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Iron Butterfly wrote:Heres the thing. I got a green read on Legion. Who voted to lynch him? Storr started followed by hotshot and crasp, DD and Charm. One more vote would have lynched. I have no doubt a baddie is among those votes.
The pressure however is on Virus. Why?
Tam has once again disappeared but I will un-vote him for now.
unvote tam
crasp wrote:Iron Butterfly wrote:Heres the thing. I got a green read on Legion. Who voted to lynch him? Storr started followed by hotshot and crasp, DD and Charm. One more vote would have lynched. I have no doubt a baddie is among those votes.
The pressure however is on Virus. Why?
Tam has once again disappeared but I will un-vote him for now.
unvote tam
Keep the pressure on him. If we get a claim we are satisfied with then we can still move on.
Its between me Mtam and virus. i have a;ready said i am more than willing to claim. You dont need to vote.If enough ask i will do it without a vote. his initial vote on me stinks.
Vote virus.
StorrZerg wrote:Cool lynch Dd5 cause he is a spy, and isn't part of the company wut???
StorrZerg wrote:@Dd5 you are not being as forth coming regarding your claim and flavor.
StorrZerg wrote:You could explain. The relationship on how your role functions regarding "spying"
Iron Butterfly wrote:I have to say your non replies are getting annoying DD in that you say just as little as possible.
@Storr my theory so far has been correct...I did forget DD, which sounds like a role cop more then anything. Again a role that could be mafia as well.
Metsfanmax wrote:I haven't fully processed everything that happened since I died but based on my initial reading, I haven't changed my intuition regarding mtam being scum. His play so far on D2 (or lack thereof) hasn't helped him in my eyes.
Between colton and dd we all know who I preferred for the lynch on D1, but I have always been quite adamant that D1 hunches can be quite inaccurate and I was incorrect about colton. It is possible that they were both scum but not necessarily very likely.
StorrZerg wrote:dd5, why didn't you want to check someone pushing on you day 1?
StorrZerg wrote:we know one is in the game, because it helped lynch colton day 1.
and if you look at the mods posts, when he puts the vote counts up you can see a hidden vote ???
dd515087 wrote:Now can we all stop talking about whether or not I'm mafia and actually focus on who the real mafia are? I think virus/crasp are the most likely mafia duo (as I've said).
StorrZerg wrote:technically my votes should still be on virus, no one else voted though.
hidden voter you should claim at some point tomorrow
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