before

you can't really get an answer if you don't share the game number, etc... you have given about ZERO information... looks like another freestyle accusation, again... post the damn log, lots can be learned from that... otherwise, you just asking for firm answers for vague questions... impossible... good luck...-Jésus noir
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby xroads on Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:02 am

OK this is just crazy

game number is 15956062

innyafacce jaybrake

Last time we played was 9 hours ago. So team mate and I co ordinate to go together this morning.

My partner and I both start

2015-09-16 07:45:03 - davekettering got bonus of 2 troops added to Casey.
2015-09-16 07:45:04 - InnyaFacce got bonus of 2 troops added to ? ONE SECOND LATER
2015-09-16 07:45:07 - xroads got bonus of 2 troops added to Jones
2015-09-16 07:45:10 - jaybrake got bonus of 2 troops added to ? 7 seconds

This is just todays instance, it happens regularly.

There is no way these guys, one in Canada and one in Brazil can be sitting there hitting refresh, and start their turns within seconds. Then they take their turns and are done within 17 seconds.

I know some people are fast, but this is beyond fair play and even ability.
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby xroads on Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:26 am

What I *think* is going on is

When they are online, they set the computer to start turn as soon as it opens up and alerts them. Then they can take control and take their turn.

Now, does CC consider this cheating?

Also, how can 2 players on 2 continents both do the same thing that fast when they have no idea when we will start our turn and unlock the clock?
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby BGtheBrain on Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:30 am

speed turns (not sure if it works anymore) was great bc it had a 1s refresh rate. It would turn green when it was your turn, you click it and goto the game.

Not sure if it still works or not
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby Donelladan on Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:31 am

Turn 1 you start all at the same time normal.
Turn 2 you played again 9 min after turn 1, so ofc they were online

Turn 3, 9 min difference

2015-09-15 03:54:17 - xroads ended the turn
2015-09-15 04:05:16 - InnyaFacce got bonus of 2 troops added to ?

Turn 4 is 12 hours after turn 3 so they were expecting you

2015-09-15 04:08:11 - Incrementing game to round 4
2015-09-15 14:26:13 - davekettering got bonus of 2 troops added to ?

Turn 5, 30 min diff

2015-09-15 17:58:47 - davekettering ended the turn
2015-09-15 18:30:22 - jaybrake got bonus of 2 troops added to ?

Turn 6 16 min diff

2015-09-15 20:20:45 - davekettering ended the turn
2015-09-15 20:36:28 - jaybrake got bonus of 2 troops added to ?

Well won't go further, yes there is few turns where they start just after you but in general not.

Do you always hide your presence online ?
Also, when I play freestyle, even if my opponent is hiding is presence online, I would open 2-3 ongoing game he has in which it is his turn, and check if he play them or not. If I see him playing, I'll then get ready on the other game.

There is the possibility, to put "a weight" on your B keyboard touch, and to let your computer open all time so that you would automatically start. But since they deploy as well right after, I don't think they are using that technics.
Now for the fact that both partner play almost at the same time. well, personally I have my usual freestyle partner on skype, and we are both online on skype all day. So if I see someone making a move in a freestyle game, I'll tell him right away.

What I *think* is going on is

When they are online, they set the computer to start turn as soon as it opens up and alerts them. Then they can take control and take their turn.

Now, does CC consider this cheating?

Also, how can 2 players on 2 continents both do the same thing that fast when they have no idea when we will start our turn and unlock the cloc

Yes it would be cheating.
Now for the fact that are in 2 different continent, they is no time difference between canada and brazil ( depending where they are ofc, but still would be 3 hours max) so they can both be online on skype as I said.

For the record :
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby xroads on Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:34 am

Yes we both hide our online presence.

3 times this game they have started within seconds, hours after last turn
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby Donelladan on Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:35 am

Have you checked the link I gave? it has been discussed before, from the link : ( speaking of automatic start in freestyle game).

Foxglove wrote:
Lindax wrote:
BGtheBrain wrote:There is not enough evidence to support that Dako is using an illegal script.

Mmmm.... Interesting. This implies that scripts may indeed exist for this kind of thing.... Mmmm....


It's totally possible to create such a thing, and not a huge stretch to believe that someone would have done so at some point.

(I'm not saying that dako did, just that it can be done.)
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby xroads on Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:44 am

I just read it.

That is why I asked the question before actually accusing last night, with hopes this had been discussed before.

This morning really floored me though, 1 second after my partner starts. Hell we tried to co ordinate and I was still 4 seconds. and his partner was 7 seconds a continent away?
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby Donelladan on Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:56 am

Anyway, I think it is impossible to prove there is a cheat occurring, if there is any, and therefore nothing can be done.
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby xroads on Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:37 am

I dont mind getting beat by strategy, or even if they were clicking faster then us.

Just the weird times they started 1 second after us seems really really suspicious.

I hadnt heard of a weight on the B button, but that makes the most logical sense.

If it is not cheating to do that, then we are just getting beat.
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby owenshooter on Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:55 am

xroads wrote:then we are just getting beat.

i think this is the case...-Jésus noir
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:08 pm

Or they could have the page open whilst doing other things and have a weight on the "b" button to begin the turn. InnyaFacce (or however it's spelt) has farmed casual freestyle for a long time.
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:33 pm

So I received this PM but as it continues from a discussion here, this is where I will keep it.

InnyaFacce wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:Or they could have the page open whilst doing other things and have a weight on the "b" button to begin the turn. InnyaFacce (or however it's spelt) has farmed casual freestyle for a long time.

You really need to do your homework before you accuse a person of something
I have only played in [ 3 ] finished Freestyle games in well over 900 games which spans the past year
The games in February were for the Monthly Challenge - Scenario Games = No Points Awarded
You say that I have [ farmed casual freestyle for a long time ]
Going back a full year looking at my games
Would that be deemed as FARMING - I think not

Maybe you should stay OFF the Caffeine

A quick search for casual freestyle games reveals 539 results on 6 pages. That's quite a lot, no wonder you tried to specify only the past year.
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby InnyaFacce on Wed Sep 16, 2015 6:07 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:A quick search for casual freestyle games reveals 539 results on 6 pages. That's quite a lot, no wonder you tried to specify only the past year.

Once again you are talking about games from ... a very long time ago
Which have absolutely nothing to do with this thread
I created the game in question - how is that FARMING ?
I see that you decided - that you would come here
Being the forum spammer that you are and try to stir up crap


Is it that you are pissed cuz your gonna lose this Game 15917414

Maybe you should stay OFF the Caffeine for awhile - cuz clearly it effects your judgement
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby king achilles on Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:02 pm

It is pretty hard to prove if someone is using a software to start his turns automatically, unless of course, he comes and confesses and gives our further details on how the software works and provides evidence to support his revelation.

Even when you think you made your moves on random times and yet your opponent manages to start his turn immediately afterward, I think at this time, we can only speculate whatever we think is going on.

As for it being a cheating violation, if it is true, it does give an unfair advantage but still, the person has to be awake or aware of what to do when he starts his turn, wouldn't he? Also it has to be not only for this game alone. He has to be in a lot of Freestyle games to use this 'suspected software' to take advantage of it. It doesn't look that way, and most of all, this software is all speculation. They could just happen to be online most of the time and coordinate with one another or has a system in place when they play team freestyle.
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns? [

Postby Namliam on Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:46 pm

I have played a few f/s games with InnyaFacce in the past. We do use Skype to communicate almost daily. It's a great tool for communication. I don't need software or direct communication from him on strategy in most cases before a turn. We play well together, know the strategy, and excecute. Simple as that. I found the statement about being a "continent away" hilarious! North America to Europe is one thing, North America to South America is irrelevant! Time zones matter, not miles. On another note, I leave CC open on my PC and my laptop at all times, and I have access to it from my phone. If I'm in a f/s game, I'm always aware if my opponents start their turn if they are in control of the clock. I believe that's covered in "Freestyle 101". A class most complainers fail to take. ;)
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns? [

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Sep 17, 2015 2:16 am

If you play a serious amount of casual team freestyle it's essentially farming, but yes, I'm so pissed because I'm going to lose one game. How dense. I'm actually 10-5 against you in singles and team games so I think I'll maintain my current caffeine intake. You've tried to use that insult twice now by the way.
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns?

Postby -1-1-3- on Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:29 am

Donelladan wrote:[...]
There is the possibility, to put "a weight" on your B keyboard touch, and to let your computer open all time so that you would automatically start. But since they deploy as well right after, I don't think they are using that technics.

Old School Geek Bricolage --- I love that :] thx for sharing Don'
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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns? [

Postby concrete on Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:02 am

For along time, some players find it hard to believe how committed other players are to the freestyle life style.....some of these freestylers seem to live and die with how fast they can play and when 2 of these type of players team up, they practically become unbeatable. My 2clan mates are not cheaters, they are just more committed to freestyle games then most. Players look for the "cheating" excuse to many times in freestyle games saying bs like, how can a player be that fast or how can a team be ready to play as soon as we start our turn and on and on. The fact is they are that good at it, they are that fast at it and you are just getting beat at it.

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Re: Is it possible to use computer program to start turns? [

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:41 am

concrete wrote:For along time, some players find it hard to believe how committed other players are to the freestyle life style.....some of these freestylers seem to live and die with how fast they can play and when 2 of these type of players team up, they practically become unbeatable. My 2clan mates are not cheaters, they are just more committed to freestyle games then most. Players look for the "cheating" excuse to many times in freestyle games saying bs like, how can a player be that fast or how can a team be ready to play as soon as we start our turn and on and on. The fact is they are that good at it, they are that fast at it and you are just getting beat at it.

You're the missing the point whilst also assuming speed and casual freestyle are the same, when they're really completely different. Your speed is irrelevant in casual freestyle, it's actually all about timing. Speed isn't even as important as so many clueless players believe.

Nobody is saying they're cheating. Also, in speed freestyle the pair of them would get slapped, they're not that good.
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