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bstnrdsxfrk [Busted] and Hiiiaiiei

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bstnrdsxfrk [Busted] and Hiiiaiiei

Postby State409c on Wed May 30, 2007 10:27 pm

Subject line: <bstnrdsxfrk and Hiiiaiiei >

These are suspected of a Secret Alliance

Suspect users: <bstnrdsxfrk, Hiiiaiiei>

Game number:

Comments: <Dunno if either of these are playing multi, but it is either that or they have a secret alliance or somehow, even in their n00b status on this site (5 games completed for one, 2 for the other) have the amazing capability to read each others mind.

In a 4 way escalating game, somehow red was able to get all of Asia on the first turn of the game, attacking a lot of green (and some yellow). On the following turn, green managed to get Europe, attacking two red countries.

At first, i didn't see a red/green connection, I thought maybe someone (green) was just a moron and left 1 armies everywhere for red to scoop up.

Instead of trying to get Australia which is what I would have liked to have done, I put some Armies on NAfrica, and went through Egypt and got the Middle East to prevent red from getting a 7 army bonus. Next turn is where we are now, and I start the turn and see that red has retaken Asia, and left 1 army on both Ural and Afghanistan. Green goes next, gets his 5 army bonus from Europe (which red neglected to do anything to prevent) and then attacks me in Egypt, and doesn't bother with keeping red from getting bonus his from Asia. The game is essentially over at this point as yellow and I are too scattered to mount any sort of a defense against this onslaught>

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Postby sully800 on Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:54 pm

I would have blocked them for having a secret alliance, but bstnrdsxfrk is busted with 7_nationAARmy so the secret alliance doesn't matter any more.
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