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Behold the return of... whatwasmynameagain?

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Behold the return of... whatwasmynameagain?

Postby TheDrunkenBoxer on Wed Jun 17, 2015 7:13 am

Greetings and salutations to you all!

I'm (thinking about) reviving my account after being away for several years, and am glad to find the game is still alive and thriving!

My memories are sketchy. I remember being in a clan. I remember it was fun. So, while I get a few practice games under my belt, I thought I'd ask if anyone knows any good and friendly clans that can fill me in on the numerous things I have clearly missed. I mean, they don't even need to be that good, as long as they're friendly...

As always... CHEERS!
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Re: Behold the return of... whatwasmynameagain?

Postby TheDrunkenBoxer on Wed Jun 17, 2015 7:15 am

Aha! I see my sig! So that was the name of the clan I was in... there's that mystery solved now I guess.
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Re: Behold the return of... whatwasmynameagain?

Postby Shannon Apple on Wed Jun 17, 2015 8:05 am

There's a sticky thread here: viewforum.php?f=440 ;)
00:33:53 ‹riskllama› will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ‹LiveLoveTeach› You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ‹LiveLoveTeach› Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I doubt it
00:34:30 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I don't think she's into farm animals
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Re: Behold the return of... whatwasmynameagain?

Postby TheDrunkenBoxer on Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:06 am

Why thank you for bringing that to my attention, I shall have a look!
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