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y_h_b and prash

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y_h_b and prash

Postby repoman on Thu May 31, 2007 12:52 pm

I played in Game 475030 and I felt an alliance was pretty apparent. Throughout the game, prash would attack me and then leave no one behind to defend against y_h_b, who then came in and took over the continents. I even asked prash why he was not defending against y_h_b and he just said he wasn't "good at the game." If you look at prash's profile, all his games are with y_h_b and in the two finished games, he lost both times to y_h_b.
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Re: y_h_b and prash

Postby Puff on Thu May 31, 2007 2:24 pm

repoman wrote:I played in Game 475030 and I felt an alliance was pretty apparent. Throughout the game, prash would attack me and then leave no one behind to defend against y_h_b, who then came in and took over the continents. I even asked prash why he was not defending against y_h_b and he just said he wasn't "good at the game." If you look at prash's profile, all his games are with y_h_b and in the two finished games, he lost both times to y_h_b.

use the form

That is all.
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y_h_b and prash

Postby repoman on Thu May 31, 2007 4:12 pm

Sorry about that....

These are suspected Secret Alliance

Suspect users: y_h_b and prash

Game number:

Comments: I played in Game 475030 and I felt an alliance was pretty apparent. Throughout the game, prash would attack me and then leave no one behind to defend against y_h_b, who then came in and took over the continents. I even asked prash why he was not defending against y_h_b and he just said he wasn't "good at the game." If you look at prash's profile, all his games are with y_h_b and in the two finished games, he lost both times to y_h_b.
Cook repoman
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Same Problem

Postby gamblor21 on Thu May 31, 2007 7:04 pm

I am in a game with Y h b, and nachum in game 475329. they both signed up on the same day from the same country. and you notice that they even admit they are friends, and if you look at Y H B at the time i our game started he had played 5 games and 3 of them were with nachum. They dont attack each other more than they have to.
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