bigbullyweedave wrote:Home Nations 2007
Who Can Enter?Any player residing in the British Isles - i.e. England, Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales. Therefore you must have either a Union or Irish flag in your profile. Non-premium players are welcome but only if you can always guarantee having an empty slot available within 3 days notice at any time.
How Do I Enter?Just simply make a post in this thread wiith two pieces of information:
country (England/Republic of Ireland/Northern Ireland/Scotland/Wales)
What Is The Game/League Format?I will compile a list of players from the 5 countries. Currently there is no limit to to the number of players for each country. Starting from the top of each list I choose a player to represent their country in a game with the following format:
<rotational map>
standard singles game
5 players
flat rate
unlimited fortificationsThen I set up the next game with the next player from the list and so on. Once i get to the bottom of the list for as country I will go back to the top of that list.
What Do You Mean By Rotational Map?Game 1 will be Classic, Game 2 Africa and so on. Once game 37 has been set up using 8 Thoughts then we go back to the beginning and game 38 will be back to Classic.
How Will The League Be Compiled?The winner of each game earns 1 point for their country and a league table with the 5 countries will be updated.
When Will Games Be Set Up?When I have time! I will try to keep a handful of games running most of the time but it depends on how busy I am with work etc. However, things are quiet at work for the next 2-3 months (I'm a teacher and summer is approaching!) so hopefully the games will flow nicely.
How Many Games Will I have To Play?You will never be asked to play more than one game at a time. If you are in the middle of a long game and the list comes back to you then I will skip past you. There will be times (especially if you are representing a counrty with a lot of players) you won't be involved in a game for a whille.
How Long Do I Have To Join A Game?When I PM you with the game password you will have 3 days to join the game. If you do not join the game within those 3 days and I have heard nothing from you then you will be dropped from your country (you can always rejoin the list later). Your place in that game will be given to the next person on your country list.
What If I Go On Holiday?If you are on holiday etc. just post a message here with one word
"injured" and you will be marked injured on your country list. When you return and are available for selection just post one word
"fit" and you will be available for selection. Yes, there is a mild football theme to this!
How Long Will This Tourny Last?I'm not 100% sure but I have provisionally called it
"Home Nations 2007" so perhaps to the end of the year? Remember you have the option of being "injured" at any time or you can drop out at any time if you wish (just post here to inform me).
Before You Join-British and Irish players only
-You must be happy to play games using any map (hey you only have 1/37 chance of landing with Circus Maximus each time!).
-You must be happy joining a game within 3 days notice (unless you tell me you are "injured").
-Please be patient with me. During busy times at work I might not have the time to set up new games for a week or two.