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Battle of Bolimów Autotourney Design Contest

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Battle of Bolimów Autotourney Design Contest

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Mar 07, 2015 7:05 pm

This event is part of the GREAT WAR mega-event.

Battle of Bolimów Autotourney Design Contest

As you are probably aware, the main trunk of the Great War mega-event uses autotournaments to represent battles and other events in the Great War. This event allows you to design one of these tournaments. Specifically, you will design the tournament to commemorate the Battle of Bolimów.

The winning entry must include:
  1. An interesting write-up about the battle. The backbone of the write-up must be your own original work, although outside sources may be quoted extensively as long as they are properly linked and/or cited.
  2. At least one public-domain photograph from the battle
  3. Complete specifications for the tournament (how many rounds, what maps, what settings, how many players, etc.)
  4. You must have some intelligible rationale for why you are using those maps and those settings with this particular battle.

If you want to see some examples of previous tourney write-ups, look here.

Keep in mind that autotourneys are not as flexible as manually-run tournaments. Here are some of the restrictions:
  • Autotourneys don't allow any creative scoring rules. Scoring is simply by games won, black and white, no frills. The only real scoring decision you can make is if scores reset (like in bracket tournaments) or do not reset (stay cumulative) between rounds.
  • There is no double-elimination, second-chance, or resurrection. Once eliminated, a player is out.
  • Autotourneys don't deal well with team games. Restrict yourself to Standard, Polymorph, Terminator, and Assassin.
  • You can specify that a round randomly chooses between settings. However, you cannot specify skewed distributions. (You can say to randomly choose between Adjacent, Unlimited, Parachute, and Chained, but you cannot say 70% Chained and 30% Parachute.)

Judging will be by a panel of five experienced tournament organisers including myself. The top five entries will all get a Zeppelin token. The top three entries will get a General Achievement medal. The winner of this contest will see their tournament used in the Great War series, and in addition to the other prizes, will receive a General Contribution medal and 250 credits.

Entries should be posted in this thread before the end of March 22nd, 2015, CC Time. (In other words, before 00:00 on March 23rd. Clear enough?) Please do not PM your entries, my inbox turns over too fast for safety. Just post in the thread. There's no "right" and "wrong" answer here, so there's no motive for people to copy your design, but if you're worried about it you could try to wait until the last minute. Just don't miss it. Feel free to modify your post right up to the deadline, just don't modify after the deadline.
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Re: Battle of Bolimów Autotourney Design Contest

Postby robellis00 on Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:56 pm

Well, here goes! Thanks for the opportunity. I know this is not perfect, and I'm sure there are some things that will need to be reworked, but here is what I've put together. Please let me know if anything needs to be changed. This was a really great idea, to open up the design of the tournament to everyone. I hope a lot of people get involved and share their ideas.


Battle of Bolimow Auto Tourney (Freemium Friendly!)
The Battle of Bolimow is not one of those famous battles that everyone knows the name. However, it did turn out to be a very important battle in the history of warfare.
Nearing the end of January 1915, the German Ninth Army under General Mackensen, was located southwest of Warsaw, Poland near the village of Bolimow. The Russian Second Army under Smirnov was positioned south of Warsaw, waiting for the Germans to make their move.

Strategically, there is very little that would make Bolimow an important target. There is however, a rail line situated close-by, which during WWI became a strategic necessity in order to reinforce your position. The Germans needed the Russians to believe that the rail line was an important objective. You see, in the larger strategy, the Germans were trying to draw the Russian army away from East Prussia. The Germans wanted to launch a large offensive there, and wisely wanted less resistance. If the Germans could secure the rail line, then head into Warsaw, it would be bad for the Russians.
On 31 January 1915, the Germans opened an artillery barrage of the Russian lines. The only thing different about that particular artillery barrage was that the Germans, for the first time in the history of warfare, used artillery shells that contained chemical agents. The shells were equipped with an explosive that would dissipate the chemical agents across the battlefield, incapacitating the enemy. The Germans fired some 18,000 chemical artillery shells at the Russian lines to soften them up before their infantry assault. As it happened, there were two things working against the Germans that day. First, the wind was blowing away from the Russian lines, toward the German line, so the chemical attack did not affect the Russians. Secondly, the wintery-January temperatures actually prevented the chemicals from dispersing and were totally ineffective.
Once the Germans realized this, they called off their offensive, which the Russians decided to take advantage of. They counter-attacked, and lost heavy casualties as more German artillery rained down on them. Some 40,000 Russian casualties, compared to 20,000 German casualties meant that in the eyes of the Germans they had won the day. More importantly, they achieved their objective of drawing Russian troops away from Prussia, so it was an operational success.

Though the employment and failure of their use of chemical weapons placed a huge blemish on the German Army that day, things would soon change for them as they (and the Allies) got better and better at using chemical weapons shortly after the Battle of Bolimow.

Entry Membership: Open to all; Freemium Friendly
It is short, and some popular maps to entice more freemiums to participate.
16 Players; Seeded by Score
Rounds: 4
Game load: 1 game; 4 total
Draw: Seeded by Score
Round Details:
Round 1: 16 Start, Seeded by score, 1 Game, 8 Move on.
The first important thing to note about this battle is that it brought about a change in warfare, not just for the battle, or the operation, but for warfare in general from that moment on. The rest of WWI would see countless uses of chemical weapons. For that reason I chose Europe 1914 map. Also, the nuclear and fog setting lend to the actual battle events of chemical weapon usage.
Games: 2 players, Standard, Automatic, Sequential, Nuclear, Chained, Fog, 20 Rounds, 24 hours.
Map: Europe 1914.

Round 2: 8 Start, Seeded by score, 4 move on.
The second most important thing about this battle is that the railway created a perfect ruse for the Germans to deceive the Russians. The railway was important, but not the main objective. For that reason, I chose the Rail Europe map. Again, keeping with the nuclear setting, but making it sunny since it was not the main objective.
Games: 2 players, Standard, Automatic, Sequential, Nuclear, Chained, Sunny, 20 Rounds, 24 hours.
Map: Rail Europe.

Round 3: 4 Start, Seeded by score, 2 move on.
The next most important fact regarding this battle was that the freezing temperatures had a devastating effect on the gas, rendering it innocuous. To represent the bitter cold, and the unknowable mystery of what might happen when using this new weapon, I chose the Age of Realms 2: Magic map. Again, the nuclear, fog, and trench settings, really capture the battle circumstances.
Games: 2 players, Standard, Automatic, Sequential, Nuclear, Chained, Fog, Trench, 20 Rounds, 24 hours.
Map: Age Of Realms 2: Magic.

Round 4: 2 Players, 1 Winner.
Lastly, the end of the battle deteriorated into the old stand-by tactics that we see throughout WWI. Therefore, the trench warfare map makes the most sense, keeping with the nuclear and fog settings, but changing the reinforcements to parachute to help with gameplay.
Game: 2 players, Standard, Automatic, Sequential, Nuclear, Parachute, Fog, 20 Rounds, 24 hours.
Map: Trench Warfare

Sources: ... f-history/
map source:
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Re: Battle of Bolimów Autotourney Design Contest

Postby waauw on Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:29 am

I hereby present to you my submission. It is somewhat different in style from what you're used to in the tournaments page. It is not a military style nor historical. I wrote it as a fictional tale. To me this was more fun to write, and to you I hope this is a refreshing change. If this proves to be too long and unfitting, my apologies I'm not experienced with auto-tournaments. I could find no specification to size limits.

Note that I did break up my text in order to make clear my rational. In the end, it is the compilement at the far bottom and the round titles that are to be used.

Click image to enlarge.

Tournament set-up: Every player plays against every other player in a round-robin style tournament. Every game won, will be considered a squad survived. The more of your squads survive, the higher you chances at winning the battle. Reversely every game lost is a squad lost. Players who lose too many troops too early on must make a tactical retreat in order to prevent further losses.

Naturally this tournament is premiums only.

show: pre-story round 1 - The soils of Poland

Round 1: WWII Poland, standard, 2 players, auto, flat rate, chained, no fog, no trench, round limit 20
15 games each
16 start ==> 16 move on

show: pre-story round 2 - The Icy trenches of Bolimow

Round 2: Trench warfare, standard, 2 players, auto, no spoils, no reinforcements, no fog, trench, round limit 20
15 games each
16 start ==> 12 move on

show: pre-story round 3 - Unprecedented

Round 3: Round 2: Trench warfare, standard, 2 players, auto, nuclear, no reinforcements, fog, trench, round limit 20
11 games each
12 start ==> 8 move on
show: pre-story round 4 - Russian counterattack

Round 4: Round 3: Round 2: Trench warfare, standard, 2 players, auto, no spoils, no reinforcements, fog, trench, round limit 20
7 games each
8 start ==> 1 winner

show: Conclusion


show: Collection of all for introductory text
Last edited by waauw on Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Battle of Bolimów Autotourney Design Contest

Postby t4mcr53s2 on Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:30 pm

nice job robellis !
I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when....

If 2 player fog game,please allow 12 hour snap courtesy, or post what I could have seen.... Thank you
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Re: Battle of Bolimów Autotourney Design Contest

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:28 pm

Four days to the deadline (approximately). Still need lots more contestants. Of course, I'm assuming a lot of people are playing their cards close to their vest until the last day...:)
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Re: Battle of Bolimów Autotourney Design Contest

Postby Lufsen75 on Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:50 am

I will join if still possible and needed.
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Re: Battle of Bolimów Autotourney Design Contest

Postby jonofperu on Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:00 pm

Battle of Bolimów
The first use of gas warfare by the Germans was ineffective, but historical!

On January 31, 1915, the German 9th Army under Mackensen attacked the Russian 2nd Army under Smirnov.
The Germans attempted to use tear gas in artillery shells, firing thousands of volleys. It was ineffective since the wind blew the gas back toward the Germans and the cold weather neutralized it.
The Germans called off the attack, but the Russians counter-attacked.
The German artillery then repelled the Russian attack inflicting 80,000 casualties. The Germans suffered 40,000 casualties.

This will be a polymorphic tournament played on the Trench Warfare map. Each player will represent an Army with four Corps.
The general who dominates the battlefield will carry the day at Bolimów!

16 players
4 rounds
Trench Warfare map, Poly x4, Auto, Sequential, No spoils, Chained, Fog, No trench, 20 rounds
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Re: Battle of Bolimów Autotourney Design Contest

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:39 am

The deadline has passed and no more entries will be allowed.

It's funny, five prizes available and only three real entries. Two people could have gotten prizes with even really half-assed efforts. Very sad. Well, c'est la vie. Judging will commence.
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Re: Battle of Bolimów Autotourney Design Contest

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:08 am

I'd vote for anything that isn't stuffed with Trench Warfare, getting sick of seeing that map so much lately.
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Re: Battle of Bolimów Autotourney Design Contest

Postby jonofperu on Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:56 am

You know, that's an excellent point. I haven't played in this event, but I imagine with Trench Warfare being the map most closely matched with WWI, it's been overused.
I didn't have much time to develop my proposal and I don't expect it to get used, but I would vote to change my map to Austerlitz. That map actually matches the scenario for Bolimów better - a battle near a village with the battle lines drawn out... For whatever it's worth.
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Re: Battle of Bolimów Autotourney Design Contest

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Mar 26, 2015 12:48 pm

It's been used quite a lot lately and whilst I don't mind the map the gameplay is pretty repetitive. Austerlitz would be a good call, although one tournament just used it about seven times in one round. Maps are bound to be repeated.
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Re: Battle of Bolimów Autotourney Design Contest

Postby waauw on Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:47 pm

oops, same here :oops:
did not take that into account.

In that case I'd better had added more WWII Poland map-rounds :x
But if one were to ignore the geographical aspect, I guess one could also use Austerlitz as jonofperu points out.
Or maybe even WWII Ardennes or Waterloo. Both also have trench war-like battlefields. And Waterloo is near villages too.
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Re: Battle of Bolimów Autotourney Design Contest

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Apr 01, 2015 6:15 am

Congratulations to robellis00!

The winning entry:

Congratulations also to waauw and jonofperu on their Top 3 finishes!
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Re: Battle of Bolimów Autotourney Design Contest

Postby robellis00 on Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:35 am

WOOHOO! Thanks guys for the fun, and for the awards. I had a great time putting it together and I'm really excited to see the tournament play out!
Thanks also to t4mcr53s2 for the shout out! For the judges and the coordinators, this was a great opportunity to do something out of the ordinary; Keep up the great ideas! See you around Conquer Club!
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