High King of AuleShort-Terminator SeriesCongratulations to the High King of Aule - conquerhero
Across the lands, a host of warlords have challenged the rule of the Kings.
The power of the Eight Kings of the Known World appears to be diminishing.
Now is your chance to rally your troops and establish a single empire.
It is your Destiny to become the High King, King of Kings.
This tournament is another in a series of Short Terminator tournaments.
It is open to all players with a decent attendance record (see below).
Freemiums welcome (two-games-at-a-time).
Tournament Format- show
Settings- show
Competitor Requirements- show
Group Allocation- show
Reserves- show
Joining Battles- show
Missing Turns- show
Partnerships / Regular opponents - show
First Turn Fog of War Courtesy Rule- show
Some of the other Tournaments by Teflon Kris- show
Coming Soon- show