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Andyflint, Miller322 [Cleared]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Andyflint, Miller322 [Cleared]

Postby Aradhus on Thu May 24, 2007 5:29 pm

These are suspected Multis/Secret Alliance

Suspect users: Andyflint, Miller322

Game 449788

Comments: Miller has attacked Andyflint once(in 12 rounds), to claim South America. Andyflint has attacked miller322 three times, to claim north America. Andyflint has no defense on his border with Miller, yet miller has not attacked it once, even though he hasn't had a card in several turns. Miller322 is involved in 17 games, 5 of them with Andyflint. Two of them are team games, dubs and trips, in which they are partners.

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Postby Aradhus on Sun May 27, 2007 11:23 am

Is this being looked into? It is quite clear these two are colluding or are the same person.

Look at the map right now, its a joke.
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Postby hecter on Sun May 27, 2007 11:25 am

Ya, this is quite obvious. Ban them from playing together. That's what I say (unless they are multi's…)
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Postby andyflint on Mon May 28, 2007 8:21 am

Right, I'm not going to get dragged into an argument about this. I have put you on my ignore list because to my mind you are just a sore loser. This is my one and only response on this issue.

For anyone else who is reading this - I have played a couple of games with miller and have never beaten him so if I had been cheating what would I have gained? I play every game to win even if I am playing against someone who I am in a doubles game with. The games I have played with Miller have cost me points and rank.

In this particular game there was no teaming, just a lack of effort on my part because every time I tried early on I was pushed back. When a game is down to three player its sometimes better to leave two to fight in the hope that you can regain some strength. Eventually in this game I could see I would be wiped if I got any weaker. I made a minor attack on miller on the offchance that I could break a border but when it failed I reatreated back to one country. This is the round in which Aradhus accused me of cheating - a round in which I did not attack him at all , but had in fact tried to break miller. The next go miller wiped me out!

As I am in about 18 games at any one time I do not remember what the game play was earlier on. What I do know is I had no verbal alliance with Miller, no secret communications and so far as I can remember I treated him just as I would any other player in any other game.

In other games - where players have contacted me outside games I have refused to discuss game play. I have no interest in winning any game by cheating, I don't really care about rank or points, at least not enough to gain them by cheating.

I enjoy playing risk, even when I lose, and even when it feels like the dice are fixed or players are teaming you. However, I am adult enough to realise that just because people dont make the moves you expect them to it doesnt mean they have cheated. I personally will reserve my accusations for when I know that cheating has taken place.

Like I said - I dont want a discussion or argument about this so this is my only comment. If playing risk means I have got to justify my actions to every sore loser then its time to move on.
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Postby Rocketry on Mon May 28, 2007 12:09 pm

that was quite a rant lol - but yeah seems fair enough. in some games it just works out like that - sure the mods will clear it up though

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Postby sully800 on Mon May 28, 2007 2:02 pm

Andyflint and Miller322 are cleared of being multis.

And as always, a secret alliance can't be proved with one example like this.
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