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MEGAEGG - The Easter Spectacular

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MEGAEGG - The Easter Spectacular

Postby bigWham on Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:00 pm

Brought to you by the Community Team


M - E - G - A - E - G - G

The Easter Bunny is back, and it's as mad and egg-laden as ever!

Congrats to our Egg designers from The Eggcellent Design Contest:


Your Easter Goal will be to score 100 Bunny Points. Each Egg is worth 1 Bunny Point, however you will need 20 Eggs of each type to score any points and get into the ImageMEGAEGG FINALE - The Red Star SpectacularImage tournament to win a Red Star and a bunch of other great prizes.

MEGAEGG Scoreboard

Also, we have the following Prizes for scoring Bunny Points:

General Achievement: Anyone that gets 100 Bunny Points will get a General Achievement medal

Challenge Achievement: Top 5 Bunny Point collectors above 200 Bunny Points will get a Challenge Achievement medal

Green Star: The player that collects the most Bunny Points will win a Green Star. [In the case of a tie Blue Stars will be won by each tied player].

Where did the Bunny leave its eggs...

MEGAEGG: An Easter Egg Design Speggtacular

Design inventory items for MEGAEGG: ... 1&t=211562


Starting and Winning Games will reward players with Eggs in the following descending order of likelihood:

  • Easter Map (only available for duration of event!)
  • Regular Games (the more players the higher your chances)
  • Non-event Tourney Games (highly reduced chance)
  • Bot Games (very low chance, Bots don't believe in Bunnies or Eggs)

Bunny Scenarios

Whereupon the Easter Bunny finds himself in a variety of peculiar circumstances.

Bunny Burrow Battle
Sniper Eggs
Houses vs Eggs

Bunny Hopper Featured Games
Featured Games will appear in the Event banner on My Games. They will be first in first served and have highly increased Egg Drop Rates.

Battle Royales

Test your luck in Easter-themed Speed Battle Royales running throughout the event with highly chocolatey Egg drop rates.

Wild Egg Rides

Speed AutoTournaments will run throughout the day, with Eggs for prizes. Check out each tournament for a listing on what types of Eggs it carries.

Conquer Gods

The Conquer Gods saw a white, furry, ferret like creature, manically hopping along one of Conquer Club's many trails to nowhere, dropping an assorted array of about 1 gazillion Eggs all over the place. If you are lucky they might share... but will you get the type of Egg you want?

Hoppy Hour

During certain times, perhaps due to ingesting some type of illicit bunny juice, the Bunny gets a jolt of manic energy and eggs begin to literally explode from every pore in his body. During Hoppy Hour, Eggs will be dropping out of the sky at a vastly increased rate.

Scheduled Hoppy Hours:

2015-04-05 00:00:00 CCT
2015-04-05 12:00:00 CCT
2015-04-05 18:00:00 CCT
2015-04-06 02:00:00 CCT
2015-04-06 07:00:00 CCT
2015-04-06 14:00:00 CCT
2015-04-06 20:00:00 CCT
2015-04-07 07:00:00 CCT
2015-04-07 11:00:00 CCT
2015-04-07 16:00:00 CCT
2015-04-07 23:00:00 CCT

Easter Hunt

Go on a madcap hunt for hidden Easter themed imagery around the website. Follow the action and pick up clues in chat throughout the easter period.

Easter Captions

Score Eggs by putting words with pictures in our ongoing Easter Captions in live chat.

MEGAEGG FINALE - A Red Star Spectacular

The grand finale of MEGAEGG, collect your Eggs and get in the running for a Red Star and other prizes!

Bunny Droppings

Bunny Droppings is the Easter consolation tournament and your last chance to drop your eggs, and snaffle a consolation green star.
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Re: MEGAEGG - The Easter Spectacular

Postby Razorvich on Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:02 pm


The Scavenger hunt is LIVE.... THE GOLDEN EGG IS OUT THERE IN THE FORUMS.........somewhere :twisted:

Visit the chat rooms during this Easter Weekend and join us for some Caption madness.

Winning a Caption Competition is the only way to guarantee a link to 1 of 24 HIDDEN BUNNYS

Which may lead to a CLUE to the location off the Golden Egg

Caption Events Start 00:00 Good Friday (CC Time), and will run until Easter Sunday


show: Scavenger Hunt

show: PRIZES
High Score: 2569
TeeGee has my PW... Wall him if I get below 1 Hour in CLAN GAMES ONLY !!
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Re: MEGAEGG - The Easter Spectacular

Postby lokisgal on Fri Apr 03, 2015 6:29 pm

2015-04-03 10:01:16 - lokisgal has won 1 Royal Egg

This is in a senario that just started. Checked my inventory and the Royal Egg is not there. It says my last egg was a "turtle egg
Apr 03, 17:50 CCT
Reason: MEGAEGG (Game 15509637)"

I had 2 royal eggs already this should have made 3 but its not there :lol: :shock:
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Re: MEGAEGG - The Easter Spectacular

Postby codierose on Mon Apr 06, 2015 2:13 pm

why is so many of these games freestyle
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Re: MEGAEGG - The Easter Spectacular

Postby Razorvich on Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:53 am



show: Bunny 1-5
show: Bunny 6-8
show: bunny 9-10
show: Bunny 11-13
show: Bunny 14-15
show: Bunny 16-17
show: Bunny 18-20

show: EVILS
show: Final Clue


show: PRIZES


show: CatchersMitt14
show: rizky_biznezz
show: grt and dakky21

High Score: 2569
TeeGee has my PW... Wall him if I get below 1 Hour in CLAN GAMES ONLY !!
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Re: MEGAEGG - The Easter Spectacular

Postby rizky_biznezz on Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:01 am

Yay :) congrats to the winners
Huge thanks to razorvich and helpers for a great event.. Drove me crazy but was lots of fun
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Re: MEGAEGG - The Easter Spectacular

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:11 am

Great job, everyone!
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― Voltaire
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