by SiriusCowKing on Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:31 pm
Sorry for not responding to those messages, I don't think of checking in the forum. The rule for map swapping is that you can't change the maps unless you have to, for having a map that has been retired in your set for example. So basically, the map you choose at first are your map for the entire tournament. I personally got stuck with a map with the wrong settings and it made me lose my bracket in round 2.
As for now we are almost done with the semi finals. Also, some admin changed the title of my first post, it says round 2 for some reason. I would change it to something more appropriate, like removing the round naming all together, but I don't want people to think that I somehow cheated seeing how I would have edited the post.
There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.