if this needs clarification, imagine any one vs one game where you went first ; you play that game and the exact same map and drop except your opponent has your drop and goes first ... those are mirrored games ... perhaps a tournament round would be 6 pairs of mirrored games against your opponent ,:
- probably easiest to do by scenario ; but maybe a coder thinks it could be done on a random map and random drop
would require red always going first so team A or player A in 1 v 1 starts half the mirrored games , as does team B :
- could start times be staggered , so player A and B receive half their red games day one , and the mirrored half day 2 to allow them equal opportunity to see and copy vs improve their opponents start strategy?
in the 1 vs 1 championships even in 25 or 27 game matches I've had significant advantages in drops and getting first turns i think...
caveat; of course is still the luck of players familarity with random map or scenario and dice... also tneed to consider a tiebreaker ; e.g. fewest turns in victories , or a single game that isn't mirrored. or the way auto-tournaments are settled now ; first to join wins (@#$%) ! :