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The Championships - Triples [Complete]

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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby hayesez on Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:52 pm

Bummer to see you guys go, but completely understand. Hope to still see you and your teammates around!
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Jan 24, 2015 1:21 pm

Next round imminent.
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby jackal31 on Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:39 am

hyposquasher wrote:I regret to inform that our team (angola, jetsetwilly and me) will be dropping from this tournament. The reason is that my premium expired recently and I don't plan on renewing soon. Partially due to my own lack of time for CC and partially due to frustration about changes to the site that always seem to diminish my enjoyment here, but that's a conversation for another time.

Congratulations to our adversaries in this round of the tournament (zips5000, jackal31, RKCVED). No one should feel that they got a free pass. They played incredibly well in the first half of the games and beat us 7 games to 2. We would need to win 8 of the next 10 to beat them. They could be replaced with cooks and dice alone might get them the 3 wins they need to advance. So congratulations to them on a deserved advancement in this tournament.

Good luck to all who are left, and remember to have fun :)

Sad to see you guys exit without the games. I know we still would have had to earn this one against you. Until we meet again.
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby umbrellaman on Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:23 am

On the score page it shows the semi finals and finals as standard games. I'm assuming this is a misprint but thought I should check anyway.
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Feb 20, 2015 1:26 am

umbrellaman wrote:On the score page it shows the semi finals and finals as standard games. I'm assuming this is a misprint but thought I should check anyway.

Yes, it's a typo. All games are triples.
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:52 am

Only one active game remains in this round.
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby jackal31 on Mon Feb 23, 2015 8:09 am

How is seeding going to be done for the next round? Given our team was shortened by 10 games, will it still go by percentage overall, or percentage last round?

Thanks bud. Keep up the great work!
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby josko.ri on Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:27 pm

jackal31 wrote:Given our team was shortened by 10 games, will it still go by percentage overall, or percentage last round?

How does your 10 games shortage make difference between percentage overall and percentage last round? In both cases it will be -10 games on your count which I guess will be counted as 10-0.

Even with the 10-0 counted for you, we are still #1 seed, and seeding so far was always calculated of overall score.
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:05 am

Quarterfinals have ended. Semifinals ready to start soon.
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby hayesez on Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:04 pm

I see that the tourney page has been updated. So it looks as if the seeding will be based on total wins given out of the total 46 games played? So the #1 seed (Josko et al) will be playing the #4 seed (umbrellaman et al)? Is that correct? Or are we just basing the new seedings on the previous round?
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:47 pm

hayesez wrote:I see that the tourney page has been updated. So it looks as if the seeding will be based on total wins given out of the total 46 games played? So the #1 seed (Josko et al) will be playing the #4 seed (umbrellaman et al)? Is that correct? Or are we just basing the new seedings on the previous round?

You will play Josko. Jackal's team will play umbrellaman's team.

Seeding is based on current score only. Overall record is only for tiebreaking (and bragging rights and pride.)

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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby hayesez on Thu Mar 12, 2015 4:52 pm

Sounds great...thanks for clarifying!
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby jackal31 on Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:45 am

that's what I thought too but present the same question Hayes had. Just wasnt sure how that was panning out.

Thanks for all the hard work Dukasaur.
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Apr 13, 2015 12:57 am

All games in the previous set are finished. Next set due today or tomorrow.
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:18 am

Dukasaur wrote:All games in the previous set are finished. Next set due today or tomorrow.

Okay, I guess I have to rescind that promise.

First, about the turn-sitting on josko's team during the previous round. It has been brought before me that josko has been away for a significant length of time, and that turn sitting by his team-mates has exceeded the 10-day limit.

First, none of this is meant with any sense of animosity. I understand that josko has had some medical issues, and I have sympathy for him. I also have great admiration for him as one of the great and prominent players on the site. Nonetheless, my orders when I took on this tournament were to interpret rules strictly. Most of you will remember that we disqualified a bunch of Leehar's games in an earlier round, and Leehar is similarly a highly-admired member of the CC community. So, despite a great deal of reluctance to do so, I have no choice but to call any of josko's games where turn-sitting exceeds the 10-day limit to be forfeit.

The turn-sitting for josko began on the 16th, and was thus valid until the 25th. Any games his team won after the 25th are forfeit. Unfortunately for them, all three of their wins in this round finished after the 25th (the Bamboo Jack on the 27th, the Brazil game on the 28th, and the Iraq game on the 29th.) The score therefore stands at 8-0 for Culham's team.

Now, we are wondering if josko might be returning. It is still conceivable that his team might claw their way back from an 8-0 deficit, if he is well enough to return. We are therefore going to pause for a few days and see if there is any more recent word from josko as to whether he might return.

We have discussed a number of other options, but for a variety of reasons none of them are acceptable. So, this is it. For a maximum of two weeks we will pause and see if josko is returning, unless he sends fresh word that he absolutely categorically will not return, in which case we will carry on sooner.
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:27 am

Okay, I've recieved confirmation that josko is not returning.

Unfortunately substitutions are not allowed in this tournament. Josko's team is out, hayes' team goes directly to the final. Next round of games is just jackal's team vs. evildoer's team. Next round imminent.
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby jackal31 on Wed Apr 22, 2015 4:18 am

Thanks for the update Dukasaur.

With the notion that a team is down 13-3 after the first two rounds, will the last round even need to be played? Is this something we can bypass to fasttrack the finals starting?

Thanks for all your hard work and effort bud.
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Round of 16]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat May 16, 2015 9:31 am

jackal31 wrote:Thanks for the update Dukasaur.

With the notion that a team is down 13-3 after the first two rounds, will the last round even need to be played? Is this something we can bypass to fasttrack the finals starting?

Thanks for all your hard work and effort bud.

You're welcome.

I meant to bring this up with BW but got distracted. It will be on my to-do list for this week.
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Re: The Championships - Triples

Postby Dukasaur on Tue May 26, 2015 9:46 pm

Jackal's team has won 13 of 16 games so far against umbrellaman's team. There is no need for the third wave of semifinal games.
Dukasaur wrote:
jackal31 wrote:Thanks for the update Dukasaur.

With the notion that a team is down 13-3 after the first two rounds, will the last round even need to be played? Is this something we can bypass to fasttrack the finals starting?

Thanks for all your hard work and effort bud.

You're welcome.

I meant to bring this up with BW but got distracted. It will be on my to-do list for this week.

I brought this up with BW and he is agreeable to fast-tracking the final.

However, there is another matter. I'll give it a seperate post, to avoid mixing it up:
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Finals Imminent]

Postby Dukasaur on Tue May 26, 2015 10:01 pm

The tourney specs lay out the following settings:
Dukasaur wrote:.
Special Gameplay: Approximately 50% of games will be fog

And the following maps for the Finals:
Dukasaur wrote:Finals
  • 2 Teams
  • Best of 33 in 3 waves
      Age Of Realms 1: Might
      Age Of Realms 2: Magic
      Alexander's Empire
      British Isles
      Cairns Coral Coast
      Europe 1914
      Feudal Epic
      Feudal War
      First Nations Americas
      Middle East
      New World
      North America
      Northwest Passage
      Peloponnesian War
      Quad Cities
      Rail Europe
      Supermax: Prison Riot!
      World 2.1

The procedure we've used for most of the tourney is that we have randomly assigned fog/sun to the games. However, BigWham wants to establish a tradition of having the Championships be a spectator sport. Thus, he wants the last round to be all sunny, so that spectators can watch the games as we head towards the end.

We can give BigWham his goal of a spectated climax, and still fulfill the original tourney spec of having half the games foggy. Since the Final is being presented in three waves, we can have the first wave random sun/fog as it has been, the second wave all foggy, and the third wave all sunny. To make this fair, I think, we need to randomize the list. Otherwise, it would be a little ridiculous, having sun/fog basically assigned by the alphetical position of the map. I think this will make it a little more interesting, anyway.

Now, before I randomize the list and set it up that way, is there anyone who wants to argue for some other method of assigning fog to the maps?
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Finals Imminent]

Postby Gilligan on Wed May 27, 2015 10:08 am

i'm not in this, but how about making conquest maps fog? those generally have a reputation of being played better in fog, and relies less on luck because you know where the other guy's stack is.

that takes up 7 of the 11 spots, anyway
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Finals Imminent]

Postby jackal31 on Sat May 30, 2015 2:59 pm

Gilligan wrote:i'm not in this, but how about making conquest maps fog? those generally have a reputation of being played better in fog, and relies less on luck because you know where the other guy's stack is.

that takes up 7 of the 11 spots, anyway

That would change the dynamic of the finals a little too. I prefer to keep the randomness the same. I think to win on the conquest maps a preference is for foggy, but also a team/player should be versed on how to do it either way.
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Finals Imminent]

Postby Dukasaur on Sun May 31, 2015 4:31 pm

jackal31 wrote:
Gilligan wrote:i'm not in this, but how about making conquest maps fog? those generally have a reputation of being played better in fog, and relies less on luck because you know where the other guy's stack is.

that takes up 7 of the 11 spots, anyway

That would change the dynamic of the finals a little too. I prefer to keep the randomness the same. I think to win on the conquest maps a preference is for foggy, but also a team/player should be versed on how to do it either way.

Yeah, besides your response, I also got three PMs. One was strongly negative, and two were neutral. Nobody was very much in favour, so the idea is dead. I thought it was worth exploring, but without an enthusiastic response I'm not going to push it further.

Randomization of the maps will commence forthwith, with no special allowance for conquest maps.
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Finals Imminent]

Postby Dukasaur on Sun May 31, 2015 4:40 pm

show: raw dump of randomization

show: waves
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Re: The Championships - Triples [Finals]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:40 am

I'd like to get the next round out. I'm assuming everyone is okay with starting and not waiting for those last 2 games to finish?
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