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Closed "Great" Ollie [ka]

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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby KraphtOne on Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:14 am

Donelladan wrote:KraphtOne, I have seen much beetter claim of game throwing being dismissed by the mods.
Ofc it may depends on which mod is treating your case.
But having only one offense which isn't that obvious ( meaning, game wasn't finished next turn after Ollie's turn and because of him). You should know that there is no way he will be punished for that.

I mean, I understand all your arguments, I wasn't in the game though, but of course throwing a stack against another in a BR nuclear game with round limit is completely stupid.
Nevertheless, I know, and almost everyone else that ever read C and A forum that Ollie won't be punished for it.

Oh, I know... Just having an admin. That can't tie his shoes dismiss it with "oh so you're not allowed to attack people?" Is a little insulting though...

Almost every respectable gaming site anywhere that has moderators, has rules against deliberately ruining someone's game for no reason other than you're an asshole. People on this site actually PAY to play. You'd think it would be written in the rules that you can't deliberately try to ruin another's gaming experience...

Oh wait. It IS in the rules...

But people get vacations for language and other garbage. Ha. Using slurs as a way to intentionally ruin someone's gaming experience should be no difference than what this asshat did... And then he came in here and said "oh I only did it because he was hitting me every turn"

Jesus... He shows how stupid he knows the masses are that you wouldn't understand the strategy of the settings. I can assure you if I were hitting him every turn it would appear in the game chat.

Alright, moving on... Can't wait to see him in the next round where I will hit him on every turn. May even wait till we are close to the round limit before completely suiciding. Not against the rules, so why not
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby Coler on Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:22 am

KraphtOne wrote:
Alright, moving on...

=D> Attaboy.
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Re: "Great" Ollie [ka]

Postby king achilles on Wed Jun 17, 2015 7:21 pm

There is a flaw to your argument. This is more like a personal feud than the accusation.

For example, in Game 15726777, currently in round 8 and green has the most troops as of now with almost 2x the troops of red and blue, with cyan trailing by a few troops. Let's say this continues up to half the round limit or let's say on the 12th round. Red attacks green's 10 on Argyll, does this mean green can accuse red of throwing the game to cyan? Should red just sit tight and wait for the final round to end because the game has already been decided between green and possibly cyan?

Another one, Game 15705051, same scenario, blue is in the lead as of the 10th round, let's say it continues for more rounds like this, if someone hits blue's stack, (other than red) should that player be seen as throwing the game since blue has almost twice the troops against the other players?

Also for yellow in Game 15703950, it's up to 30 rounds but he seems to be far behind red and blue. Therefore, he might as well deadbeat the game as the game looks already decided between those players or else if he attacks one of them, yellow is going to be accused of game throwing.
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Re: "Great" Ollie [ka]

Postby friendly1 on Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:36 am

KA, hitting a stack early in a nuke game is suiciding in a multiplayer game with a round limit. It simply makes it certain that neither you nor the person you hit can win.

Ollie must know this or he wouldn't have lied about having armies chipped away every turn.

The rest appears to be bad blood between the two.

Not sure if suiciding is against the rules or it's a FAMO scenario, will wait and see how you decide.
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Re: "Great" Ollie [ka]

Postby KraphtOne on Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:27 pm

king achilles wrote:There is a flaw to your argument. This is more like a personal feud than the accusation.

For example, in Game 15726777, currently in round 8 and green has the most troops as of now with almost 2x the troops of red and blue, with cyan trailing by a few troops. Let's say this continues up to half the round limit or let's say on the 12th round. Red attacks green's 10 on Argyll, does this mean green can accuse red of throwing the game to cyan? Should red just sit tight and wait for the final round to end because the game has already been decided between green and possibly cyan?

Another one, Game 15705051, same scenario, blue is in the lead as of the 10th round, let's say it continues for more rounds like this, if someone hits blue's stack, (other than red) should that player be seen as throwing the game since blue has almost twice the troops against the other players?

Also for yellow in game]15703950[/game], it's up to 30 rounds but he seems to be far behind red and blue. Therefore, he might as well deadbeat the game as the game looks already decided between those players or else if he attacks one of them, yellow is going to be accused of game throwing.

I agree with everything you are saying. In most instances, heck in almost all instances it is quite a gray area as to whether someone is intentionally suiciding in a manner that should be considered against conquer club's gross abuse of the game/ unwritten rules.
If someone's actions can be justified through either lack of game experience, not understanding the situation, or an in game retaliation for previous attacks, then it obviously is not a gross abuse of the game.

However in this situation, a foed player that had a vendetta and saw early that he could not win, stacked every round for several rounds and then assaulted another player until he was down to one troop on the board. He did it because it's funny to him and there's nothing that will be done to him.

He knows it's wrong, which is why he lied about me hitting him every turn.

In life we all lie... Why lie? Because you are ashamed of the truth.

So consider his lie an admission that there was nothing to justify his action...
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Re: "Great" Ollie [ka]

Postby KraphtOne on Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:30 pm

By the way there were three of these being played. I won one, lost one by 2 troops on a luck of the dice by another player on the last round, and lost this one to him suiciding.

When I tell you I had a stranglehold on it, I had a strangle on it...
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Re: "Great" Ollie [ka]

Postby KraphtOne on Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:57 pm

friendly1 wrote:KA, hitting a stack early in a nuke game is suiciding in a multiplayer game with a round limit. It simply makes it certain that neither you nor the person you hit can win.

Ollie must know this or he wouldn't have lied about having armies chipped away every turn.

The rest appears to be bad blood between the two.

Not sure if suiciding is against the rules or it's a FAMO scenario, will wait and see how you decide.

can't foe and move on... he was already foed... he can still join tournies even though he was convicted of cheating on more than one occasion... he also still uses many accounts. so he can just use another to do the same thing...
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Re: "Great" Ollie [ka]

Postby Great-Ollie on Sat Jun 20, 2015 9:52 am

KraphtOne wrote:
friendly1 wrote:KA, hitting a stack early in a nuke game is suiciding in a multiplayer game with a round limit. It simply makes it certain that neither you nor the person you hit can win.

Ollie must know this or he wouldn't have lied about having armies chipped away every turn.

The rest appears to be bad blood between the two.

Not sure if suiciding is against the rules or it's a FAMO scenario, will wait and see how you decide.

can't foe and move on... he was already foed... he can still join tournies even though he was convicted of cheating on more than one occasion... he also still uses many accounts. so he can just use another to do the same thing...

Anyone who plays with you knows I am right. You are a whiny little bitch that throws temper tantrums when you do not get your way. This whole thing is a complete joke. The reason I have you foed is for doing what you are accusing me of. Multiple games you have suicided me round 1 just out of spite. Keep running and crying and driving even more players off the site Krapht. You are an idiot plain and simple. The fact that you can get away with calling mods out like you did actually astounds me. If anything you should get a nice vacation. I really cannot believe this is still open, goes to show you why this site is down to 8000 players. This will set a precedent for making this site even worse by making people afraid to attack Krapht for fear of being reported lol. If by some stupid chance this actually gets me banned, then the mods may as well look up all games between myself and Krapht and they will discover how much of a hypocrite Kraphtone actually is. Done with this thread. Good- bye.
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Re: "Great" Ollie [ka]

Postby NoSurvivors on Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:54 pm

You're both whiners to be honest :lol: this is a funny thread. Stupid and a waste of time. Take it from someone who knows how to play these settings KA, this is a waste of your time. A better use for one's time would be to make a suggestion on how foeing should work (eg: a way to avoid playing with x player in tournaments) or something. But a C and A report? Waste of time.
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Re: "Great" Ollie [ka]

Postby king achilles on Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:14 pm

Usually, when one "suicides" in a round limit game, or in any other games for that matter, it could be one of the following:

A) sacrifice what you have to make sure the highest ranked player wins (thus losing less points),


B) Suicide into whoever you don't like the most.

In which cases, I do not consent any of them as they are both unfair and inconsiderate. The later part is more spiteful and biased and hopefully, are isolated cases. Don't get any high expectations from someone who doesn't like you or have a personal feud with. Whatever he does, you would think something malicious out of it, and this goes with that person's personal view of you as well. You may have a point in looking at his attack as somewhat personal and he intended to have you lose your advantage in the game. On the other hand, as an opponent, this is what opponents do, to try defeat you or not let you get too strong and walk off with the game, and it was barely just half of this round limit game.

After discussing this with the other hunters, I will take this as more of a personal feud as based from your posts here, you two have a history of games together and they ended up in a not-so-good outcome between the two of you right now. We would need more obvious actions of game throwing or we will open the floodgates of people accusing anyone who attacks them when they think they have a big advantage in a game.
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Re: "Great" Ollie [ka]

Postby Lindax on Mon Jun 22, 2015 11:09 am

king achilles wrote:Usually, when one "suicides" in a round limit game, or in any other games for that matter, it could be one of the following:

A) sacrifice what you have to make sure the highest ranked player wins (thus losing less points),


B) Suicide into whoever you don't like the most.


C) Change the outcome of the game to improve your chances in a tournament

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