Click here for details (General thread):
Special announcement below is officially posted in the General thread
mcshanester29 wrote:General Achievement medal has been approved for each player who wins 10 Challenges
I'm looking for 32 players, PREMIUM only since there is risk to play Polymorph game (Please no FREEMIUM, also if you plan on losing your premium within the next 2 months after this tournament start please don't register!) Refer to the above links on how I will proceed for player failing to join, thanks in advance for your understandings.
Now lets talk about the format and the settings;
The format is simple, play a bracket tournament style on a 1vs1 from 1st Round to the Final game, like its says in the general thread (click the link above) I select maps from the oldest became "LIVE" in CC, so for this Challenge of a long series the map will be:
Space - Released June 1st 2006
This map is a sci-fi and fantasy mashup. Space gives a nod to the literary works Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia, and J.R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, with a classical Scandinavian pantheon to round out the mix, in addition to our own familiar solar system as well. Space Stations, worm holes, and warp gates provide gameplay elements fitting of the outer space theme.
--> 42 is the amount of territories.
--> 24,948, this number represent the amount of game played with this map at the creation of this tournament.
Each category below will show you what settings to be pick by, this draw to be run at the beginning of each round during this tournament, meaning than every round will play different settings
Game Type:
1 - Standard "1"
2 - Polymorphic 2
3 - Polymorphic 3
4 - Polymorphic 4
Initial Troops:
1 - Automatic
2 - Manual
Play Order:
1 - Sequential
2 - Freestyle (apply to standard setting only, Poly game doesn't offer Freestyle mode)
1 - Escalating
2 - Flat Rate
3 - Nuclear
4 - Zombie
5 - No Spoils
1 - Chained
2 - Adjacent
3 - Unlimited
4 - Parachute
5 - None
Special Gameplay Fog:
1 - Sunny
2 - Foggy
Special Gameplay Trench:
1 - No Trench
2 - Trench
1st Round (R32) settings are: Poly(2) - Automatic - Sequential - No Spoils - Parachute - Sunny - Trench.
2nd Round (R16): Standard - Automatic - Freestyle - Zombie - No Reinforcement - Foggy - No Trench.
3rd Round: Poly(4) - Manual - Sequential - Escalating - Chained - Foggy - Trench.
Semi-Final settings are: Poly (3) - Manual - Sequential - Escalating - Adjacent - Sunny - Trench.
Final settings are: Standard - Automatic - Freestyle - No Spoils - Adjacent - Sunny - No Trench.
Players List
Bracket (