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public games

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public games

Postby codierose on Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:46 pm

Are public games dead ? do anyone join them anymore ? with 4617 games waiting how long have these been waiting to fill ?
with the addition of Other games, Bot Games, Scenarios and Campaigns is there just to much to choose from or is it the great decline ?
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Re: public games

Postby IcePack on Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:21 pm

I still create / join them from time to time.
I'm sure there's some sets of combinations / maps that sit for awhile, for sure take longer to find players but that's natural I think with less players onsite.

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Re: public games

Postby riskllama on Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:43 pm

pretty much all i play are public games. the exceptions are clan games and the odd private game i get invited to.
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Re: public games

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:31 am

It's pretty obvious: less active players = less waiting public games. Plus, the "hardcore clan players" often restrict themselves to just clan games and perhaps a handful of others. I, personally, constantly have public games waiting for other players, usually team or poly. I rarely play bot games, campaigns are the latest farming method and scenarios are just a waste of time.
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Re: public games

Postby owenshooter on Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:37 am

codierose wrote:Are public games dead ? do anyone join them anymore ? with 4617 games waiting how long have these been waiting to fill ?
with the addition of Other games, Bot Games, Scenarios and Campaigns is there just to much to choose from or is it the great decline ?

do what the rest of us long timers have done... change the type of games you play, to get people playing them... my dubs partner vanishes, that was 90% of what i played... so, i now play poly.. the maps i like, people aren't into anymore... they want the over complicated/build maps... so, most of my games are set to RANDOM map... do i enjoy it? it is different and i play maps i would never play under any other circumstance... most importantly, i can keep 15-20 active games if i choose, which is right around what i like to manage... just figure something out to interest you and that is outside of your comfort zone... you may find some new challenges that way...-Jésus noir
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