Conquer Club

Wwoody123 and claudia

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Wwoody123 and claudia

Postby firth4eva on Sat May 26, 2007 3:55 am

Subject line: Wwoody123 and claudia

These are suspected Secret Alliance

Suspect users: Wwoody123 and claudia

Game number:

Comments: Play lots of games together and do very suspicious moves

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Postby sully800 on Sun May 27, 2007 7:56 pm

As you know, secret alliances are very hard to prove based on a single game. Especially when the provided evidence is "suspicious moves".

So leave feedback if the evidence warrants it, and if there are more legit accusations they will probably be blocked.
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Postby Curmudgeonx on Tue May 29, 2007 10:30 am

Hmm, I was the other player in 455244. Definitely no evidence of multis. Secret Alliances? They do keep to 3 player games and in my game, they did not run at each other, but I hit them hard and early. If they had a secret alliance, it was ineffective.
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Postby Buddy Jesus on Tue May 29, 2007 3:37 pm

I would go with no on this
they are both fairly well established players, and they have 5 games with each other. Plus the latest move in the first game you linked was green taking asia away from red, so that rules out secret alliance.
Lastly, their turn times aren't remotely close 90% of the time, so that rules out multi's.
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