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Streaker's Second Mafia - Endgame - Employees win!

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby charm on Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:54 am

Bring Mets back!
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby charm on Sun Feb 01, 2015 12:29 pm


For reasons I've stated and HotShot has stated.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby Iron Butterfly on Sun Feb 01, 2015 12:52 pm

Heres the thing. I got a green read on Legion. Who voted to lynch him? Storr started followed by hotshot and crasp, DD and Charm. One more vote would have lynched. I have no doubt a baddie is among those votes.

The pressure however is on Virus. Why?

Tam has once again disappeared but I will un-vote him for now.

unvote tam

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby crasp on Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:24 pm

Iron Butterfly wrote:Heres the thing. I got a green read on Legion. Who voted to lynch him? Storr started followed by hotshot and crasp, DD and Charm. One more vote would have lynched. I have no doubt a baddie is among those votes.

The pressure however is on Virus. Why?

Tam has once again disappeared but I will un-vote him for now.

unvote tam

Keep the pressure on him. If we get a claim we are satisfied with then we can still move on.
Its between me Mtam and virus. i have a;ready said i am more than willing to claim. You dont need to vote.If enough ask i will do it without a vote. his initial vote on me stinks.
Vote virus.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby Iron Butterfly on Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:31 pm

crasp wrote:
Iron Butterfly wrote:Heres the thing. I got a green read on Legion. Who voted to lynch him? Storr started followed by hotshot and crasp, DD and Charm. One more vote would have lynched. I have no doubt a baddie is among those votes.

The pressure however is on Virus. Why?

Tam has once again disappeared but I will un-vote him for now.

unvote tam

Keep the pressure on him. If we get a claim we are satisfied with then we can still move on.
Its between me Mtam and virus. i have a;ready said i am more than willing to claim. You dont need to vote.If enough ask i will do it without a vote. his initial vote on me stinks.
Vote virus.

Which brings home the original statement by the mod that claiming will not work."Ill claim Ill claim" what.

We saw that Colton was a body guard, legionare is bullet proof, Stor is a one shot vig, which incidentally was Virus's mafia role when he was my team mate last game. So this whole notion that claiming somehow proves one is town is BS.

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby Iron Butterfly on Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:33 pm

...all claiming does is offer targets of opportunity for mafia. They can pick and choose the better kills while hiding behind their so called Town roles.

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby StorrZerg on Sun Feb 01, 2015 3:07 pm

Cool lynch Dd5 cause he is a spy, and isn't part of the company wut???
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby dd515087 on Sun Feb 01, 2015 3:11 pm

StorrZerg wrote:Cool lynch Dd5 cause he is a spy, and isn't part of the company wut???

Yep. That makes complete sense. Congratulations.

Someone mentioned people who voted legion should be looked at. Virus seems to be a big target, but crasp was one of those people and has been considered suspicious by many throughout the game IIRC. Would not be surprised if virus-crasp are remaining 2 mafia

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby StorrZerg on Sun Feb 01, 2015 3:17 pm

Ib, your theory isn't a good one. You should look at the last game the mod hosted, and you will see why mass claim would have wrecked that game.

claims are still something / information to work with. Obviously I'm still more interested in lynching people because of actions over claim. Hence Colton died as a body gaurd.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby StorrZerg on Sun Feb 01, 2015 3:19 pm

@Dd5 you are not being as forth coming regarding your claim and flavor.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby dd515087 on Sun Feb 01, 2015 3:41 pm

StorrZerg wrote:@Dd5 you are not being as forth coming regarding your claim and flavor.

Business Analyst. Now I've said everything I can i think? Again, role has been useless so far though.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby StorrZerg on Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:35 pm

You could explain. The relationship on how your role functions regarding "spying"
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby Iron Butterfly on Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:11 pm

I have to say your non replies are getting annoying DD in that you say just as little as possible.

@Storr my theory so far has been correct...I did forget DD, which sounds like a role cop more then anything. Again a role that could be mafia as well.

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby Metsfanmax on Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:41 pm

I haven't fully processed everything that happened since I died but based on my initial reading, I haven't changed my intuition regarding mtam being scum. His play so far on D2 (or lack thereof) hasn't helped him in my eyes.

Between colton and dd we all know who I preferred for the lynch on D1, but I have always been quite adamant that D1 hunches can be quite inaccurate and I was incorrect about colton. It is possible that they were both scum but not necessarily very likely.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 2 (10/12)

Postby Streaker on Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:41 am

Vote count:

Mtamburini (1):Iron Butterfly, ???, Storrzerg
Army of God (0): Storrzerg
Legionnare (0): Storrzerg,crasp, Hotshot53,dd515087, Charm
DD5987645465465435435435 (1): Legionnare
virus90 (4): Storrzerg, HotShot53, Charm, crasp, ???
Crasp (1): virus90

Deadline reached, no majority so nobody gets Fired.

Night 2 now begins, 72 hours tops to get your actions in!
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby dd515087 on Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:40 am

StorrZerg wrote:You could explain. The relationship on how your role functions regarding "spying"

What is there to explain? I "investigate" a person each night. I do not know what kind of information my investigation gives. I chose IB last night. Something he said made me think I should choose him. I was going to choose Storr first because I wanted to confirm him, at least in my eyes, as town. I wanted to be able to trust whatever he said seeing as he posts the most. Reading through the thread I decided IB was a better target.That was a my thought process during the night phase.

Is that a good enough explanation? I don't know what my role is. It makes little sense to me. As soon as I find out (after this Night Phase) I will fill you guys in.

Iron Butterfly wrote:I have to say your non replies are getting annoying DD in that you say just as little as possible.

@Storr my theory so far has been correct...I did forget DD, which sounds like a role cop more then anything. Again a role that could be mafia as well.

I say what needs to be said and no more. I am not a role cop. If I was a role cop I would know what your role is and out you right now to prove myself. I got "No result" from my investigation last night, I'm some sort of cop, but definitely not a role cop. I don't think it's "faction cop" or whatever you guys call it here (faction cop recieves info of mafia or town but not role abilities like double vote or save).

Metsfanmax wrote:I haven't fully processed everything that happened since I died but based on my initial reading, I haven't changed my intuition regarding mtam being scum. His play so far on D2 (or lack thereof) hasn't helped him in my eyes.

Between colton and dd we all know who I preferred for the lynch on D1, but I have always been quite adamant that D1 hunches can be quite inaccurate and I was incorrect about colton. It is possible that they were both scum but not necessarily very likely.

Why does anything between colton and I matter? How does what colton did relate to what I did in any way? Colton was inactive and made posts that made it looked like he was trying to come off as ULTRA_TOWN_MAFIA_PRO or some bullshit so we voted for him? I was nowhere near as inactive and shady as colton. The only thing I have in common with him is that we both joined the conversation late. I completely forgot about my role PM after I read it and never came to confirm. SORRY. How many times do I have to say that? The fact that colton was mafia should make absolutely no changes in the way that you read me.

Now can we all stop talking about whether or not I'm mafia and actually focus on who the real mafia are? I think virus/crasp are the most likely mafia duo (as I've said).
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 2 (10/12)

Postby dd515087 on Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:41 am

/rant /over
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 2 (10/12)

Postby StorrZerg on Mon Feb 02, 2015 11:18 am

dd5, why didn't you want to check someone pushing on you day 1?
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 2 (10/12)

Postby charm on Mon Feb 02, 2015 11:22 am

:shock: :shock: :shock:
Come on town! Really?!!? We didn't get Virus on this round?

We need to start working together. I'm better off working with Crasp and the Mystery voter than any of the rest of you. I do not think Crasp is the mafia. I think it is Virus and MTam - that is how the numbers are looking to me at the moment.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 2 (10/12)

Postby StorrZerg on Mon Feb 02, 2015 11:37 am

technically my votes should still be on virus, no one else voted though.

hidden voter you should claim at some point tomorrow
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 2 (10/12)

Postby dd515087 on Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:12 pm

StorrZerg wrote:dd5, why didn't you want to check someone pushing on you day 1?

Because I don't really give a shit. You can claim I'm mafia all you want, but I'm town I do whatever I do for the team. I will come out and be completely honest when it is necessary, one person pushing on you as mafia shouldn't scare you unless you are mafia. If you are town all you have to do is not lie and then help lynch mafia. It's much simpler to play town than it is mafia.

Charm you seem to think crasp is town, even though his name has been thrown around a lot for lynch consideration? Why? What makes you think this way? Your last post makes it seem as if he is completely cleared.

Also about this whole "double voter" thing. Do we know for 100% that there is one? Did I miss something in yesterdays lynch? And if not... Why does there have to be a double voter? Just because there was one in the last game?
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 2 (10/12)

Postby StorrZerg on Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:25 pm

we know one is in the game, because it helped lynch colton day 1.

and if you look at the mods posts, when he puts the vote counts up you can see a hidden vote ???
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 2 (10/12)

Postby dd515087 on Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:04 pm

StorrZerg wrote:we know one is in the game, because it helped lynch colton day 1.

and if you look at the mods posts, when he puts the vote counts up you can see a hidden vote ???

Now I understand... Just in case anyone wants to jump on the lynch me train with that as a reason.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia Day 2 - Actions Everywhere (10/1

Postby HotShot53 on Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:10 pm

dd515087 wrote:Now can we all stop talking about whether or not I'm mafia and actually focus on who the real mafia are? I think virus/crasp are the most likely mafia duo (as I've said).

I would think it's highly unlikely they are a scum duo... they both have each other as their main scum reads. I think it's probable that one or the other is scum, and of the 2 my bet is on virus (as was my vote)

StorrZerg wrote:technically my votes should still be on virus, no one else voted though.

hidden voter you should claim at some point tomorrow

Again... why should the hidden voter claim? What purpose would it serve if they aren't being suspected of being scum at this point?
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Night 2 (10/12)

Postby StorrZerg on Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:25 pm

cause then we can start to do POE (process of elimination)
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