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Closed "Great" Ollie [ka]

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"Great" Ollie [ka]

Postby KraphtOne on Wed Jun 10, 2015 6:35 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Intentionally throwing game

Game number(s):

Game 15690496


I know you'll do nothing to this asshole even though its against the rules, but I should at least give you a chance to do something.

I'll copy my game chat for those that aren't going to read it and then say "just foe him, it happens"

This isn't a noob... This isn't someone that made a retaliatory attack based on attacks earlier in the game... This isn't someone that thought "my only chance of winning is to attack with everything"...

This is the worst cheat that has ever been on this site, that has used more multi accounts than anyone in the history of this site, that has played more games than anyone else in the history of this site... Breaking the rules to f*ck someone's game up, because he's foed and won't have a chance to do it under any other circumstance...

He and I are not friends, we do not respect each others' game, but that does not excuse his actions. It is against the rules, the ACTUAL PARAGRAPH OF RULES :) and he knows it, and knows you won't do anything...

The least you guys could do is make it so that cheats aren't allowed to play in tournaments. Because i can foe a cheat all day, and still have to play a cheat when they are allowed in a tournament.

Game chat...
2015-06-10 18:17:36 - KraphtOne: ollie stacked up till he had 14 troops and suicided into me...
2015-06-10 18:18:29 - KraphtOne: would be nice if this place had any class and would finally ban him for good
2015-06-10 18:19:01 - KraphtOne: "foe him" they'll say
2015-06-10 18:19:04 - KraphtOne: yeah he's been foed
2015-06-10 18:19:06 - KraphtOne: for a while
2015-06-10 18:19:26 - KraphtOne: foe or not he can f*ck up a tourney game when i was winning handily
2015-06-10 18:19:57 - KraphtOne: had 28 troops total when he intentionally threw the game
2015-06-10 18:20:13 - KraphtOne: you don't have to tell me it was more than any of you had, math says it HAD to be...
2015-06-10 18:20:56 - KraphtOne: its against the rules to intentionally throw a game like he just did
2015-06-10 18:21:04 - KraphtOne: its against the rules to have multiple accounts
2015-06-10 18:21:17 - KraphtOne: they do nothing to the idiot lol
2015-06-10 18:21:24 - KraphtOne: and membership gets lower and lower everyday
2015-06-10 18:21:50 - KraphtOne: he'll obviously keep buying accounts... so just start banning them
2015-06-10 18:21:52 - KraphtOne: one at a time
2015-06-10 18:22:00 - KraphtOne: will make a ton of money for themselves...
2015-06-10 18:22:40 - KraphtOne: i dunno, do SOMETHING
2015-06-10 18:22:51 - KraphtOne: i foe anyone that is convicted of multiple accounts
2015-06-10 18:22:54 - KraphtOne: don't want to play cheaters
2015-06-10 18:23:03 - KraphtOne: but they are still allowed to do whatever, like play tourney games
2015-06-10 18:23:08 - KraphtOne: has to be SOME punishment
2015-06-10 18:23:27 - KraphtOne: and when you have no life, 30 bucks is not really a punishment...
2015-06-10 18:23:43 - KraphtOne: what else is he possibly going to spend money on? women? hanging out with friends?
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby king achilles on Wed Jun 10, 2015 7:42 pm

I can see that it's currently on the 12th round. You are saying that he had 14 troops against your 28 and he attacked you, therefore ruining your chances of winning the game?
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby KraphtOne on Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:33 pm

king achilles wrote:I can see that it's currently on the 12th round. You are saying that he had 14 troops against your 28 and he attacked you, therefore ruining your chances of winning the game?

correct, it is a nuke game. the basic strategy is to get a card and stack on whatever country it is so you can't get nuked...

in a 50 round limit you will have to take bonuses and what not eventually to win the game

in 20 rounds though... if you can get lucky (like i did) and catch a card you are sitting on in your first attack, and then just stack on it for the rest of the game, you have an amazingly high chance of winning...

he knows this...

he also knew how many troops i had, and that there was little chance of me losing with the way the others had wasted so many troops...

he's an asshole...
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby KraphtOne on Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:34 pm

i still have a chance of winning, which shows how far ahead i was when he suicided... for no reason other than to screw my chances...

i took a screen shot to show what i had left after he went blammo and hit me... but as the game is still going i don't want to show others what is surrounding me, as it is fog...
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby sniffie on Sun Jun 14, 2015 3:04 pm

no verdict will be reached until the game is over. That doesn't mean we don't someone isn't looking into it.

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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby shoop76 on Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:58 pm

And, I see he is trying to buy another monthly leaderboard.
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby king achilles on Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:33 pm

I am looking at this as player X and player Y. So, just to clarify, if player X has half of player Y's troops, player X has no right to attack player Y or else it's a suicide move, and therefore, attacks like this should be punished?
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby Great-Ollie on Sun Jun 14, 2015 10:03 pm

ROFL! Really i just happened to wander in here and see this BS. For the last two years this player has always hated me and made it his mission to ruin as many of my games as he can. Just a couple weeks ago he did not like his drop in a Baltic Crusades game so he deployed and made 4's by all my regions and suicided me in turn 1 for no reason. In this game in question he kept hitting my stack a hit at a time widdling me down so i hit him back. I had 2 stacks but 1 got nuked. This is such a bs report that he should be punished for such a spurious report. I attacked him in a war game ffs. This is what is wrong with this site and why it is dying, and we all know it is dying. Little tits everywhere, pouting about everything. All the great players and posters are gone. A lot of the great clan players gone. All the great freestylers are gone. People like Krapht whining about me attacking him, and shoop whining about me leading the scoreboard! LMAO. I play a lot of speed games. Everything from assassin, to standard, to team games. My score fluctuates all the time. It has since i joined so why don't all the little tits just grow up and play. All the greats are gone, when is ownership going to realize the site is dead because of this attitude and the way things like this is handled by mods. Unreal that you are even considering any kind of punishment for this. Go ahead drive me away please. Another regular and speed player gone. Pretty soon this site will be toast. Have a good day. Look at Kraphtone ratings. I had him rated all 1 stars and his comment under it states, "Only rating i have ever deserved". I have since re rated him 5 stars for some odd reason, but i can change it back i guess.
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby georgizhukov on Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:30 am

What a load of crap. I actually agree with Ollie. Krapht would be just as quick to do the same move.
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby Coler on Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:53 am

Surely what goes in game stays in game, absent objective foul play. The complaint is asking for people to get in Krapht's mind and feel it like he/she feels it. Somewhere the world's tiniest violin is playing the world's saddest song but how is this properly a C&A matter. Such a waste of time.

If this is treated as an admissible complaint and not an abuse of process C&A is going to get a whole lot more (useless) activity.

edit : game chat now containing allegations not repeated here. Stinks of sour grapes.
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby btown80 on Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:37 pm

KraphtOne wrote:Accused:


This is the worst cheat that has ever been on this site, that has used more multi accounts than anyone in the history of this site

Actually, I believe Muld00n holds that honor.

This is a pretty ridiculous complaint. If you are stacking that many troops on one territory in a nuke game, Ollie is smart enough to know you have that territory card and the only chance to beat you is to get you off of it. I say it's the only strategic play he had.
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby demonfork on Mon Jun 15, 2015 1:17 pm

Ridiculous report!

Why isn't this closed already?
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby shoop76 on Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:24 pm

shoop whining about me leading the scoreboard! LMAO. I play a lot of speed games. Everything from assassin, to standard, to team games. My score fluctuates all the time

Not to change the subject here, but we know that is bs Ollie. In no way should your score ever get to 1500 with your quality of play, regardless what you play. It just conveniences you to start with a low score every other month so you can see yourself on top of that monthly leaderboard. As for me, I will be back to my usual 2400-2600 range by month's end so you won't have a threat from me, but your intentional manipulation of the montly scoreboard does not make it fair to those who genuinely deserve to be there. Just for the record, you are not the only 1 who does this.
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby nietzsche on Mon Jun 15, 2015 4:22 pm

This was not a methodical observation, but I always saw Great Ollie with different ranks, some times witch big changes in small amounts of time even before the monthly awards started. I say so because he was always in a ton of speed games, and I was playing speed games all the time.

I don't have any reason to defend him, I rarely talked to the guy, he's most of the time silent in game chats.

In fact, I just mapranked him to make sure I was not saying something stupid. The smaller you make the timeframes, the more ups and downs you see.

I don't know anything about the other accusations.

Just saying..
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby shoop76 on Mon Jun 15, 2015 4:28 pm

nietzsche wrote:This was not a methodical observation, but I always saw Great Ollie with different ranks, some times witch big changes in small amounts of time even before the monthly awards started. I say so because he was always in a ton of speed games, and I was playing speed games all the time.

I don't have any reason to defend him, I rarely talked to the guy, he's most of the time silent in game chats.

In fact, I just mapranked him to make sure I was not saying something stupid. The smaller you make the timeframes, the more ups and downs you see.

I don't know anything about the other accusations.

Just saying..

I can understand a swing, but between 1500 and 4000, give me a break.
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby KraphtOne on Mon Jun 15, 2015 5:34 pm

georgizhukov wrote:What a load of crap. I actually agree with Ollie. Krapht would be just as quick to do the same move.

Feel free to find me a game where I did this.

I can actually find tons where I say "I'll just sit here im not going to suicide and ruin someone's game for no gain of my own"
Last edited by KraphtOne on Mon Jun 15, 2015 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby KraphtOne on Mon Jun 15, 2015 5:38 pm

Great-Ollie wrote:ROFL! Really i just happened to wander in here and see this BS. For the last two years this player has always hated me and made it his mission to ruin as many of my games as he can. Just a couple weeks ago he did not like his drop in a Baltic Crusades game so he deployed and made 4's by all my regions and suicided me in turn 1 for no reason. In this game in question he kept hitting my stack a hit at a time widdling me down so i hit him back. I had 2 stacks but 1 got nuked. This is such a bs report that he should be punished for such a spurious report. I attacked him in a war game ffs. This is what is wrong with this site and why it is dying, and we all know it is dying. Little tits everywhere, pouting about everything. All the great players and posters are gone. A lot of the great clan players gone. All the great freestylers are gone. People like Krapht whining about me attacking him, and shoop whining about me leading the scoreboard! LMAO. I play a lot of speed games. Everything from assassin, to standard, to team games. My score fluctuates all the time. It has since i joined so why don't all the little tits just grow up and play. All the greats are gone, when is ownership going to realize the site is dead because of this attitude and the way things like this is handled by mods. Unreal that you are even considering any kind of punishment for this. Go ahead drive me away please. Another regular and speed player gone. Pretty soon this site will be toast. Have a good day. Look at Kraphtone ratings. I had him rated all 1 stars and his comment under it states, "Only rating i have ever deserved". I have since re rated him 5 stars for some odd reason, but i can change it back i guess.

I took a snapshot of previous turn when it was over. I have actually taken snapshots of every turn of the game.

Do you want to maybe edit your post?

Or will you freely admit to suiciding and intentionally throwing the game when I prove you're a fuckin liar and just lied that I was hitting you every turn :-)

This is a game that I was auto joined into with you. I had a stranglehold on it, and you stacked next to me for several rounds until you had 14 and then suicided...

You feel it's ok for people to do that?

It actually says in the rules that it is against the rules to "intentionally throw a game"

I see you playin multi accounts every day

I see you point dump to catch the running leaderboard

I've long since stopped caring about such things...

But this is ridiculous
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby Lindax on Mon Jun 15, 2015 6:39 pm

Great-Ollie wrote:All the great players are gone.

Mmmm.... I'm still here.

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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby ZornSlayer on Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:38 pm

Okay, fellas. I think King Achilles has sort of already answered this one.
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby KraphtOne on Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:05 pm

ZornSlayer wrote:Okay, fellas. I think King Achilles has sort of already answered this one.

Hardly, Achilles hasn't quite grasped the concept of the game...

when its over here in a couple rounds he'll see that its a "stack and pray" game setup...

and that extrapolating another 20 or so troops i'd have been in decent shape to win

that is, had a guy not auto-assaulted without provocation until he only had 1 troop left in the game...
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby rockfist on Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:46 pm

Point swings happen. When I go for the next level freestyle or assassin medal my points will plummet.
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby KraphtOne on Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:01 pm

king achilles wrote:I am looking at this as player X and player Y. So, just to clarify, if player X has half of player Y's troops, player X has no right to attack player Y or else it's a suicide move, and therefore, attacks like this should be punished?

I can't read your dribble anymore...

A. No it should not be punishable for a player to attack another player in a game when they have half the troops

B. Yes it should be punished (as it states in the fucking rules, you fuckin...) when a player simply stacks his troops up and divebombs everything he has into another player in a multi-player tournament setting for no reason other than to screw the other player out of winning...

Ollie left himself with nothing, you fucking idiot

He didn't say "man this is my only shot"

He said "f*ck this mother fucker i'm suiciding and fucking his game up, because KA is a fucking idiot and doesn't understand the game, and won't do shit"

Clearly you don't get it...

It is not surprising...

Just clear him and shove your head back up your ass and go about your day...

People should be able to do whatever the f*ck they want... f*ck it, right?

Multi account? No fuckin problem!

Manipulating the scoreboard to become conqueror? Sounds Great!

Manipulating the scoreboard to get running leaderboard medals? Keep it coming, we don't know what the f*ck's goin on anyway!

This pile of shit has done any and everything he can while he's been here. In game chat's he's laughed about how fucking stupid you are.

You know why? because it's true... you're fucking stupid...

Can you explain what he could possibly do that would EVER result in any sort of permanent punishment?

Don't worry, It's rhetorical... because the answer is nothing.

Because you don't know how to play the game, and as such should have absolutely no power to dictate when others are breaking the rules.

f*ck it... Let him do whatever...

He'll be here till there are only 5 people left playing and its all his multis...

This place has turned into a dumpster fire 8-)
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby btown80 on Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:46 am

Wow, you seriously need to calm down. Time to start a complaint about you berating admins. Perhaps a month away will give you a new perspective on this game and on life.
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby Donelladan on Tue Jun 16, 2015 2:26 am

KraphtOne, I have seen much beetter claim of game throwing being dismissed by the mods.
Ofc it may depends on which mod is treating your case.
But having only one offense which isn't that obvious ( meaning, game wasn't finished next turn after Ollie's turn and because of him). You should know that there is no way he will be punished for that.

I mean, I understand all your arguments, I wasn't in the game though, but of course throwing a stack against another in a BR nuclear game with round limit is completely stupid.
Nevertheless, I know, and almost everyone else that ever read C and A forum that Ollie won't be punished for it.
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Re: "Great" Ollie

Postby Coler on Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:22 am

shoop76 wrote:
nietzsche wrote:This was not a methodical observation, but I always saw Great Ollie with different ranks, some times witch big changes in small amounts of time even before the monthly awards started. I say so because he was always in a ton of speed games, and I was playing speed games all the time.

I don't have any reason to defend him, I rarely talked to the guy, he's most of the time silent in game chats.

In fact, I just mapranked him to make sure I was not saying something stupid. The smaller you make the timeframes, the more ups and downs you see.

I don't know anything about the other accusations.

Just saying..

I can understand a swing, but between 1500 and 4000, give me a break.

Just by way of comment ever since I first played with him 5 years ago he swang like the swingiest swinger in swingtown who just bought a new swing. Couple of 000 over a weekend of ass doodling and esc. Colonel/Major to Lieut/Sarge 1st class and back again, and there was no monthly leaderboard thing then. It's not bucking a trend for him within those parameters, but you were also around back then and will have your own recollection.

Anyway its clear there is 'history' in this forum between G-O and this complainant so it's hard to view the complaint as coming from an objective place.
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