by Gilligan on Thu May 31, 2007 2:22 pm
Congrats to freyme on being the winner of this tournament!
OK, here are the rules. There will be 3 groups of 4, assigned how I see the games would be played best. The ranks are as close as they can get. Those 4 players will play every map, in a 4 player game, standard, sequential, escalating, unlimited. The 1 player with the most wins in their group will do the same thing over again, only this time you play the other winners of each group. You must be a premium member. YOU CANNOT DROP OUT OF THIS TOURNAMENT. We will start off with the first twelve maps, then once those games are finished, we will do the next twelve, then the last thirteen. If any maps are added during this time, they will be in this tournament too.
freyme (25)
ParadiceCity9 (23)
Sgt. Drake/barterer2002 (17)
OntJets09/I GOT SERVED/wonderbeezz (4)
Classic- 781583 (Sgt. Drake won)
Africa- 781584 (Sgt. Drake won)
Age of Merchants- 781585 (Sgt. Drake won)
Age of Realms: Magic- 1497367 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Age of Realms: Might- 1444435 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Alexander's Empire- 781586 (ParadiceCity9 won)
American Civil War- 1497370 (freyme won)
Ancient Greece- 781589 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Arctic- 781590 (Sgt. Drake won)
Asia- 781592 (Sgt. Drake won)
Australia- 781593 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Bamboo Jack- 1242790 (freyme won)
Battle for Australia- 781594 (Sgt. Drake won)
Battle of Actium- 990367 (OntJets09 won)
BeNeLux- 781595 (Sgt. Drake won)
Berlin 1961- 1242791 (freyme won)
Brazil- 781597 (freyme won)
British Isles- 877706 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Cairns Coral Coast- 877709 (freyme won)
Canada- 877711 (freyme won)
Caribbean Islands- 877713 (freyme won)
CCU- 877715 (freyme won)
Chinese Checkers- 877716 (freyme won)
Circus Maximus- 877718 (freyme won)
Conquer Man- 1444437 (barterer2002 won)
Crossword- 877719 (ParadiceCity9 won)
D-Day: Omaha Beach!- 1444438 (wonderbeezz won)
Discworld- 877721 (freyme won)
Doodle Earth- 877723 (freyme won)
Duck and Cover- 1444439 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Europe- 877725 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Extreme Global Warming- 877728 (freyme won)
France- 990368 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Feudal War- 1497373 (barterer2002 won)
Germany- 990370 (OntJets09 won)
Great Lakes- 990374 (freyme won)
Hong Kong- 990376 (freyme won)
Iberia- 1497374 (barterer2002 won)
Indochina- 990379 (barterer2002 won)
Ireland- 990380 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Italy- 990382 (ParadiceCity9 won)
King of the Mountains- 990383 (freyme won)
Madness- 1444441 (barterer2002 won)
Malta- 1497377 (freyme won)
Middle Earth- 990385 (freyme won)
Middle East- 990390 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Midkemdil- 1497378 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Mongol Empire- 990391 (barterer2002 won)
Montreal- 1116113 (freyme won)
North America- 1116117 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Pearl Harbor- 1116118 (freyme won)
Philippines- 1116120 (freyme won)
Portugal- 1116121 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Puget Sound- 1444443 (wonderbeezz won)
Rail USA- 1116127 (freyme won)
San Fransisco- 1116128 (barterer2002 won)
Scotland- 1497380
Siege!- 1116130 (freyme won)
Solar System- 1444445 (barterer2002 won)
South America- 1444446 (freyme won)
Space- 1116132 (barterer2002 won)
Tamriel- 1116135 (ParadiceCity9 won)
USA- 1242792 (ParadiceCity9 won)
USApocalypse- 1242793 (ParadiceCity9 won)
US Senate- 1242795 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Valley of the Kings- 1242798 (barterer2002 won)
World 2.1- 1242799 (barterer2002 won)
WWII Eastern Front- 1242800 (freyme won)
WWII Iwo Jima- 1242801 (ParadiceCity9 won)
WWII Western Front- 1444447 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Eight Thoughts- 1242802 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Group 1
Gilligan (15)
Danelle (6)
freyme (18) (advances)
Demon666 (5)
Classic- 478954 (freyme won)
Africa- 478956 (freyme won)
Age of Merchants- 640281 (freyme won)
Alexander's Empire- 478957 (Danelle won)
Ancient Greece- 478960 (Gilligan won)
Arctic- 478961 (Demon666 won)
Asia- 478962 (Danelle won)
Australia- 478963 (freyme won)
Battle for Australia- 640282 (Gilligan won)
BeNeLux- 640283 (freyme won)
Brazil- 478964 (Demon666 won)
British Isles- 478965 (freyme won)
Cairns Coral Coast- 478966 (Gilligan won)
Canada- 478967 (Danelle won)
Caribbean Islands- 640284 (Gilligan won)
CCU- 478970 (freyme won)
Chinese Checkers- 542913 (Danelle won)
Circus Maximus- 542915 (Gilligan won)
Crossword- 542917 (Demon666 won)
Discworld- 542918 (Gilligan won)
Europe- 542920 (Gilligan won)
Germany- 542921 (freyme won)
Great Lakes- 542924 (freyme won)
Hong Kong- 542925 (Demon666 won)
Indochina- 542926 (Demon666 won)
Ireland- 542928 (freyme won)
King of the Mountains- 542929 (freyme won)
Middle Earth- 542931 (freyme won)
Middle East- 640286 (freyme won)
Mongol Empire- 640288 (Danelle won)
Montreal- 640289 (Gilligan won)
North America- 640291 (Gilligan won)
Philppines- 640292 (freyme won)
San Fransisco- 640293 (Gilligan won)
Siege- 640294 (Gilligan won)
Space- 640297 (freyme won)
Tamriel- 640300 (freyme won)
USA- 640301 (Gilligan won)
USApocalypse- 640303 (Gilligan won)
US Senate- 640305 (Danelle won)
Valley of the Kings- 704656 (Gilligan won)
World 2.1- 640307 (freyme won)
WWII Eastern Front- 704632 (Gilligan won)
8 Thoughts- 640308 (freyme won)
Group 2
dragon dor/strikesocom (11)
ParadiceCity9 (15) (advances)
Enter Smith (8)
jsmith72 (10)
Classic- 478988 (jsmith72 won)
Africa- 478989 (dragon dor won)
Age of Merchants- 641948 (strikesocom won)
Alexander's Empire- 478991 (dragon dor won)
Ancient Greece- 478994 (Enter Smith won)
Arctic- 478995 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Asia- 478996 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Australia- 478997 (dragon dor won)
Battle for Australia- 641950 (jsmith72 won)
BeNeLux- 641951 (Enter Smith won)
Brazil- 478998 (ParadiceCity9 won)
British Isles- 479000 (dragon dor won)
Cairns Coral Coast- 479001 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Canada- 479003 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Caribbean Islands- 641955 (jsmith72 won)
CCU- 479004 (dragon dor won)
Chinese Checkers- 543000 (dragon dor won)
Circus Maximus- 543002 (dragon dor won)
Crossword- 543004 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Discworld- 543007 (jsmith72 won)
Europe- 543008 (jsmith72 won)
Germany- 543009 (Enter Smith won)
Great Lakes- 543010 (Enter Smith won)
Hong Kong- 543011 (jsmith72 won)
Indochina- 543013 (dragon dor won)
Ireland- 543015 (ParadiceCity9 won)
King of the Mountains- 543016 (dragon dor won)
Middle Earth- 543017 (jsmith72 won)
Middle East- 641957 (Enter Smith won)
Mongol Empire- 641958 (jsmith72 won)
Montreal- 641959 (strikesocom won)
North America- 641960 (jsmith72 won)
Philippines- 641961 (Enter Smith won)
San Fransisco-641963 (Enter Smith won)
Siege- 641965 (jsmith72 won)
Space- 641966 (Enter Smith won)
Tamriel- 641967 (ParadiceCity9 won)
USA-641968 (ParadiceCity9 won)
USApocalypse- 641969 (ParadiceCity9 won)
US Senate- 641970 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Valley of the Kings- 704634 (ParadiceCity9 won)
World 2.1- 641971 (ParadiceCity9 won)
WWII Eastern Front- 704635 (ParadiceCity9 won)
8 Thoughts- 641972 (ParadiceCity9 won)
Group 3
Sgt. Drake (16) (Advances)
michiganfan22 (10)
Ghost_Rider (8)
max is gr8/barterer2002 (10)
Classic- 479008 (Sgt. Drake won)
Africa- 479009 (Sgt. Drake won)
Age of Merchants- 642004 (barterer2002 won)
Alexander's Empire- 479012 (Ghost_Rider won)
Ancient Greece- 479013 (max is gr8 won)
Arctic- 479014 (Sgt. Drake won)
Asia- 479016 (Sgt. Drake won)
Australia- 479018 (michiganfan22 won)
Battle for Australia- 642006 (barterer2002 won)
BeNeLux- 642007 (Ghost_Rider won)
Brazil- 479019 (Sgt. Drake won)
British Isles- 479020 (Ghost_Rider won)
Cairns Coral Coast- 479022 (max is gr8 won)
Canada- 479023 (max is gr8 won)
Caribbean Islands- 642008 (Sgt. Drake won)
CCU- 479024 (max is gr8 won)
Chinese Checkers- 543048 (michiganfan22 won)
Circus Maximus- 543050 (michiganfan22 won)
Crossword- 543051 (Ghost_Rider won)
Discworld- 543052 (michiganfan22 won)
Europe- 543053 (Sgt. Drake won)
Germany- 543055 (michiganfan22 won)
Great Lakes- 543057 (Ghost_Rider won)
Hong Kong- 543058 (michiganfan22 won)
Indochina- 543059 (michiganfan22 won)
Ireland- 543061 (Ghost_Rider won)
King of the Mountains- 543062 (Sgt. Drake won)
Middle Earth- 543063 (Sgt. Drake won)
Middle East- 642009 (Sgt. Drake won)
Mongol Empire- 642010 (barterer2002 won)
Montreal- 642011 (barterer2002 won)
North America- 642011 (Sgt. Drake won)
Philippines- 642011 (Sgt. Drake won)
San Fransisco- 642014 (barterer2002 )
Siege- 642018 (michiganfan22 won)
Space- 642019 (Sgt. Drake won)
Tamriel- 642020 (michiganfan22 won)
USA- 642021 (Ghost_Rider won)
USApocalypse- 642022 (Sgt. Drake won)
US Senate- 642024 (michiganfan22 won)
Valley of the Kings- 704637 (Sgt. Drake won)
World 2.1- 642025 (Sgt. Drake won)
WWII Eastern Front- 704638 (Ghost_Rider won)
8 Thoughts- 642026 (barterer2002 won)
Group 4
BeastofBurson (9)
Mr Unbeatable/wonderbeezz (4)
OntJets09 (17) (advances)
Classic- 479063 (BeastofBurson won)
Africa- 479064 (BeastofBurson won)
Age of Merchants- 642039 (I GOT SERVED won)
Alexander's Empire- 479066 (OntJets09 won)
Ancient Greece- 479067 (BeastofBurson won)
Arctic- 479068 (I GOT SERVED won)
Asia- 479069 (OntJets09 won)
Australia- 479070 (OntJets09 won)
Battle for Australia- 642041 (OntJets09 won)
BeNeLux- 642043 (I GOT SERVED won)
Brazil- 479071 (OntJets09 won)
British Isles- 479072 (I GOT SERVED won)
Cairns Coral Coast- 479073 (Mr Unbeatable won)
Caribbean Islands- 642044 (I GOT SERVED won)
Canada- 479074 (OntJets09 won)
CCU-479075 (BeastofBurson won)
Chinese Checkers- 543087 (BeastofBurson won)
Circus Maximus- 543088 (I GOT SERVED won)
Crossword- 543089 (OntJets09 won)
Discworld- 543090 (OntJets09 won)
Europe- 543091 (Mr Unbeatable won)
Germany- 543093 (OntJets09 won)
Great Lakes- 543094 (BeastofBurson won)
Hong Kong- 543095 (OntJets09 won)
Indochina- 543096 (BeastofBurson won)
Ireland- 543097 (I GOT SERVED won)
King of the Mountains- 543100 (BeastofBurson won)
Middle Earth- 543101 (OntJets09 won)
Middle East- 642045 (OntJets09 won)
Mongol Empire- 642047 (OntJets09 won)
Montreal- 642048 (I GOT SERVED won)
North America- 642050 (I GOT SERVED won)
Philippines- 642051 (OntJets09 won)
San Fransisco- 642052 (I GOT SERVED won)
Siege- 642053 (I GOT SERVED won)
Space- 642054 (BeastofBurson won)
Tamriel- 64205 (I GOT SERVED won)
USA- 642059 (I GOT SERVED won)
USApocalypse- 642060 (OntJets09 won)
US Senate- 642061 (OntJets09 won)
Valley of the Kings- 704639 (wonderbeezz won)
World 2.1- 642062 (I GOT SERVED won)
WWII Eastern Front- 704640 (wonderbeezz won)
8 Thoughts- 642064 (OntJets09 won)
Last edited by
Gilligan on Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:39 am, edited 149 times in total.