Format: 32+ players, straight 1-1 knockout, early rounds of 1 game and final is best of 3. If more than 32 players sign up then there will be at least one qualifying Round (labelled 0, 00 etc) which won't count score points in the series.
Settings (chosen randomly): Auto; Sequential; Nukes; Chained; Foggy; No Trench; No Poly; 20 Round Limit
Missing Invites: Miss once, you get another invite; miss twice (without good reason), you lose the game
This is a continuation of the It's a Knockout series, which carries General Achievement medals for the series winner and the most consistent player across all the tournaments.
"1. Communication. The team that communicates well is successful. Whether you use in-game chat, live chat, PMs, IMs, Skype, or what have you, every team member needs to know the game plan. Whatever works."