This is the 3rd tournament in the series.
Previous winners:Classic:b00060 and Far East:Triple 6.
The participants are divided in groups of 16 players where they play a round robin of 15 games simultaneously.
Only premium because of the game load.
The players that played before will get a pm to take their places and new entries will be assigned to the lowest league in order of joining.
A GA medal will be granted to the first player who has 100 victories in the premier league.
Last 3 players of that league will demote and will be replaced by the first 3 players of league 2.
That rule will be applied for all lower leagues.
Settings are esc.chained,sunny,no trench
Follow the link for the total
scoreboardLeague 1
Triple 6 9/6 3rd
Charle 9/6 4th
drake_pk7 4/11 14th Demoted
Zornslayer 6/9 13th
Evil Semp 3/12 16th Demoted
y2manypbr 8/7 11th
Flang 9/6 5th
goldenwarrior 9/6 6th
templeyard 8/7 7th
europeanson 8/7 8th
actorday 8/7 9th
spjegues 7/8 12th
shaneback 11/4 Winner !!!
aokkid 3/12 15th Demoted
Jack_Strap 8/7 10th
Silly Knig-it 10/5 2nd
League 2
loenatiek 5/10 13th
rmjw10 3/12 15th Demoted
molespe 10/5 4th
muti 8/7 8th
Fakyras 3/12 16th Demoted
MyTurnToWin 8/7 9th
Barney Rubble 7/8 10th
General Bax 9/6 6th
Aaron234 6/9 11th
WladTheImpaler 9/6 5th
JBlombier 9/6 7th
brakh 10/5 3rd Promoted
buster582 6/9 12th
JPlo64 10/5 2nd Promoted
myers33 5/10 14th Demoted
Ratrin 12/3 Winner!!!
League 3
mikehayes 7/8 10th
chidone 10/5 2nd Promoted
will_mp40 1/14 16th Demoted
top banana 7/8 9th
Classless Fool 9/6 6th
lordlau1 6/9 13th
ogro 5/10 14th Demoted
Gawddog 4/11 15th Demoted
MattiWacklin 7/8 8th
jkraze 9/6 5th
hairypies 6/9 12th
11joan11 7/8 11th
lawz21 10/5 3rd Promoted
dean00 14/1 Winner!!!
Seamus76 8/7 7th
zmd9r6 10/5 4th
League 4
CliffyKhan 8/7 6th
Erik Bergen 3/12 16th Demoted
the warrior65 8/7 7th
jvantassel 12/3 3rd Promoted
RICHARDJOHN 3/12 15th Demoted
SuperWang 8/7 8th
Graeko 8/7 9th
Bentelbow 9/6 5th
Scarlet Lady 12/3 2nd Promoted
Bobby4254 12/3 Winner!!!
william tennant 6/9 12th
brandoncfi 4/11 14th Demoted
musicalmaven 5/10 13th
EESHA 6/9 10th
Stealurgold 10/5 4th
big jumbo 6/9 11th