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Closed Great-Ollie [DCR]

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Great-Ollie [DCR]

Postby AlamoJake on Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:15 pm

Accused: Great Ollie

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Using chat in fog game to to disclose position of players, create an alliance and gain an unfair advantage not through skill but through cowardly and underhanded use of chat.

Game number(s):


Comments: Attached are the logs and chats of the game. Highlighted in yellow are when GO used the chat to request a block from another player in a fog game. The block was requested upon completion of my turn when I moved a block of troops adjacent to Great Ollies position and he was aware of my stack troop count. After requesting the block in the chat he further chatted "perfect" to the other player. On my next turn the block chatted to the other player prevented me from a kill that would have resulted in a cash of cards that would have ended the game with me as the winner. There is no way the other player would have had even the slightest inclination to place the troops where he did without Ollie instructing him to do so. Ollie cheated and as a result I lost the game.

In a fog game those that play with the spirit respect other players even if there are about to lose. Ollie puts score above honor and ethics. Although the damge in his chat is only two lines - it is what it is. Telling another player in fog to move to a position against another player.

My understanding is Ollie is on this forum a lot. I can understand why - he's a cheat. I have been a member for over 6 years and have never report anyone. I have encouraged numerous people to join because of the enjoyment and game play of most members. Ollie is bad for this game - no honor, bends the rules, abuses players and only gives a craps about his rank.

Thak you and let me know if I can supply any additional information. AJ
Corporal AlamoJake
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Re: Great-Ollie

Postby IcePack on Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:07 am

AlamoJake wrote:Accused: Great Ollie

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Using chat in fog game to to disclose position of players, create an alliance and gain an unfair advantage not through skill but through cowardly and underhanded use of chat.

Game number(s):


Comments: Attached are the logs and chats of the game. Highlighted in yellow are when GO used the chat to request a block from another player in a fog game. The block was requested upon completion of my turn when I moved a block of troops adjacent to Great Ollies position and he was aware of my stack troop count. After requesting the block in the chat he further chatted "perfect" to the other player. On my next turn the block chatted to the other player prevented me from a kill that would have resulted in a cash of cards that would have ended the game with me as the winner. There is no way the other player would have had even the slightest inclination to place the troops where he did without Ollie instructing him to do so. Ollie cheated and as a result I lost the game.

In a fog game those that play with the spirit respect other players even if there are about to lose. Ollie puts score above honor and ethics. Although the damge in his chat is only two lines - it is what it is. Telling another player in fog to move to a position against another player.

My understanding is Ollie is on this forum a lot. I can understand why - he's a cheat. I have been a member for over 6 years and have never report anyone. I have encouraged numerous people to join because of the enjoyment and game play of most members. Ollie is bad for this game - no honor, bends the rules, abuses players and only gives a craps about his rank.

Thak you and let me know if I can supply any additional information. AJ

This isn't against the rules, foe and move on.

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Re: Great-Ollie

Postby eddie2 on Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:52 am

Where in chat did he give away position, where in chat did he give away troup count, all he asked for was a block,which even if the first 2 were against the rules what ollie did would never be.

Word of advice when you make a report make sure you use facts not fiction. There was no mention of your troops or position. I would even go as far as to say you lost the game for all. This is because you gave away ollie troup count letting all know.
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Re: Great-Ollie

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Jul 30, 2015 3:04 am

Part of the Community Guidelines since at least 2010, and probably earlier.

Subject: Community Guidelines

Fog of War Games:
  • Using the game chat to announce where a player's territories and troops may (or may not ;) ) be is NOT against the rules. It may come across as unfair or not in the spirit of the game, but feel free to find strategic applications of this non-rule.
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Re: Great-Ollie

Postby WingCmdr Ginkapo on Thu Jul 30, 2015 3:42 am

eddie2 wrote:Where in chat did he give away position, where in chat did he give away troup count, all he asked for was a block,which even if the first 2 were against the rules what ollie did would never be.

You seem to be assuming that the written rules are treated as rules. True in this case, but apparently not always. Duk explains why below, guidelines not updated since 2010! Teegee's review cant come soon enough.
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Re: Great-Ollie

Postby eddie2 on Thu Jul 30, 2015 3:58 am

No I am not mate. I am against people giving troup count and position away in fog games. But all ollie said was need a block. He did not say where he needed it or even against who. Only thing I can see in game chat was op saying ollie only had 6 troops left. So really who broke the whole meaning of fog in that game. Ollie who only asked for a block but no position of where needed or op for posting troup counts. Really this grudge match via ollie needs to stop. Or at least bring a valid c and a against him.
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Re: Great-Ollie

Postby clangfield on Thu Jul 30, 2015 4:15 am

WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:
You seem to be assuming that the written rules are treated as rules.

Was that what you meant to say?
One would hope that written rules are treated as rules...
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Re: Great-Ollie

Postby WingCmdr Ginkapo on Thu Jul 30, 2015 4:23 am

clangfield wrote:
WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:
You seem to be assuming that the written rules are treated as rules.

Was that what you meant to say?
One would hope that written rules are treated as rules...

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Re: Great-Ollie

Postby eddie2 on Thu Jul 30, 2015 4:38 am

No he was correct with what he said. There are several rules that are written but not followed.

1) deadbeating trench against rules but players have a understanding for doing it.
2) point tourneys suicide the leader to help you win the tourney against written rules but understandable. Because the game turns into a group of games but rules class it as individual games

Both of these are recent cases and all it needs is someone having a bad day making a report and the player can get in trouble if you can provide several examples.
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Re: Great-Ollie

Postby WingCmdr Ginkapo on Thu Jul 30, 2015 4:42 am


Gambling on or through this site is not allowed. - Despite creating a system of gambling

Off topic posts are posts which de-rail a topic either directly or indirectly, at any point. - Which I have quite clearly done in this case.
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Re: Great-Ollie

Postby AlamoJake on Thu Jul 30, 2015 6:01 am

I understand the comments. I failed to mention that Ollie was:

1. There were only three players left.
2. Ollie moved North passing the other player and continued until he bumped into my stack.
3. When he asked for the block "it told" the other player where I was and that my troop count was large enough to take him without a block.
4. When the other player block and Ollie said perfect it told the other player he could drop elsewhere - Ollie could see everyone's troops.
5. When I went on attack and found Ollie's last spot it was blocked because of his chat.
6. The other player never, never, never would have put a block in that spot if Ollie didn't use the chat to tell him to do so.

How the F' in a fog game is that not cheating. I've played a lot of fog and have never had anyone pull a BS move like that.
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Re: Great-Ollie

Postby Serbia on Thu Jul 30, 2015 6:11 am

It's not cheating because it's not against the rules. Get over it.

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Re: Great-Ollie [DCR]

Postby Donelladan on Thu Jul 30, 2015 6:59 am

How the F' in a fog game is that not cheating. I've played a lot of fog and have never had anyone pull a BS move like that.

As other people pointed out, you can say anything you want in the chat even if it is fog. So he could have given every and each of your position with the troops on it and that still wouldn't be cheating. Some people dislike it, some do it often. But in any case, right now, it is not against the rule to reveal position and troops count in the chat even if you are playing fog game.

I personally think it was a smart move from Ollie. You can rate him cheap tactic if you think that was, but that's all gonna happen.
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Re: Great-Ollie [DCR]

Postby georgizhukov on Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:41 am

Do we seriously wonder why so few people are left on this site and in particular playing speed games. Basically every speed game I play with more than 6 people results in at least one person foeing someone else. The moderators seriously need to put an end to this bs. He didn't even say which territory to block...just said he needed one which was the case.

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Re: Great-Ollie [DCR]

Postby Shannon Apple on Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:50 am

There is too much whining in this part of the forum. If someone breaks the rules fine, they break the rules and need to be dealt with. If someone plays a sneaky tactic in a game, so long as they say so in game chat then it's not against the rules. You are allowed to lie or tell the truth about positions in fog games. It's cheating if they do it behind your back privately or on their walls. There would be no game chat if diplomacy wasn't allowed. If you don't like how they play, then simply foe them so that you won't ever have to deal with their tactics again. I'm not saying that I condone these tactics, or play this way. I don't at all, but they are within the rules. If you are relying on fog to win a game, then you have to prepare for all possibilities, and that includes a "snitch." There is a social group here on conquer club for players who like to play games with no diplomacy. Xi Games or something like that. You can't be in a clan if you want to join them, but they play private games together.
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Re: Great-Ollie [DCR]

Postby eddie2 on Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:28 am

Yep Shanon it is Xi games, but they also don't allow truces something the op has used in fog games lol. I think there was a group just surrounding fog games but cannot remember the name of it.
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Re: Great-Ollie [DCR]

Postby Coler on Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:32 pm

Thread should be deleted, not just locked, and OP should get a warning not to open misconceived threads like this, or, if he does, not to use it as an opportunity to make generalised (also unfounded) personal attacks. Such BS/.
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Re: Great-Ollie [DCR]

Postby Great-Ollie on Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:21 am

I should be breaking some kind of record soon for C&A reports. :lol:
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Re: Great-Ollie [DCR]

Postby glide on Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:04 pm

Shannon Apple wrote:There is too much whining in this part of the forum. If someone breaks the rules fine, they break the rules and need to be dealt with. If someone plays a sneaky tactic in a game, so long as they say so in game chat then it's not against the rules. You are allowed to lie or tell the truth about positions in fog games. It's cheating if they do it behind your back privately or on their walls. There would be no game chat if diplomacy wasn't allowed. If you don't like how they play, then simply foe them so that you won't ever have to deal with their tactics again. I'm not saying that I condone these tactics, or play this way. I don't at all, but they are within the rules. If you are relying on fog to win a game, then you have to prepare for all possibilities, and that includes a "snitch." There is a social group here on conquer club for players who like to play games with no diplomacy. Xi Games or something like that. You can't be in a clan if you want to join them, but they play private games together.

Just to clarify, Xi games have been around longer than CC itself, and the CC chapter of Xi games has always held fast to the same rules. We do not allow truces, alliances, bad language, or dishonorable tactics or play. We have absolutely NO problem with others playing in their own games however they like, but any non Xi people invited to our private games are requested to adhere to our ways. And of course, any Xi member is free to play in any other games they choose. They always know where home is. While I agree that diplomacy has it's place in CC, along with freedom of speech and opinions, we have chosen to play by our own rules. And we stick to our motto: "Xi Games - Friends killing friends, with honor." And like the Marines used to say, we are always looking for a few good people. 8-)
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Re: Great-Ollie [DCR]

Postby clangfield on Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:07 pm

glide wrote:
Shannon Apple wrote:There is too much whining in this part of the forum. If someone breaks the rules fine, they break the rules and need to be dealt with. If someone plays a sneaky tactic in a game, so long as they say so in game chat then it's not against the rules. You are allowed to lie or tell the truth about positions in fog games. It's cheating if they do it behind your back privately or on their walls. There would be no game chat if diplomacy wasn't allowed. If you don't like how they play, then simply foe them so that you won't ever have to deal with their tactics again. I'm not saying that I condone these tactics, or play this way. I don't at all, but they are within the rules. If you are relying on fog to win a game, then you have to prepare for all possibilities, and that includes a "snitch." There is a social group here on conquer club for players who like to play games with no diplomacy. Xi Games or something like that. You can't be in a clan if you want to join them, but they play private games together.

Just to clarify, Xi games have been around longer than CC itself, and the CC chapter of Xi games has always held fast to the same rules. We do not allow truces, alliances, bad language, or dishonorable tactics or play. We have absolutely NO problem with others playing in their own games however they like, but any non Xi people invited to our private games are requested to adhere to our ways. And of course, any Xi member is free to play in any other games they choose. They always know where home is. While I agree that diplomacy has it's place in CC, along with freedom of speech and opinions, we have chosen to play by our own rules. And we stick to our motto: "Xi Games - Friends killing friends, with honor." And like the Marines used to say, we are always looking for a few good people. 8-)

Where do I sign up?
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Re: Great-Ollie [DCR]

Postby 2007spaceodyssey on Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:39 pm

Great-Ollie wrote:I should be breaking some kind of record soon for C&A reports. :lol:

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Re: Great-Ollie [DCR]

Postby AlamoJake on Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:32 pm

Ollie - shouldn't that be telling you something. Believe me without going into detail I understand war - the real thing. I clearly support aggressive, no limit, I will kill you so you don't kill me - I get it. Several reply's to my report said "not in the rules - not cheating". So fine - I withdraw my protest. You'll never get it. You know what you did. You cheated the spirit of honorable play. But maybe I'm completely wrong. I've never achieved your rank so who am I to say. BTW - that's not a compliment - your breaking a record in this forum because you're a cheat.
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Re: Great-Ollie [DCR]

Postby eddie2 on Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:14 am

Ok wasn't going to post this.

Game 15710915
Trench and truce then trying to take another player out and complaining about him hitting back instead of game leader

Game 15691827
Fog truce

Game 15653661
Fog trench

Really is honourable play having a truce in a fog trench game.

3 examples where not against the rules but many people don't like it. What if these people came here and reported you. Were told not against the rules. And they still called you a cheat. You came here with this report because of what was said about the amount of reports ollie had.(mentioned in game chat) and thought you would try your luck.

Also liberal stance in game chat. Well sorry you sir insulted a full country what was that comment about Canadians all about. Or was it aimed at a specific group of people.

Like I said really didn't want to post this.
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